I saw it today, I want to see it again. There were so many elements to the movie, and they were all so good that it just pulls you into it and you don't want it to end. It also provokes discussion which I like.
Alicia: Timm said that it was visual amazing
Alicia: but he felt the story came up short
Me: I thought the story was it's strong point. It wasn't a generic fantasy movie with this stupid generic plot
Alicia: well there were a lot of unanswered questions
Me: It was like fantasy and reality intertwined, but not in a childish fashion, more of a mature fashion that served as a purpose of reality/fantasy as well as life and death
Me: The only questions I felt that was unanswered was "Was the magic real or fake?" But it's a question that the audience has to answer for themselves
Alicia: yeah
Alicia: but timm found the watch aspect confusing
Me: It was his fathers
Me: remember when they said he smashed it against the rock?
Alicia: and both of us felt thought they were going to kill the doctor after he delivered the baby
Alicia: that would have added so much to the story
Me: How so?
Alicia: he would be using the doctor to save his son
Alicia: and then kill him
Me: But he killed him ahead of time knowing his wife was having a child
Me: It fit in with the other theme of the movie
Me: of lost hope
Me: He was so blinded by getting revenge on the revolutionaries that he wouldn't even stop for the safety of his son
Alicia: I see what you mean
Me: I like how even at the end, he gets no chance for his legacy to live on
Me: He wants his son to know when he died as his father did, but they don't even give him a chance to carry on his legacy
Me: even though the child is his, and it technically carries his legacy, the child will never know who his father was, so it's a lost legacy anyhow.
Alicia: and timm also said that he thought it would have been better if they had the stuttering guy count to three without stuttering. and having him still get beaten because it would have made the dude mad.
Me: I wasn't sure if he would make it or not, but when he didn't I was like 'Oh ****...'
Alicia: yeah
Alicia: that sucked
Alicia: that was bad
Alicia: his arm
Alicia: oh man
Me: I also found that the girl almost knew she was going to die, because think of it. her father was dead, her mother died, how else was she going to return to the kingdom of her family.
Alicia: yeah
Alicia: that ending was so sad
Me: It's almost that
Me: if you believe in the magic of the film, it was a happy ending, if you don't believe in it, it was depressing
Me: I mean, either way its kind of sad
Alicia: I don't believe in the magic
Me: but its the difference between uplifting and downtrodden
Alicia: I believe that that was an escape world
Alicia: from the cruelty of her step father
Me: The only reason I doubt that it was fake
Me: was when she tossed the root into the fire
Me: and the mother started to bleed out
Alicia: yeah I guess
Alicia: I still think it was fake
Me: I'd like to think it was real, just because I loved the fantasy aspects of the movie
Me: I wanted to see more
Me: I thought the whole movie was fantasy, but when it wasn't it still wasn't disappointing, just because the story kind of pulled you in
Me: Katy and I were like 100% positive that Faun was up to no good, until the last like 2 mins
Me: he was a sneaky *****
Alicia: I didn't like him
Me: I liked him as a character, but I didn't like him as a person. I thought he was up to no good
Me: The babyeater, oh man. That was some creepy ****
Me: I wasn't sure how they were going to make him look scary, but they really pulled it off when you saw how vicious he was
Alicia: yeah that was creepy
Alicia: but I kinda liked him
Me: He was so badass looking. I thought from the pictures I saw of him, he would be a good guy
Alicia: I think that was my favorite part
Think while it's still legal.