I tend to concur with the google analogy, the dialogue can be rather tedious, everyone says basically exactly the same thing unless they are a quest npc, and even so the dialogue dialogue is rather awkward, scrolling through this ever-increasing list of things to find topics and such.
Though my biggest recurrant annoyance with it is that hitting esc doesn't close the interaction dialogue, it brings up the menu, soo annoying yet i still keep trying to do it.
The bestiary is also incredibly small, and strangely enough all the animals live everywhere it seems There's no regionation [i just made that word up], and i want to stab whomever thought up cliff racers, theyre not dangerous, just pissing annoying.
However, i am as i type, downloading all the mods listed above, though i already had better bodies. They look rather promising. I also have the Assassins Armory mod which among other things adds the ability to block with an offhand weapon, and has things such as kamas and sais i guess to add. Which goes rather well with my Morag Tang acrobat.
The world is insanely big though. I got bored one day and ran cross-country from Khuul to Vivec.. must have taken almost half an hour.
My only real complaint is it crashes a fair bit. Without warning or explanation or consistency. Though basically always in outside areas. That's with everything set on highest except shadows basically. Tried all the supposed fixes, turning off sound accellaeration, using software mode for sounds and so on, as it seems most crashes apparently are soundcard related, but no love.
But really, who can say no to a face like this, [and no that's not the body of the gondolier i just incited into attacking me to steal his nifty hat.. ¬¬ though i thought better of it after a reload and just spawned one
Blue Mink Bifocals !] [
fsck -Rf /world/usr/] [
<!-- kalimonster -->] [
Capite Terram]
"That's why we had to beat you with tennis rackets".
[This message has been edited by Dormouse (edited July 09, 2004).]
Also, I can kill you with my brain.