Ok a.) the Urshilaku camp isn't hard to find, follow Caius' directions b.) the Urshilaku only send you to a cave to kill a ghost and get a bow, not hard really. c.) You get to go to Kogoruhn, which has awesome loot. d.) if anything, the Zainab camp is the worst, because you have to haul your *** all over the countryside to get this pervert a wife, and then haul her all the way back.
The Ahemmusa camp is just kicking Ordinator/Temple and Daedric worshipper *** at Ald Daedroth up in Sheogorath. Its actually an awesome dungeon because there's literally a war going on. The Erabenimsun only have you murder people.
Meanwhile, Vivec is huge yes, and everything looks exactly the same, yes. What you have to remember is, the foreign quarter is north, the temple complex and vivec's palace are south, and the only cantons that can't be reached by the ferrymen are St. Olms, St. Delyn, and the Redoran. Fortunately its a short jaunt to any of them from a nearby ferry boat. Also, the weird triangle things on the sides of the cantons will tell you what canton you're at, if you just look at 'em. The map also tells you where you are, both in local and world modes.
Another key thing to recall about the cantons is that, with the exception of the Foreign Quarter and the Arena, which is the largest canton, all other cantons have 4 areas. The Plaza, which is up on top and accessed from the roof through large double doors, the waistworks, which are the main access from the "ground" floor (where the ferrymen are), the canalworks, which can be accessed either from the waistworks or, sometimes from the water, and the underworks, which are the sewers.
The Foreign Quarter differs only in that it has two waistworks sections (upper and lower). Beyond that its exactly the same as the others. The Arena differs in that instead of a plaza, there's the arena pit, which is accessed from the waistworks.
Regardless, I think Bethesda made Vivec too difficult to navigate visually. You either have to depend solely on the ferries, memorize everything, or use the map judiciously, at least until you're used to the place.
[This message has been edited by Gonk (edited July 13, 2004).]