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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Octopus Eats Shark
Octopus Eats Shark
2007-02-09, 12:55 PM #1
That's right folks. The video is kinda boring half way through, but it's pretty interesting aside from that. Brings back memories of Luke in the garbage compacter.

(Link fixed)
My blawgh.
2007-02-09, 1:46 PM #2
While we're posting things being eaten...

Note: Not for the faint of heart. This video contains a centipede killing and eating a mouse. Discretion is advised.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2007-02-09, 1:49 PM #3
The first video is broken.

The centipede video is freaky. I never did like those things, and I definitely don't like ones big enough to kill mammals.
2007-02-09, 2:30 PM #4
The fact that it killed the mouse and has really depressed me makes me like centipedes even less now.
2007-02-09, 3:21 PM #5
Crap man, I never thought centipedes grew to that size.
"The only crime I'm guilty of is love [of china]"
- Ruthven
me clan me mod
2007-02-09, 3:41 PM #6
In the olden days (millions of years ago) they were much bigger, and Rhinos were the size of Houses.
Detty. Professional Expert.
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2007-02-09, 4:08 PM #7
If centipedes of that size are going to rapidly populate the planet, I think I'm going to need a bigger shoe.
2007-02-09, 4:32 PM #8
A shotgun works for me.
My blawgh.
2007-02-09, 5:14 PM #9
The giant centipede is deadly. I saw this on the Jeff Corwin Experiance (on Animal planet). These guys have fangs much like a venomous spider, curvy and pointed inwards to its mouth. When it bites you with those fangs, a highly potent venom (though not lethal if treated immediately) will be injected. The venom paralysis the pray (or if you're human, be very painful), and it begins the feasting while it's alive.

Originally posted by Detty:
In the olden days (millions of years ago) they were much bigger, and Rhinos were the size of Houses.

Carboniferous era?
2007-02-09, 5:35 PM #10
Originally posted by Phantom-Seraph:
A shotgun works for me.

Shotgun? BFG, dude. Shotgun won't work if you're facing more than one.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2007-02-09, 5:45 PM #11
Originally posted by Anovis:
The giant centipede is deadly. I saw this on the Jeff Corwin Experiance (on Animal planet). These guys have fangs much like a venomous spider, curvy and pointed inwards to its mouth. When it bites you with those fangs, a highly potent venom (though not lethal if treated immediately) will be injected. The venom paralysis the pray (or if you're human, be very painful), and it begins the feasting while it's alive.

Carboniferous era?

According to wiki, the venom of the giant Centipede isn't potent enough to kill a human unless you have an allergy.
2007-02-09, 6:26 PM #12
oo. Well then I suppose it's not lethal after all.

Still get it treated though if you ever wonder into the Amazon and get bit by one
2007-02-10, 12:14 AM #13
Twelve posts and no Cthulhu references? For shame!

Anyway, have some carp (minor language warning on the comment).
Why do the heathens rage behind the firehouse?
2007-02-10, 12:58 AM #14
All cool videos... the centipides like that.... give me the jibblies.
2007-02-10, 6:25 AM #15
No cool videos of this animal actually stinging anything but I found a video from the London Natural History Museum:
Skip to the bit where he talks about the Weever fish (about 15 minutes in).
I've been stung by the buggers twice. Venom sucks :(.
2007-02-10, 1:10 PM #16
Don't you just love nature :D
2007-02-10, 1:24 PM #17
In every way possible...
2007-02-10, 3:10 PM #18
When the hippies said Love Nature, I'm not sure they meant it in that way.

Although they were hippies.
2007-02-10, 8:33 PM #19
Octopus v. Shark = suh-weet!
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."

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