Jesus christ it's been a long time since I posted here. Not much has really changed, the showcase forum is looking a little sparse but that's nothing new.
I guess the reason I'm posting this is to alert you all to something I've done: for the last 5 years I have lied to every single person here at Massassi. I have built up a persona, a character who in reality has very little to do with who I really am. I'm not an alcoholic, I'm not a miserably bitter human being, I'm not part Japanese (the idea actually came from the ravings of a grandfather with alzheimers who insisted someone way back in our family had married a japanese woman, but this is basically impossible). When I started here I was 15 years old, a troll, and probably the worst modeller on the internet. When I stopped going to the chat regularly a year ago I was 19, still something of a troll but most people came to accept it as a sort of charm, and a halfway decent modeller of weapons who couldn't texture for **** and had few if any prospects for improvement. I am currently a sophmore in college, I haven't modelled anything in years, and to be quite honest I don't really know why I'm writing this. I guess I sort of wonder to myself why I did this and what the whole point was; what kind of moron goes out of their way to fake who they are to an internet community based around making new levels for a star wars video game? I guess I could chalk it up to being 15 when it started and just sort of going along with it after that, but it seems like crushing immaturity to this day is a more likely culprit. In any case this is not an apology, because I really haven't hurt any of you with this, simply an explanation because at this moment I had the idea to do so. Call it nostalgia.