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ForumsDiscussion Forum → PLZ Help with Patch's!!!
PLZ Help with Patch's!!!
2007-03-10, 3:38 PM #1
Can anyone help Patch commander, Patch enforcer and Uber Jedi thingy just don't seem to work for me (running XP, VB6 rt, .NET2(+1.1?)). Anyhows P-commander informs me it's corrupt or another error that I can't remember at the moment, depending on where I DL it from, P-enforcer comes up with BmG variable not set see ex.err (maybe i've just missed something?) and Uber will let me run some mods but not all (I would like to run some of the SP skins). I'm quite new to moding and maybe it's just me being a bit of a dumbass but any help\advice would be greatly appreciated.

Would also like not to have to write a new .bat file each new level I want to keep installed.

Cheers Redskutter.
2007-03-10, 3:42 PM #2
Lol patch commander. Is that still alive? :hist101:
2007-03-10, 3:42 PM #3
Uh? Buy it?

Downloaded versions are probably cracked, and patches might get on it badly, if at all.

I`m not sure, though, toyed with it quite a while ago.
I don`t suffer from the lack of sanity.
It`s others, who have it in excess.
2007-03-10, 3:44 PM #4
Patch Commander was free.

The thing is probably so old that the internet found a way to decay it.
2007-03-10, 3:46 PM #5
<Anovis> this has to be a joke
<Anovis> I mean
<Anovis> "I'm new to modding JK"
<Anovis> laugh
Last edited by mb; today at 10:55 AM.
2007-03-10, 3:47 PM #6
2007-03-10, 4:04 PM #7
I thought patching was about the game itself.

It`s quite possible that those old patches are just not suited to work in XP.

Compatibility modes are my best guess, because if they won`t work... Well, it means major buttseks to make it work despite that.

Funny idea is to make a separate partition with Win98 for oldish games... Though, not everyone will go through all the trouble.

Another is to use Virtual PC and set up virtual machine with WinXP, but... Performance issues much.

As for modes - read the readmes carefully. Often, there are some caveats about those mods.
I don`t suffer from the lack of sanity.
It`s others, who have it in excess.
2007-03-10, 4:06 PM #8
I'd suggest making a thread over at the JKHub. MAZZTer and others there will help you.

Alice... you never "toyed with it quite a while ago." Patch Commander is a free program for editing Jedi Knight. The rest of those programs were made within the last year and a half, and all work with XP. This isn't about mods installing, it's about programs that allow you to activate and deactivate mods. Stop pretending to know things you don't.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2007-03-11, 6:33 AM #9
Thanks JediKrby I'll post over there, meant to anyway just had both forums open at the same time.
And I'm not having a laugh, reinstalled my old JK/MotS after accidently finding a mod whilst looking for something else on the net, don't generally play games on my PC this was just an old favourite sitting in the back of a cupboard.
2007-03-11, 9:56 AM #10
Me again. Got Uber working after playing with it for a while. Thanks anyway.
2007-03-11, 10:08 AM #11
Grats. :)

You need to join #JKHUB or ZIRC and play MP with us. :)

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