SA has been a VALUABLE source of information esp. in SH/SC (tech forum). Occasionally you will stumble upon a thread in GBS that has you in stitches laughing. Goons are also VERY generous. SA raised some $25K for relief for Katrina in like some record time. Of course Paypal had to be sons of *****es and refused to give it to a charity of SA's choice. They wanted to give it to United Way but that was embroiled in a scandal.
Where I usually hang out is in SH/SC and TVIV. The former is basically a tech forum for you to post technology related crap. The latter is all about discussing your favorite TV shows. You can talk about upcoming seasons, laugh at us Americans for not having SG-1/SGA (:argh:), whatnot. There's a Games forum that has all your gaming-related needs (Jon`C spends time there).
I think it's definitely worth the $10. Lurk around the SA forums for a bit. If/when you do get SA account...lurk more.
That cannot be stressed enough for new folk.