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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Things I've Learned...
Things I've Learned...
2004-07-16, 11:04 AM #1
After 2 weeks of working in a factory, I have learned several important lessons:

1. Oil gets on EVERYTHING, and doesn't come off.
2. You shouldn't spray industrial cleaning fluid in your eyes. It hurts.
3. Liquid oxygen is cool. And by "cool", I mean cold. Very, very cold.
4. Compressed air is not very good for cooling you down, but it's great for blowing dust into corners.
5. Small metal shavings are sharp, and they WILL get stuck in your hand, never to come out.
6. Never look at the arc when somebody is welding. It's really bright.
7. Getting run over by the forklift might be easier than it seems. The people who drive it don't watch for pedestrians. (Insert link here for German Forklift Safety Video)

Did I mention that I learned all of these from experience?

Anyways, to make this thread legit, post the interesting things that YOU have learned. Oh, and if someone would post a link to that video so we can all enjoy the antics of "Stapelfahrer Klaus", that would be great.

"May your gravity well be shallow, and your deBroglie wavelength short."
2004-07-16, 11:14 AM #2
  • Unlike some of the students in my electronics class, I've learned that "hot" means "hot", and to not use my own flesh as a temperature-measuring mechanism.
  • I learned that all artificial sweeteners (so far) have side effects, and especially horrible ones in the long run. (not learned personally, but through research)
  • I've learned of many keywords to never type into a google image search without some sort of censoring. (top of that list is "terrified". Just don't do it. You will indeed be terrified. *shivers*)
  • I've learned that most of us here at massassi like to b**** about anything we can think of.
  • I learned that the bean borritos at the gas station are much like the filling pumps: they both give me a lot of gas for a high price.
  • I've learned to break a guitar string on both ends at the same time while playing.

...well, actually I'm still confused about that last one.

[edit1: pointless self-sensoring]
[edit3: learned to spell "censoring"]

[This message has been edited by DogSRoOL (edited July 16, 2004).]

[This message has been edited by kak (edited July 16, 2004).]

[This message has been edited by DogSRoOL (edited July 16, 2004).]
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2004-07-16, 11:19 AM #3
[So you want me to ban you. I see.]

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)


The Massassi JO/JA Single Player contest info

[This message has been edited by kak (edited July 16, 2004).]
2004-07-16, 11:20 AM #4
You saw nothing.

Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2004-07-16, 5:56 PM #5
True indeed, kyle. That list reminds me of my summer working in a cabinet shop after I got out of high school. The only difference was that I was the guy driving to forklift []

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-07-16, 6:02 PM #6
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">[So you want me to ban you. I see.]</font>
I was afraid of that. []

[This message has been edited by DogSRoOL (edited July 16, 2004).]
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2004-07-16, 6:11 PM #7
My job has taught me that:

A) If you swing a hammer, you're better off without fingers anyway.

B) Rebar is HOT after you cut it.

C) mixing cement is done in machines for a reason.

D) Your foot is not a tool, don't treat it like one.

E) Your head is not a tool, don't treat it like one.

F) Wearing gloves while working will give you a bizaare tan.

G) Life is better on Friday.

H) Things would be easier if everyone just gave me money.
"I'm interested in the fact that the less secure a person is, the more likely it is for that person to have extreme prejudices." -Clint Eastwood
2004-07-17, 12:58 AM #8
Old women with walking-frames are dangerous

No signature for you.
No signature for you.
2004-07-17, 9:46 AM #9
I've learnt...

-- Let's face it, bugger all that may be of use in my life, apart from, quite possibly, "never tell people anything that they're likely to believe and then badger you about it for the rest of your life".

Wise men say that fools rush in where angels fear to tread, so look before you leap, so to speak, because the grass is not always greener on the other side of the hill.
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2004-07-17, 9:48 AM #10
I've learnt so many things that I have no idea what I have learned.

<landfish> FastGamerr > Satan
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum

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