Yeap thats right Boot Camp for Athletics, 4th period.
Basic information, lasts at least 2 weeks or till school ends. Whenever our head coach, Coach Turner, is happy with our results.
Where?? In our brand spanking new indoor facility, 50 yards of pure sweet turf and a new weightroom 3x bigger than our old one, all under one tall roof.
When it started? This past Thursday...
What sucks about it? The damn pushups
and our dress code for school that we have to fallow, or more pushups or ect. punishment.
Dress code? Collared shirt, tucked into pants, with a belt. Cleaned shaved, no earrings, no necklaces. And during our workout, our spandex been replaced with jocks! grr.... and our shirt has to be tucked in while we work our asses off.
Why we are doing this? "For our mental toughness, character, and most important to come together as a team"
What school? Springtown High School, Home of the Fighting Porcupines, aka "Pojo" from "Mojo" from Odessa, Tx.
4 Basic positions...
Pride Position-feet apart shoulder length, hands interlocked at thumbs behind your back with your left hand touching your back, when we snap to this position we yell as loud as we can "pojo"
*is allowed to look at the coach or what needs our attention
Position of Attentions- feet together, arms at side with a slight bend, hands at a fist with thumbs facing forward, eyes straights forward, no looking around what so ever. when we snap at this position, we yell "i love boot camp" ....nice uh?
When and if anyone messes up, push up position.....when coach blows the whistle, you do a speed pushup, only go about 2-3 inches down, and yell out the number you are on. usually do between 5-20 at one time, whatever coach decides.
And at the end of the period, situp position. not hard, but you have to listen or everyone does some more lovely pushups. Coach yells up, you go up and hold, until he said the number you are on then u go down, and he tried to trick us.
Three groups of 27, Black, Orange, White (school colors) im in black !!
What are we suppose to do besides pushups?
Four, 12 minutes stations.
Mat drills-front roll, air raides, right,left,right shoulder rolls, lead pull rolls, bear crawl and seat rolls, and bear crawls right/left turn. all on whistle command except for the last 2
Speed weights-only station you can not say one word, all u do is count your partners reps....lots of commands, easy to mess up if not focused.
Speed latters-havent even started cause people cant do what they are suppose too, so we pushups here mostly.
4th quarter- Coach Turners fun time, does whatever he wants, calls people out for not fallowing dress code, bad attitudes, not doing good in school
During all except 4th and Speed weights we are supposed to be supportive of each other, be a team, no negatives, only positives. we are "incouraged" ( suppose to) yell and scream for each other during the drills.
At the speed latters, we have a chant.
Coach: Good Morning Black Group (or w/e group it is)
We: Good morning coach
C: Are u motivated ?
W: motivated, motivated, motivated ..sir!!
C: how motivated are you?
W: truly motivated, highly dedicated, we like it, we love it, we want some more of it!!
screaming all of this of course
Any mistake gets mark down, mostly lack of effort or not being focused.
Thursday-263 mistakes (this was our learning day, but still was hard)
did around 500 pushups
Friday-Fullout, but track people were gone due to a track meet, so about half as much people there. 343 mistakes!!! we were suppose to go down.....
around 800 pushups, and having to hold pushup position for a long *** time.
Basicly, we are doing this to become the most badass,hardass team in our district, because we want a gold football. Coach's said they saw this type of boot camp in action, and it works, some have been through it in college......
If you cant handle it? theres a big orange ring it in front of everyone, and your out of the program for good, no friday nights for you.
Friday we had someone walk towards it but Colton Hogye stopped him. soo no one has rung it yet, hopefully no one will.
I still dont have my voice back fully yet, haha this is crazy...
so what does massassi think ??
Basic information, lasts at least 2 weeks or till school ends. Whenever our head coach, Coach Turner, is happy with our results.
Where?? In our brand spanking new indoor facility, 50 yards of pure sweet turf and a new weightroom 3x bigger than our old one, all under one tall roof.
When it started? This past Thursday...
What sucks about it? The damn pushups

Dress code? Collared shirt, tucked into pants, with a belt. Cleaned shaved, no earrings, no necklaces. And during our workout, our spandex been replaced with jocks! grr.... and our shirt has to be tucked in while we work our asses off.
Why we are doing this? "For our mental toughness, character, and most important to come together as a team"
What school? Springtown High School, Home of the Fighting Porcupines, aka "Pojo" from "Mojo" from Odessa, Tx.
4 Basic positions...
Pride Position-feet apart shoulder length, hands interlocked at thumbs behind your back with your left hand touching your back, when we snap to this position we yell as loud as we can "pojo"
*is allowed to look at the coach or what needs our attention
Position of Attentions- feet together, arms at side with a slight bend, hands at a fist with thumbs facing forward, eyes straights forward, no looking around what so ever. when we snap at this position, we yell "i love boot camp" ....nice uh?
When and if anyone messes up, push up position.....when coach blows the whistle, you do a speed pushup, only go about 2-3 inches down, and yell out the number you are on. usually do between 5-20 at one time, whatever coach decides.
And at the end of the period, situp position. not hard, but you have to listen or everyone does some more lovely pushups. Coach yells up, you go up and hold, until he said the number you are on then u go down, and he tried to trick us.
Three groups of 27, Black, Orange, White (school colors) im in black !!
What are we suppose to do besides pushups?
Four, 12 minutes stations.
Mat drills-front roll, air raides, right,left,right shoulder rolls, lead pull rolls, bear crawl and seat rolls, and bear crawls right/left turn. all on whistle command except for the last 2
Speed weights-only station you can not say one word, all u do is count your partners reps....lots of commands, easy to mess up if not focused.
Speed latters-havent even started cause people cant do what they are suppose too, so we pushups here mostly.
4th quarter- Coach Turners fun time, does whatever he wants, calls people out for not fallowing dress code, bad attitudes, not doing good in school
During all except 4th and Speed weights we are supposed to be supportive of each other, be a team, no negatives, only positives. we are "incouraged" ( suppose to) yell and scream for each other during the drills.
At the speed latters, we have a chant.
Coach: Good Morning Black Group (or w/e group it is)
We: Good morning coach
C: Are u motivated ?
W: motivated, motivated, motivated ..sir!!
C: how motivated are you?
W: truly motivated, highly dedicated, we like it, we love it, we want some more of it!!
screaming all of this of course
Any mistake gets mark down, mostly lack of effort or not being focused.
Thursday-263 mistakes (this was our learning day, but still was hard)
did around 500 pushups
Friday-Fullout, but track people were gone due to a track meet, so about half as much people there. 343 mistakes!!! we were suppose to go down.....
around 800 pushups, and having to hold pushup position for a long *** time.
Basicly, we are doing this to become the most badass,hardass team in our district, because we want a gold football. Coach's said they saw this type of boot camp in action, and it works, some have been through it in college......
If you cant handle it? theres a big orange ring it in front of everyone, and your out of the program for good, no friday nights for you.
Friday we had someone walk towards it but Colton Hogye stopped him. soo no one has rung it yet, hopefully no one will.
I still dont have my voice back fully yet, haha this is crazy...
so what does massassi think ??