some of you might remember me posting about a girl I met from wisconsin in Jamaica over spring break. I might have actually never posted anything about her, I can't remember. Anyways, I dont know her last name but I know an area code of about 100 miles that she should be in. However, searching facebook and myspace I cant find her page, and I know she has both. If I never talk to this girl again its really going to bug me. Her first name was Victoria and i forgot her last name, but the area code is 53186 (around that area). Anyone know a way I could find her? I've tried possible college searches she might go to (shes a senior in highschool like me) and I know almost everything about her but her last name.
Any ideas on how to find someone in this situation? if anyone feels like they find sort of a match...shes 18, brunette, slim, atheist..
edit: i lost her name and number along with my passport in jamaica so you people dont think im stalkerish
Any ideas on how to find someone in this situation? if anyone feels like they find sort of a match...shes 18, brunette, slim, atheist..
edit: i lost her name and number along with my passport in jamaica so you people dont think im stalkerish
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