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ForumsDiscussion Forum → School security and morality
School security and morality
2007-04-02, 3:09 PM #1
So, when I was browsing the files of a server (most people at my school don't even know it exists), I came upon a file. In this file contains a list of every student login name and password.

Should I use this for my own diabolic purposes, or should I report the leak to my school?
2007-04-02, 3:16 PM #2
I just watched Ferris Buellers Day Off. . .so I'll say yes.
My blawgh.
2007-04-02, 3:17 PM #3
that could be construed as computer fraud. that being the case, the school could probably take you to court.
tofu sucks
2007-04-02, 3:20 PM #4
Cool! Then I'll be in the news.

"16 year old student hijacks accounts at high school."
2007-04-02, 3:21 PM #5
Do something diabolical then just explain:

"Well the dumbass who left this PLAIN TEXT FILE with every student's login lying about, something like this was sure to happen."
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2007-04-02, 3:23 PM #6
so the ends justify the means?
tofu sucks
2007-04-02, 3:24 PM #7
print it out and sell it to some kids

make some money ;)
(JKLE_Cougar) from JK MP Community
2007-04-02, 3:25 PM #8

I'm really close to hijacking accounts tomorrow. Since Novell tags the name of whoever creates a file onto it, I'll spam pr0n pictures on the server using some cheerleader's account.
2007-04-02, 3:28 PM #9
Originally posted by landfish:
so the ends justify the means?

2007-04-02, 3:28 PM #10
Hahaha. Good times! You have to do it at computers in teachers rooms and whatnot so you're not caught on security cameras.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2007-04-02, 4:18 PM #11
High school?
2007-04-02, 4:26 PM #12
2007-04-02, 4:43 PM #13
Have fun with it then report it!

You get to be evil, and then also praised!
2007-04-02, 4:59 PM #14
If you simply keep it handy, it will probably benefit you most in the long run. Don't kill the golden goose.
2007-04-02, 5:48 PM #15
This reminds me of when I was in middle-school through High school. We had a required reading selection with tests provided by an application called "Accelerated Reader". We found the install directory stored on a network share and saved it to pen drives. Installed it at home, and used cain and abel to unmask the admin password. At that point, we could memorize answers, and suddenly War and Peace took less than a day to read.

I never got caught, nor did any of my friends. The lesson? Keep things to yourself. You could likely benefit from it greatly if you can learn to be quiet about it.
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2007-04-02, 5:55 PM #16
What academic advantage would he have from login details? Besides being evil and getting people into trouble it's not going to help his grades at all. Be not-evil and report it so that no one can abuse it by:

spam pr0n pictures on the server using some cheerleader's account.

That might be funny doing it to someone else but I imagine the funny would wear out real quick if someone did it to you and got you suspended/expelled.
2007-04-02, 5:59 PM #17
Originally posted by Yecti:
This reminds me of when I was in middle-school through High school. We had a required reading selection with tests provided by an application called "Accelerated Reader". We found the install directory stored on a network share and saved it to pen drives. Installed it at home, and used cain and abel to unmask the admin password. At that point, we could memorize answers, and suddenly War and Peace took less than a day to read.

I never got caught, nor did any of my friends. The lesson? Keep things to yourself. You could likely benefit from it greatly if you can learn to be quiet about it.

But you lose for not being able to read War and Peace.
2007-04-02, 5:59 PM #18
Save it for when someone deserves for you to destroy them via their school account.
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2007-04-02, 6:23 PM #19
I voted "yes" before I read the actual post. But then, I've read the thread title as "school security and mortality". My vote still stands, though. Use it, abuse it, and then have sex with your PE teacher. Granted your PE teacher's a chick, of course.
2007-04-02, 6:24 PM #20
Originally posted by Tracer:
But you lose for not being able to read War and Peace.

It was an example. I read War and Peace in college, but given Tolstoy's love of excruciating detail, it made for a good example for the post.
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2007-04-02, 6:25 PM #21
Not to mention that half of it's in bloody French. :P
2007-04-02, 6:28 PM #22
Originally posted by Koobie:
I voted "yes" before I read the actual post. But then, I've read the thread title as "school security and mortality". My vote still stands, though. Use it, abuse it, and then have sex with your PE teacher. Granted your PE teacher's a chick, of course.

Homophobic *******.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2007-04-02, 6:49 PM #23
Originally posted by Koobie:
Use it, abuse it, and then have sex with your PE teacher. Granted your PE teacher's a chick, of course.

Does the list contain faculty information as well? If so, you could blackmail a hot teacher into having sex with you. :neckbeard:
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-04-02, 7:02 PM #24
PE Teachers are either Army Rejects, Paedophiles, Alcoholics or Dykes... take your pick. :downswords:
2007-04-02, 7:57 PM #25
Uhm...may I be in the minority and say: Report the hole in their security so no one does something awful to any innocent people? Come off as a smart guy, and a good guy, and perhaps gain some respect from the faculty?
2007-04-02, 8:27 PM #26
Yea... maybe. My teacher already knows, too...
2007-04-02, 8:34 PM #27
Originally posted by BobTheMasher:
Uhm...may I be in the minority and say: Report the hole in their security so no one does something awful to any innocent people? Come off as a smart guy, and a good guy, and perhaps gain some respect from the faculty?

Boring but he's right. You probably will not get much more than a "thanks" for it, but your teachers will respect you more.
2007-04-02, 8:36 PM #28
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Boring but he's right. You probably will not get much more than a "thanks" for it, but your teachers will respect you more.

2007-04-02, 8:39 PM #29
Replace the file with one of a giant macro penis, with the caption "This is going to be in your *** soon."
2007-04-03, 8:38 PM #30
Federal crime.

I never got caught when curiosity with the university network got the better of me. While I didn't invade any privacy, in retrospect I was taking a big risk; knowing a little more about exactly what I was doing now, I'm surprised no one at IT saw it.
Steal my dreams and sell them back to me.....
2007-04-03, 9:06 PM #31
what? Everyone has personal computer accounts at your high school? interesting

wELL, maybe you should repeatedly type in all your base are belong to us
Back again
2007-04-04, 3:18 AM #32
That's so 2001.
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2007-04-04, 3:48 AM #33
I think you should save the information. Sooner or later, if you screw this up, youll think of something GREAT and go "oh man! If only i still had all those login names that would have been awesome!", and if you still have them on that day youll be happy.

Dont go looking for something to do with it, let the inspiration come to you. Sooner or later it'll just hit you, and youll be happy you saved the information.

If you get hasty and start messing around now, youll just tip somebody off before you get the chance to have some REAL fun.

But in the meantime you should definately print off a copy, just so you have it available. You never know when youll go in there and find that something has changed or been made unavailable. Or at least email it to yourself.
The bunny sees all,
the bunny knows all,
the bunny is always watching.
2007-04-04, 1:12 PM #34
There is a guy I know at my college that found his way into the computer system on campus, and all he did was leave a note in the system saying "someone was here". Didn't modify any files, didn't really read anything, but they traced it back to him and he got banned from using any computer on campus, and legal action was filed. If he had gone through the proper channels I doubt he would have gotten in (as much) trouble.
2007-04-04, 2:01 PM #35
Your school's IT department must be ran by morons if it was that easy to get every user name and password.
2007-04-04, 9:41 PM #36
Ok, so I reported the bug to my teacher, and he is shocked that I could even access the server, much less copy files to it and steal accounts. Some other kid got caught trying to copy WoW today too. How sad.

But, I still backed up the files on my iPod. So I win.
2007-04-05, 5:11 AM #37
And now they'll go and force every single student to change their passwords.

Yeah, you so won. WTF happened to morals in our society? Hasn't anyone ever told you that is wrong? It doesn't matter if the door is wide open, if you walk into someone's house and take things, it's still stealing.
Wikissassi sucks.
2007-04-05, 2:52 PM #38
I can't do anything on anyone's account but save files to their partition of the hard-drive. My teacher fixed the holes, I can't access the server anymore.

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