For a class project I'm updating an old FORTRAN (77?) program. I've tried several free compilers available online, and I have no problem compiling the base program. The issue comes when the execution reaches this block of code:
The input that is expected is something along the lines of 2,6,9 [enter]. The program will give an input error, the exact message depends on compiler, and then the program exits. I know this is the correct syntax because I have a compiled exe to test against.
Any ideas on how to fix this issue? I'd like to keep the input style the same since my professor is set in his ways and doesn't like change that much.
DIMENSION NUMB(10) ... 200 FORMAT(/' Enter N Number of Compounds and Compound Indexes' */ 8X,'(N,N1,N2,...)') READ(*,201) N,(NUMB(I),I=1,N) 201 FORMAT(17I10)
The input that is expected is something along the lines of 2,6,9 [enter]. The program will give an input error, the exact message depends on compiler, and then the program exits. I know this is the correct syntax because I have a compiled exe to test against.
Any ideas on how to fix this issue? I'd like to keep the input style the same since my professor is set in his ways and doesn't like change that much.