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ForumsDiscussion Forum → "What would Jesus really do?"
"What would Jesus really do?"
2007-04-09, 6:19 PM #41
I'm an old fashioned "she just fell down the stairs" kinda guy, myself.
>>untie shoes
2007-04-09, 9:45 PM #42
if you don't want a baby don't make one

or just

throw the babe down the well

the real question is

how will the state maintain quality stock?

the real problem is

a babe is useless to the citizen

so just drown it

the state must compensate mothers to instill incentive to raise these useless creatures

them, when it gets decent pubis, set it loose
2007-04-09, 11:03 PM #43
Originally posted by Isuwen:
Just know that there are people on the other extreme too, for every person you see throwing Molotov cocktails at an abortion clinic there's some women looking at a completely birthed baby as the doctor ritualistically kills it.

Uh, I think calling abortion at any stage of a pregnancy a 'ritualistic killing' is a bit harsh.

I'm personally against all abortion. The only circumstance where I think it can be at all justified is if the mother will die if she goes to term, and the baby will definitely die as well.

That's absolutely ridiculous. You can't possibly know the circumstances behind every abortion that takes place, and have no right to pass judgment on the women who go through with them.

Yes, I'd let the mother die if the baby would live. And there's enough gray area in that definition that I wouldn't feel all that bad if we tried to bring the baby to term, and they both died. In all other cases it's murder, and nothing will ever convince me otherwise. Even in that case I outlined it's murder, and a sin, but I feel it's a justifiable one.

Well thank ****ing Christ you aren't in any position to make that kind of decision.

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