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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Sleep Paralysis
Sleep Paralysis
2007-04-10, 4:54 PM #41
Originally posted by Rob:
Maybe I'm not lame enough hallucinate over something so trivial.

I don't think you understand how this works. You don't hallucinate because you're paralysed or afraid of the paralysis. The hallucinations are separate. You can be paralysed without hallucinating and you can be aware and unafraid of the hallucinations while they happen.
2007-04-10, 5:16 PM #42
Originally posted by Darth_Alran:
actually i know several people who have had sleep paralysis to the point that they can no longer breathe, that would be a bit frightening.

I've had similar happen. My breathing doesn't stop but it does slow and I'm trying to breath but I can't and just end up gasping for air. It was a little frightening the first few times.
yay for not posting much ever
2007-04-10, 7:01 PM #43
****, I read this thread last night and end up having a case of sleep paralysis last night while I was dreaming. What luck I have...
No sig.
2007-04-10, 8:21 PM #44
Originally posted by Run:
I don't think you understand how this works. You don't hallucinate because you're paralysed or afraid of the paralysis. The hallucinations are separate. You can be paralysed without hallucinating and you can be aware and unafraid of the hallucinations while they happen.

I don't think you understand I'm calling the hallucinations BS and the people that have them total wusses.
2007-04-10, 8:44 PM #45
Haha, burn!
2007-04-10, 8:59 PM #46
I've had this happen before.

The next morning I'm usually pretty twitchy, my nose is sore and I'm all ****ing cracked out.
2007-04-10, 9:25 PM #47
Originally posted by Rob:
I don't think you understand I'm calling the hallucinations BS and the people that have them total wusses.

Yawn. Can you teach me to be internet tough guy? I'm ever so impressed and intimidated by your highly original posts of name calling. Over the internet. It's especially inspirational when you don't have a clue what you're talking about, yet try to be tough to compensate. Marvelous work. It's not like there's peer-reviewed research available on the topic.... I know I always trust some random person on the internet as opposed to research papers.
2007-04-11, 1:05 AM #48
2007-04-11, 1:27 AM #49
It has happened to me exactly twice, both times when I had fallen asleep in my beanbag chair. It has never occurred otherwise. Both cases only lasted for a few seconds, but it certainly wasn't too comfortable. No hallucinations for me, though, just the inability to move for a while.
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2007-04-11, 12:38 PM #50
Originally posted by Run:
Yawn. Can you teach me to be internet tough guy? I'm ever so impressed and intimidated by your highly original posts of name calling. Over the internet. It's especially inspirational when you don't have a clue what you're talking about, yet try to be tough to compensate. Marvelous work. It's not like there's peer-reviewed research available on the topic.... I know I always trust some random person on the internet as opposed to research papers.

I can't teach people to not suck.

It's like some big genetic mystery that man is too wussy to feel like solving. We're too worried about the gay gene and stem cells.
2007-04-11, 12:44 PM #51
Another Rob topic? Even Jesus knew he was an ******* and continued not to care.

You might want to save some keyboard tapping and just smile and nod like most of us, Run.

That does apply to a lot of people in here, though. Whatever. :cool:
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-04-11, 3:11 PM #52
Rob, I truly admire your tenacity. Can I have your child?
Why do the heathens rage behind the firehouse?
2007-04-11, 5:37 PM #53
I had it a couple of times. Scared the heck out of me.
Take that there and put it in here
2007-04-11, 8:10 PM #54
Originally posted by Run:
Yawn. Can you teach me to be internet tough guy? I'm ever so impressed and intimidated by your highly original posts of name calling. Over the internet. It's especially inspirational when you don't have a clue what you're talking about, yet try to be tough to compensate. Marvelous work. It's not like there's peer-reviewed research available on the topic.... I know I always trust some random person on the internet as opposed to research papers.

I thought about this some more.

You know, this is probably almost exactly the same as the evidence you'd present if you wanted to prove that alien abductions are real.

Alot of people report them. The stories all sound pretty much the same. There have been alot of "studies" based on the stories.

But it's still just BS. People want attention.

And that is my final word on the matter.
2007-04-13, 4:39 AM #55
Uh... Sleep Paralysis is real. Alien abductions are on the total other side of the spectrum of possibility. Whereas abductions haven't been proven to be real, SP is.

I dunno, Rob. I used to think you were clever when rebutting dolts, but this is just awful.
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2007-04-13, 10:36 AM #56
Ignoring peer-reviewed scientific research + falling to one's own ill-conceived misconceptions = good ammo for internet tough guy.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-04-13, 1:07 PM #57
Originally posted by Glyde Bane:
Uh... Sleep Paralysis is real.

Point out where I said it wasn't.

I seriously think the "hallucinations WAHHHHHHHH," are totally McBS hysteria style.
2007-04-13, 2:03 PM #58
Originally posted by TheCarpKing:
Rob, I truly admire your tenacity. Can I have your child?
Originally posted by stinkey diver:
I had it a couple of times. Scared the heck out of me.

2007-04-13, 2:21 PM #59
2007-04-13, 2:45 PM #60
Originally posted by Rob:
Point out where I said it wasn't.

I seriously think the "hallucinations WAHHHHHHHH," are totally McBS hysteria style.

Are you saying these people aren't actually hallucinating and they're just making that part up?
I'm just a little boy.
2007-04-13, 3:03 PM #61
I think the problem here is the word's not really like that. The mind is still kind of in dream mode so anything can happen. It's very strange.
2007-04-13, 5:26 PM #62
Originally posted by The Mega-ZZTer:

I thought I was the only one to notice that...

"Hallucinations" is your brain telling your eyes that they are seeing things. The eyes are forced to cooperate by way of the brains Commissars, the hands. Not surprisingly eyes don't like eye gouging.
<Rob> This is internet.
<Rob> Nothing costs money if I don't want it to.
2007-04-13, 8:06 PM #63
Originally posted by Flirbnic:
Are you saying these people aren't actually hallucinating and they're just making that part up?

I'm seriously saying that these people are SISSIES.

And need to stop being SISSIES.
2007-04-13, 8:35 PM #64
How are they being sissies?
I have read one account of a man who fought in a war... He experienced bullets whizzing past his ears in battle. He described sleep paralysis as being vastly more terrifying than that.
Do you expect people to be able to rationalise away this incredible feeling of terror while in the hypnagogic state?
I'm just a little boy.
2007-04-13, 9:15 PM #65

Seriously. If you know what it is there seriously isn't much of a reason to be SO AFRAID that you OMG see things.

This happens to me atleast once or twice a night. I'd be ****ed if I thought it was scary.
2007-04-13, 9:42 PM #66
When you're experiencing terrifying hallucinations during sleep paralysis, you're convinced that there really is some sinister presence - what it really is generally doesn't come to mind at this point.
Are you, perhaps, referring to people being afraid /after/ the experience, while recalling what it was like?
I'm just a little boy.
2007-04-13, 10:07 PM #67
And I'm convinced that these people need a stern slapping.


2007-04-13, 11:19 PM #68
It can be an astoundingly unpleasant experience. Why should someone deserve a slapping for being averse to that?
I'm just a little boy.
2007-04-14, 12:48 AM #69
Because it really isn't that big of a deal?
2007-04-14, 12:58 AM #70
Why is this thread still going? Rob's got his opinion (which he may or may not present as a fact) and that's okay.

Hell, if someone gets really anxious by sleep paralysis and can't do anything about it, it's definitely personal and what someone on the Internet (or even next door) says shouldn't, hell, it can't matter in that case.

Oh well whatever.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-04-14, 1:01 AM #71
Of course it matters.

The Internet is SERIOUS business
2007-04-14, 1:04 AM #72
dang i forgot
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-04-14, 5:57 AM #73
I've only had that once, and I'll never forget it. I woke up in the middle of the night feeling extremely cold, like I should be shivering, but I couldn't move. This was when I lived in Florida; it about 70 outside and my AC wasn't kicking on due to the mild temps. I could see my breath, which freaked me out. Suddenly this green fog-like substance started curling around the walls and was weaving it's way toward me. I could then feel a presence around me. I was cussing my ****ing *** off in my head, but I couldn't move or do anything to counter what I was experiencing. Everything felt real because my eyes were open and I was watching it all happen. When I finally snapped out of it, I was in a cold sweat. I didn't sleep right for days after that.
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