Ok, Sam Raimi said in an interview that the original script for Spider-Man 2 called for 2 villans, but the 2nd one was cut out, because he wanted to spend more time on the Peter/MJ story. Most of the rest was left the same. The way I see it, since this un-named villan was cut out of SM2, he will more than likely be in Spider-Man 3. Let's look at the Clues.
When SM2 was first announced, the fact that it had 2 villans was confirmed at www.imdb.com as having Dr. Octopus and The Lizard. After a while, they took off the Lizard, and said it would be only Doc Ock. Also, in Spider-Man 2, they went to lengths to prepare future villans.
1. Harry Osborn (Green Goblin 2)
2. Dr. Kurt Conners (The Lizard)
3. John Jameson (Man-Wolf)
Ok, now given the ending of SM2, Harry Osborn will Def. be in it as the Green Goblin 2. If not, he'll hire someone to kill Spider-Man or Peter and give them the glider, and then Hobgoblin could be the villan...
Now, if Green Goblin 2 is in SM3, I can see them doing a 2 things to make it not seem like we're all just watching SM 1 again.
1. Completely Redesign the Goblin Suit, so it seems like a diff villan.
2. Introducing a 2nd villan to keep the story fresh. In all likelyhood this will be the Lizard because Man-Wolf didn't happen till later, and frankly, it's just LAME...
Here's my Ideal Spider-Man 3....
The first 20 mins will be of a Space expedition, shows some astronauts doing something on a meteor or on the moon... One of them seems distracted by something.. when we get a closer look it turns out to be John Jameson, still upset about his Illfated marrage to Mary Jane Watson. He then stumbles upon a black mineral than looks nothing like he has ever seen before. He returns to earth so that the new mineral can be studied. On the way back, John makes a stupid mistake because he is upset over MJ, and because he is arrogant (like in SM2- he always has to remid people that he's a military man and he goes to the moon... what a ***hole) The shuttle/craft crashes.
Spider-Man, hearing about the crash, races to the site to help anyone who lived through the crash. When he gets there, he saves them, and in the process comes in contact with the black mineral. It seems slimy when he touches it, and it liquifies almost instantly when he touches it... It gets all over him, and he flees the scene. After a few seconds, Spider-Man is completely covered with the black substance.. as he is trying to get it off, it instandly vanishes into his clothes, as if it turned into his clothes.
Next day, Spider-Man is swinging, and here comes the Green Goblin... "What? I thought he was dead!!" Spider-Man and Goblin go at it for a while, and Spider-Man gets his but kicked.. BAD... Goblin is about to kill him, when his clothes change back to the black liquid and quickly cover his body and shoots out some of itself to stop the goblin's attack... Spider-Man has no Choice but to continue fighting, as he does, he realizes that not only has the black tar like substance taken the form of HIS suit, but black, but it is also augmenting his Spider Powers... making him stronger and faster, and in essence, saving his life. Spider-Man gets away as soon as he can, because he is freaked out by his new suit and he wants to figure it out. Spider-Man is amazed at how ealisly he could defeat Goblin after he got the black suit, as opposed to how bad he was getting his butt kicked. A little frightened, he goes to Dr. Conners, the only man he thinks he can trust with his secret.
Shows Conners in a Lab, working on an Experement that he attempts to hide when Peter Parker walks in. Peter explains that he is Spider-Man, and shows Conners the Black Suit. Conners is amazed by the suit, and does a series of tests on it. He concludes that it is a Symbiot (likely extra terrestrial) and it lives by bonding with the Human DNA. He also concludes that the suit is actually ALIVE with it's own desires, and since it's alien, it's motives for doing something may be equally alien, and it would be better if Peter got rid of his new friend (his black suit) Right around this time, Goblin breaks in and terrorizes. Dr. Conners runs to protect his secret experiment he was working on when parker came in, but in the process an accident happens and there is an explosion... Spider-Man could not get Conners out in time. Peter feels he is to blame and feels extreme sorrow. The symboit, never experiencing human emotion before is horribly confused, and it also feels some how changed by Peter's emotion. Peter then hears on the news that Dr. Conners body was not found. It then explains that Dr. Conners was transformed into the lizard by the explosion because of his experiment he was working on. He was trying to use the regenerative properties of a lizard to re-grow his missing arm, but the explosion some how ended all his hopes of ever being normal. Dr. Conners blames Spider-Man, and comes for him as the Lizard. After a few battles the Lizard is dispatched by the Green Goblin. This Enrages Spider-Man even more, and this emotion effects the symboit also... Spider-Man seems unstopable, and he beats Goblin like a ragdoll. They happen to be fighting in a Church Bell Tower. Spider-Man is distroying the Goblin, when the Goblin's mask comes off, to reviel to Spider-Man that Harry Osborn was the Goblin all along, but the suit don't care, it continues to beat Osborn. Spider-Man is now trying to stop his suit from coming off his body in waves to kick Harry's ***. Spider-Man is now trying frantically to get the suit off before it kills Harry, and at that moment the church bell starts ringing. The symboit (coming from space) isn't use to Loud Noise, and it starts to weaken, Spider-Man is also caught off gaurd by the bell. On the bell's back swing, it nearly hits Spider-Man which would obviously knock him off the tower to his death, but the suit interveins, and saves peter's life in exchange for it's own. The Symboit crawls off weak and dieing. Peter then takes Harry (who is unconcious) back to his house, and we get a "revisited" feel from when Spider-Man did this for the first Green Goblin.
The screen now switches back to the Symboit, still at the church, and in agony. All of a sudden, the Symboit feels emotions... strong emotions comeing from the chapel. The symboit slides to the alter and finds Eddie Brock, Previously Employed by the Daily Bugel. He is praying for forgiveness for attempting to commit suicide. The Symboit feels the pain of Brock, and goes to him. When it bonds with Brock, it gets more than it bargained for. Brock's powerful emotions fill the Symboit, and it is too much for the Symboit to handle, especially in it's weakened state. This drives the Symboit insane, and Brock wonders off into the night screaming.
Then we get to see Spidey Vs. Venom in Spider-Man 4... HURRAY FOR VENOM!!
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When SM2 was first announced, the fact that it had 2 villans was confirmed at www.imdb.com as having Dr. Octopus and The Lizard. After a while, they took off the Lizard, and said it would be only Doc Ock. Also, in Spider-Man 2, they went to lengths to prepare future villans.
1. Harry Osborn (Green Goblin 2)
2. Dr. Kurt Conners (The Lizard)
3. John Jameson (Man-Wolf)
Ok, now given the ending of SM2, Harry Osborn will Def. be in it as the Green Goblin 2. If not, he'll hire someone to kill Spider-Man or Peter and give them the glider, and then Hobgoblin could be the villan...
Now, if Green Goblin 2 is in SM3, I can see them doing a 2 things to make it not seem like we're all just watching SM 1 again.
1. Completely Redesign the Goblin Suit, so it seems like a diff villan.
2. Introducing a 2nd villan to keep the story fresh. In all likelyhood this will be the Lizard because Man-Wolf didn't happen till later, and frankly, it's just LAME...
Here's my Ideal Spider-Man 3....
The first 20 mins will be of a Space expedition, shows some astronauts doing something on a meteor or on the moon... One of them seems distracted by something.. when we get a closer look it turns out to be John Jameson, still upset about his Illfated marrage to Mary Jane Watson. He then stumbles upon a black mineral than looks nothing like he has ever seen before. He returns to earth so that the new mineral can be studied. On the way back, John makes a stupid mistake because he is upset over MJ, and because he is arrogant (like in SM2- he always has to remid people that he's a military man and he goes to the moon... what a ***hole) The shuttle/craft crashes.
Spider-Man, hearing about the crash, races to the site to help anyone who lived through the crash. When he gets there, he saves them, and in the process comes in contact with the black mineral. It seems slimy when he touches it, and it liquifies almost instantly when he touches it... It gets all over him, and he flees the scene. After a few seconds, Spider-Man is completely covered with the black substance.. as he is trying to get it off, it instandly vanishes into his clothes, as if it turned into his clothes.
Next day, Spider-Man is swinging, and here comes the Green Goblin... "What? I thought he was dead!!" Spider-Man and Goblin go at it for a while, and Spider-Man gets his but kicked.. BAD... Goblin is about to kill him, when his clothes change back to the black liquid and quickly cover his body and shoots out some of itself to stop the goblin's attack... Spider-Man has no Choice but to continue fighting, as he does, he realizes that not only has the black tar like substance taken the form of HIS suit, but black, but it is also augmenting his Spider Powers... making him stronger and faster, and in essence, saving his life. Spider-Man gets away as soon as he can, because he is freaked out by his new suit and he wants to figure it out. Spider-Man is amazed at how ealisly he could defeat Goblin after he got the black suit, as opposed to how bad he was getting his butt kicked. A little frightened, he goes to Dr. Conners, the only man he thinks he can trust with his secret.
Shows Conners in a Lab, working on an Experement that he attempts to hide when Peter Parker walks in. Peter explains that he is Spider-Man, and shows Conners the Black Suit. Conners is amazed by the suit, and does a series of tests on it. He concludes that it is a Symbiot (likely extra terrestrial) and it lives by bonding with the Human DNA. He also concludes that the suit is actually ALIVE with it's own desires, and since it's alien, it's motives for doing something may be equally alien, and it would be better if Peter got rid of his new friend (his black suit) Right around this time, Goblin breaks in and terrorizes. Dr. Conners runs to protect his secret experiment he was working on when parker came in, but in the process an accident happens and there is an explosion... Spider-Man could not get Conners out in time. Peter feels he is to blame and feels extreme sorrow. The symboit, never experiencing human emotion before is horribly confused, and it also feels some how changed by Peter's emotion. Peter then hears on the news that Dr. Conners body was not found. It then explains that Dr. Conners was transformed into the lizard by the explosion because of his experiment he was working on. He was trying to use the regenerative properties of a lizard to re-grow his missing arm, but the explosion some how ended all his hopes of ever being normal. Dr. Conners blames Spider-Man, and comes for him as the Lizard. After a few battles the Lizard is dispatched by the Green Goblin. This Enrages Spider-Man even more, and this emotion effects the symboit also... Spider-Man seems unstopable, and he beats Goblin like a ragdoll. They happen to be fighting in a Church Bell Tower. Spider-Man is distroying the Goblin, when the Goblin's mask comes off, to reviel to Spider-Man that Harry Osborn was the Goblin all along, but the suit don't care, it continues to beat Osborn. Spider-Man is now trying to stop his suit from coming off his body in waves to kick Harry's ***. Spider-Man is now trying frantically to get the suit off before it kills Harry, and at that moment the church bell starts ringing. The symboit (coming from space) isn't use to Loud Noise, and it starts to weaken, Spider-Man is also caught off gaurd by the bell. On the bell's back swing, it nearly hits Spider-Man which would obviously knock him off the tower to his death, but the suit interveins, and saves peter's life in exchange for it's own. The Symboit crawls off weak and dieing. Peter then takes Harry (who is unconcious) back to his house, and we get a "revisited" feel from when Spider-Man did this for the first Green Goblin.
The screen now switches back to the Symboit, still at the church, and in agony. All of a sudden, the Symboit feels emotions... strong emotions comeing from the chapel. The symboit slides to the alter and finds Eddie Brock, Previously Employed by the Daily Bugel. He is praying for forgiveness for attempting to commit suicide. The Symboit feels the pain of Brock, and goes to him. When it bonds with Brock, it gets more than it bargained for. Brock's powerful emotions fill the Symboit, and it is too much for the Symboit to handle, especially in it's weakened state. This drives the Symboit insane, and Brock wonders off into the night screaming.
Then we get to see Spidey Vs. Venom in Spider-Man 4... HURRAY FOR VENOM!!
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