Over the last couple of years I've had somewhat of a sad tradition of going nuts renting DVDs whenever my wife goes on a field trip for work and I'm looking to kill time. Since I'm not back at work till next week, I had plenty of time to butcher.
Now the DVDs I then rent are typically not the top shelf material but more the leftover movies I kinda wanted to see and never got around to it or, more likely, utter crap that I want to laugh at. Then I usually just post mini-reviews of this tragic little marathon on the BCF but I figured I'd post it here too for once.
Feel free to join in posting mini-reviews of your latest rentals.
Movie: Underworld
What I'd heard about it: Reviews were iffy at best, but a few -ites seemed to like it...though I always suspected that was likely due to Kate Beckinsdale pouting around in tight leather.
Motivation for finally seeing it: I honestly don't know as I typically don't like vampire movies and also don't really like the leads.
What it was actually like: Well bugger me it was actually fairly good. Very stylish and the story actually had interesting elements which was a real shock for what I thought would be a low rate action movie.
Positives: Depth a nice surprise. Decent action and performances. Looked great.
Negatives: Too many slow-mo action shots. Werewolf CG was not wonderful.
Rating: 3 ½ out of 5 pints of your finest red.
Movie: Torque
What I'd heard about it: Fast and the Furious on bikes. Sucks hard.
Motivation for finally seeing it: I wanted something stupid and the cover promised bucket loads.
What it was actually like: Within the first 5 minutes of this movie there was more ridiculous male **** waving than two hours of bad German porn. If the producers could have gotten away with the actors having sex with the bikes without changing the rating they would have. I think you'd really need to have an absurdly high level of testosterone and no female contact in living memory to truly appreciate this film. The director subscribes to the new breed of action movie direction that frowns heavily on camera shots lasting longer than 0.5 seconds.
Positives: One good action scene involving what has to be the longest passenger train in the ****ing world. Um what else, Martin Henderson > Paul Walker? Yeah that's about it.
Negatives: Everything else. Most notably the final chase scene is so blindingly incoherent that I'm still not sure how exactly the bad guy died. It's like they filmed the chase, realized it sucked, then somehow concluded speeding it up 50x would make it better.
Rating: 1 ½ out of 5 pointlessly gyrating women
Movie: Open Range
What I'd heard about it: Not much except that it was received well with most critics.
Motivation for finally seeing it: Despite my usual aversion to new Kevin Costner movies (the U.N.’s failure to act with regard to the release of The Postman is easily their most disgraceful lapse ever), I took a chance.
What it was actually like: It’s good to see Costner hasn’t completely lost his touch. This isn’t an overly complex story at all, but the execution is for the most part spot on. It builds very slowly towards a final confrontation which was frankly bad ass.
Positives: Good acting. Nice cinematography. Simply a well told tale.
Negatives: Love story wasn’t entirely convincing.
Rating: 4 out of 5 tumbling tumbleweeds
Movie: Final Destination 2
What I'd heard about it: Zero
Motivation for finally seeing it: I enjoyed the first one. Death is a cruel master.
What it was actually like: There really is a strong sadist streak in me as I just laughed my ass off through most of this movie. There is literally nothing to this flick but really cool death scenes and hey, that’s enough for me. I love Death, he’s just ****ing awesome. He usually tries to get them with the relatively painless and non-messy methods first, but as they fail he just decides, “**** this, grisly decapitation for you.” I like that can-do attitude.
Positives: Absurdly complex death after absurdly complex death. I think the barbed wire fence scene was my fav.
Negatives: They waste five minutes late in the film trying to develop a plot when they could have been crushing people under falling open crates of chainsaws or something.
Rating: 4 out of 5 annoying little ****s getting pancaked into the sidewalk
Movie: 2 Fast 2 Furious
What I'd heard about it: As stupid as the original.
Motivation for finally seeing it: Not sure….Torque certainly filled my usual quota for idiocy, I guess I was just in a particularly masochistic mood.
What it was actually like: How Paul Walker gets acting gigs is one of the truly perplexing questions of our time. He’s like Keanu Reeves with less talent. How the everloving **** that is possible is question #2 on the list. Incredibly this was worse than Torque as even the action sucked hard. I never thought I’d say this, but I missed Vin Diesel.
Positives: It was short, even the actors seemed to want to leave as soon as possible.
Negatives: *
Rating: 1 out of 5 Paul Walker facial expressions, that’s his limit.
Movie: The Last Samurai
What I'd heard about it: Pretty decent in general.
Motivation for finally seeing it: I’m one of those many people who have a severe allergy to Tom Cruise. However I learnt with Minority Report that it is in fact possible for his overwhelming dullness not to ruin a movie, so here we are…
What it was actually like: I wanted to like this movie, I really did. It looked gorgeous and the acting was first-rate but, dammit, it was just so goddamn predictable. Like mind numbingly predictable. Nothing surprised me; it was formulaic to the extreme. It wasn’t long till I found my attention wavering. Disappointing.
Positives: Good acting. Beautifully shot.
Negatives: Did I mention it was predictable?
Rating: 2 ½ out of 5 shruikens embedded in Tom Cruise’s frontal lobe (I wish)
Movie: Welcome to the Jungle (…er…which I’ve just discovered is called ‘The Rundown’ in the U.S…..the ****? Stupid studio)
What I'd heard about it: The cover screamed “A GREAT ACTION RIDE” and that was my one and only source of info going in.
Motivation for finally seeing it: Still not sold on The Rock as an actor, but I like Stiffler….or whatever his name is. Then again, Bulletproof Monk (Stiffler) and The Scorpion King (The Rock) were two of the most painful movie experiences I’ve ever had. Gulp.
What it was actually like: Enjoyably forgettable, up to a point. No story whatsoever, but a few decent action scenes. They correctly avoided trying to force an awkward romance scenario into the mix. Not huge laughs but humorous enough to keep a smile on your face.
Positives: Stiffler and The Rock actually worked well together. Go figure.
Negatives: End action scene was a let down. The kind of movie you’re struggling to recall a day or so after watching it….like I am…right now…trying to write this.
Rating: 3 out of 5 dangerously undersexed nymphomaniac monkeys
Cantina Cloud | BCF | The Massassian 1, 2 & 3 | Gonkmeg
Corrupting the kiddies since '97
Now the DVDs I then rent are typically not the top shelf material but more the leftover movies I kinda wanted to see and never got around to it or, more likely, utter crap that I want to laugh at. Then I usually just post mini-reviews of this tragic little marathon on the BCF but I figured I'd post it here too for once.
Feel free to join in posting mini-reviews of your latest rentals.
Movie: Underworld
What I'd heard about it: Reviews were iffy at best, but a few -ites seemed to like it...though I always suspected that was likely due to Kate Beckinsdale pouting around in tight leather.
Motivation for finally seeing it: I honestly don't know as I typically don't like vampire movies and also don't really like the leads.
What it was actually like: Well bugger me it was actually fairly good. Very stylish and the story actually had interesting elements which was a real shock for what I thought would be a low rate action movie.
Positives: Depth a nice surprise. Decent action and performances. Looked great.
Negatives: Too many slow-mo action shots. Werewolf CG was not wonderful.
Rating: 3 ½ out of 5 pints of your finest red.
Movie: Torque
What I'd heard about it: Fast and the Furious on bikes. Sucks hard.
Motivation for finally seeing it: I wanted something stupid and the cover promised bucket loads.
What it was actually like: Within the first 5 minutes of this movie there was more ridiculous male **** waving than two hours of bad German porn. If the producers could have gotten away with the actors having sex with the bikes without changing the rating they would have. I think you'd really need to have an absurdly high level of testosterone and no female contact in living memory to truly appreciate this film. The director subscribes to the new breed of action movie direction that frowns heavily on camera shots lasting longer than 0.5 seconds.
Positives: One good action scene involving what has to be the longest passenger train in the ****ing world. Um what else, Martin Henderson > Paul Walker? Yeah that's about it.
Negatives: Everything else. Most notably the final chase scene is so blindingly incoherent that I'm still not sure how exactly the bad guy died. It's like they filmed the chase, realized it sucked, then somehow concluded speeding it up 50x would make it better.
Rating: 1 ½ out of 5 pointlessly gyrating women
Movie: Open Range
What I'd heard about it: Not much except that it was received well with most critics.
Motivation for finally seeing it: Despite my usual aversion to new Kevin Costner movies (the U.N.’s failure to act with regard to the release of The Postman is easily their most disgraceful lapse ever), I took a chance.
What it was actually like: It’s good to see Costner hasn’t completely lost his touch. This isn’t an overly complex story at all, but the execution is for the most part spot on. It builds very slowly towards a final confrontation which was frankly bad ass.
Positives: Good acting. Nice cinematography. Simply a well told tale.
Negatives: Love story wasn’t entirely convincing.
Rating: 4 out of 5 tumbling tumbleweeds
Movie: Final Destination 2
What I'd heard about it: Zero
Motivation for finally seeing it: I enjoyed the first one. Death is a cruel master.
What it was actually like: There really is a strong sadist streak in me as I just laughed my ass off through most of this movie. There is literally nothing to this flick but really cool death scenes and hey, that’s enough for me. I love Death, he’s just ****ing awesome. He usually tries to get them with the relatively painless and non-messy methods first, but as they fail he just decides, “**** this, grisly decapitation for you.” I like that can-do attitude.
Positives: Absurdly complex death after absurdly complex death. I think the barbed wire fence scene was my fav.
Negatives: They waste five minutes late in the film trying to develop a plot when they could have been crushing people under falling open crates of chainsaws or something.
Rating: 4 out of 5 annoying little ****s getting pancaked into the sidewalk
Movie: 2 Fast 2 Furious
What I'd heard about it: As stupid as the original.
Motivation for finally seeing it: Not sure….Torque certainly filled my usual quota for idiocy, I guess I was just in a particularly masochistic mood.
What it was actually like: How Paul Walker gets acting gigs is one of the truly perplexing questions of our time. He’s like Keanu Reeves with less talent. How the everloving **** that is possible is question #2 on the list. Incredibly this was worse than Torque as even the action sucked hard. I never thought I’d say this, but I missed Vin Diesel.
Positives: It was short, even the actors seemed to want to leave as soon as possible.
Negatives: *
Rating: 1 out of 5 Paul Walker facial expressions, that’s his limit.
Movie: The Last Samurai
What I'd heard about it: Pretty decent in general.
Motivation for finally seeing it: I’m one of those many people who have a severe allergy to Tom Cruise. However I learnt with Minority Report that it is in fact possible for his overwhelming dullness not to ruin a movie, so here we are…
What it was actually like: I wanted to like this movie, I really did. It looked gorgeous and the acting was first-rate but, dammit, it was just so goddamn predictable. Like mind numbingly predictable. Nothing surprised me; it was formulaic to the extreme. It wasn’t long till I found my attention wavering. Disappointing.
Positives: Good acting. Beautifully shot.
Negatives: Did I mention it was predictable?
Rating: 2 ½ out of 5 shruikens embedded in Tom Cruise’s frontal lobe (I wish)
Movie: Welcome to the Jungle (…er…which I’ve just discovered is called ‘The Rundown’ in the U.S…..the ****? Stupid studio)
What I'd heard about it: The cover screamed “A GREAT ACTION RIDE” and that was my one and only source of info going in.
Motivation for finally seeing it: Still not sold on The Rock as an actor, but I like Stiffler….or whatever his name is. Then again, Bulletproof Monk (Stiffler) and The Scorpion King (The Rock) were two of the most painful movie experiences I’ve ever had. Gulp.
What it was actually like: Enjoyably forgettable, up to a point. No story whatsoever, but a few decent action scenes. They correctly avoided trying to force an awkward romance scenario into the mix. Not huge laughs but humorous enough to keep a smile on your face.
Positives: Stiffler and The Rock actually worked well together. Go figure.
Negatives: End action scene was a let down. The kind of movie you’re struggling to recall a day or so after watching it….like I am…right now…trying to write this.
Rating: 3 out of 5 dangerously undersexed nymphomaniac monkeys
Cantina Cloud | BCF | The Massassian 1, 2 & 3 | Gonkmeg
Corrupting the kiddies since '97