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ForumsDiscussion Forum → The Ron Paul Revolution
The Ron Paul Revolution
2007-06-06, 4:46 PM #41
I like how everybody is using 'pander' in their posts. It's a good word.
2007-06-06, 5:00 PM #42
It's like when the American Idol judges say someone was "pitchy".
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2007-06-06, 5:18 PM #43
Originally posted by Isuwen:
So... you get your news from Three Panel Soul?

Fox News
CBS News
Transcript for the GOP debate

Originally posted by Isuwen:
Also, consider what happens if that Muslim man discovers his translator is gay. If he's at all devout, he's going to be pissed.

Good point. Let's kick Jews out of the military too.

And aren't most these guys translating intercepted Al-Qaeda transmissions and not necessarily working on the streets of Iraq?

Originally posted by Isuwen:
This I can agree with.

I'm confused. You agree that gays shouldn't be kicked out... but you also seem to support the current policy.
2007-06-06, 7:17 PM #44
Someone needs to retake polisci 101 again. Conservative in its true sense means that you are resiliant to change and prefer the "tried-and-true." Notice how I said "Republicans" and not "conservatives" I consider myself a (classical) conservative. I am most certainly not an evangelical racist. What I'm referring to is in the large and growing sect of neo-conservatives (the evangelicals) in the Republican party. No, the Republican party isn't about low taxes, low spending, and a smaller government anymore. Bush has definitely increased spending by LARGE folds. And I'm pissed about it. He's also pandered heavily to the Religious Right. So just like JDKNITE said, in a fiscal sense Rep = Dem for the most part. But on the whole, Republicans are not like Democrats.
So... er... you agree with me? Then why the crude rebuttal?

Also, you need to stop listening to Hannity et al.
I don't listen to Hannity.

I'm confused. You agree that gays shouldn't be kicked out... but you also seem to support the current policy.
Yeah, I guess I'm conflicted. I can see good reasons for the current policy, but I don't think it's all that fair either. And since you bring it up, it's probably not a good idea for a Jewish soldier to walk around Baghdad saying 'Hey Muslim guys, I am a Jew!'. I think a better solution would be explicit preventive measures to keep the identities of gay translators from the translatees and possibly reassignment. Discharge is a step too far. On the other hand, I can't really get worked up over 53 guys out of an army of half a million.
Wikissassi sucks.
2007-06-06, 7:54 PM #45
Originally posted by Isuwen:
So... er... you agree with me? Then why the crude rebuttal?

I was clarifying for you that Republicans are not wholly liberal. Yes they're quite liberal on spending but damn is it priority number one to keep them gays OUT OF MAH LIFE!
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2007-06-06, 9:32 PM #46
Sure, there are some cases where the policy doesn't work out like it's supposed to, but it protects people more than it hurts. People can ***** all they want about "people should be able to be free about who they are". Bull****. Nobody is completely free to be who they are in the military. Openly gay servicemembers destroy unit cohesion. Not their fault, it's a social problem. When the number of people who accept gays (me) outnumber the number of homophobes (90% of the rest of the military) then we can allow people to be open about it.
Even though the military has this reputation of being anti-gay, being in the military, especially when I was in basic training, is the most homo-erotic experience of my life. Seriously. I know it's all in jest, but there is more homosexual innuendo in the military than a Gay Pride parade.
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2007-06-07, 10:08 AM #47
Originally posted by Kieran Horn:
Even though the military has this reputation of being anti-gay, being in the military, especially when I was in basic training, is the most homo-erotic experience of my life. Seriously. I know it's all in jest, but there is more homosexual innuendo in the military than a Gay Pride parade.

Truth. Really, I'm sure the Iraqis wonder how we even populate our country, as they probably figure the entire military is gay.

Also, I have never been as close to any woman as I was to that Marine on Christmas eve in that fighting hole.
Epstein didn't kill himself.

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