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ForumsDiscussion Forum → KOTF: Real or Fake?
KOTF: Real or Fake?
2007-06-16, 7:02 PM #41
<3 Gob Bluth music. :D
2007-06-17, 2:22 AM #42
That music makes me want to kill.
What if everything that exists is fragmentary, incomplete, aborted, events with ends but no beginnings with us constantly making categories, seeking out, and reconstructing, until we think we can see total love, betrayal and defeat, although in reality we are all no more than haphazard fractions. The mind, for its own self-preservation, finds and integrates scattered fragments. Using religion and philosophy as the cement, we perpetualy collect and assemble all the garbage comprised by statistics in order to make sense out of things, to make everything respond in one unified voice like a bell chiming to our glory. But it's only soup. The mathematical order of the universe is our answer to the pyramids of chaos. - Stanislaw Lem
2007-06-17, 11:15 AM #43
Same here. Well they just closed their forums and claim that the mod is being uploaded but people will have to do a "quest" to get it. They've also been talking about the creator requiring 500,000 views on a video on youtube to make it available. If that is the case, it's definitely a fake. But apparently we "find out tonight"
2007-06-17, 11:26 AM #44
2007-06-17, 11:55 AM #45
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
That's what I thought. Basically a collection of other people's maps and models with a pretty install menu, and poorly implemented features? Have they gotten around to giving the original author's credit? I know a lot of your work is in there, GothiX.

None of my work actually. I made sure of that.

I will check the final realease though; if there is any, this mod's ging down real fast.
2007-06-17, 7:12 PM #46
I did see that screen shot of nabbo hills in there. Maybe they just haven't removed it.

EDIT: Yeah.
SW Episode I Gungan hunt on Naboo hills (bonus)


I was never a huge fan of that map, but that's really the fault of the engine. Quake 3 + rolling plains = fail.
2007-06-17, 11:47 PM #47
Well that "announcement of the night" never came apparently
2007-06-18, 12:16 AM #48
At least he hasn't yet announced that his computer was lost in a PKK strike, and the whole thing is canned...
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2007-06-18, 6:44 AM #49
Odds of him being related to Gold? :P
2007-06-18, 9:19 AM #50
Originally posted by lassev:
At least he hasn't yet announced that his computer was lost in a PKK strike, and the whole thing is canned...

But it's more likely that the whole thing is BS. They close the forums after saying it's being uploaded, then post a sticky saying "Just wait for tonight!!" and nothing happened, no announcements or anything
2007-06-19, 8:47 AM #51
I'm getting pretty sure that this mod is a fake, this was the last update on it

Hi all KOTF member
sec reveiw about update of the mod..
as you guys know Tim have uploaded the mod and is ready but he got some problems whit some stuff and need some time to do it finish...
i know many of you maybe got out of pasions and can't wait for this anymore.. but let me tell you that soon we all will get Tim's awesome work and play whit it...just stay come and i know it will work out for us all.. tim may not promes what he said for 2 days ago.. but that how things is in the game world some times.. he have do it some time we know that.. but we are not all perfect and he do it one man alone so let him do it in his tempo.. when the forum gets open don't get crazy and stop spamming about bad stuff bad mouth Tim and his work.. be nice in here if it goes as i ask for now the forum will not end up on a closed forum...

So do tim me and all others member that favert be cool and stay clear in here.. talk about somthing there wuld be nice and other stuff..
2007-06-19, 1:29 PM #52
wtf, hahaha
2007-06-19, 1:38 PM #53
I think it's just proof that it's run by a bunch of kids who grossly underestimate the work required to meet a deadline. The final product will probably be bad too.
2007-06-19, 3:09 PM #54 seems these people dont speak english.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2007-06-19, 8:17 PM #55
Originally posted by TSM_Bguitar:
I'm getting pretty sure that this mod is a fake, this was the last update on it

Welcome to two years ago.
2007-06-19, 8:23 PM #56
Damn. I had slight hope.
2007-06-19, 11:55 PM #57
Originally posted by Rob:
Welcome to two years ago.

Hah, true

Damn. I had slight hope.

Yeah, me too. I knew all along that there were some pretty powerful arguments supporting it's "fakeness" but I still wanted to play the mod.
2007-06-20, 5:13 PM #58
Yeah, I always wanted to play through the Star Wars Saga in single player since back in the days of Jedi Knight and the Star Wars Trilogy Total Conversion.
2007-06-20, 5:17 PM #59
I think Jedi Battlefront 2 is as close as you'll get. Yeah, you'd be pretty much just playing against bots, but it does give a sense of playing through the major events in the movies.
2007-06-21, 10:50 AM #60
Well this mod is bogus.

The KOTF members have to promote a video for Istanbul and get it to have 500,000 views on youtube just to be able to download the mod.:

The time has come. I'll wait until Tim posts the reasons why he wants this to be done, before reopening the forum.

Anyway, our task is to make this video (
) get 500.000 views. Wink

Spawn's edit:
Oh yeah, remember the views of the video doesn't count in real time, takes some hours to be updated.

Maestro Obi's edit:
Thanks to the user "Telefonkarte", we've discovered that "everything is counted so we don't have to reconnect all the time", referring to the view count. He has also suggested that we add the video to "Favorites" and that way it will "increase the publicity of the video."
Luke Katarns Edit
I saw it just as it came out! It was a very good job Smile
So far 7,000+ views! keep em counting Very Happy

haha 500,000 views!! That's just ridiculous
2007-06-21, 12:38 PM #61
Remember when they removed the thread views feature in Massassi because we had a thread dedicated to getting the views as high as we possible could, and it ended up turning into a DoS attack on Massassi?

Also, that video was horrible. I bet the only thing worth looking at in that "mod" is the stuff they stole.
2007-06-21, 12:42 PM #62
Originally posted by TSM_Bguitar:
Well this mod is bogus.

Welcome to two years ago.
2007-06-21, 3:26 PM #63
Originally posted by Rob:
Welcome to two years ago.

yeah I saw the first time you said this already
2007-06-21, 3:29 PM #64
Yeah. And like. We knew two years ago.

So let this thread die plz.
2007-06-21, 4:36 PM #65
Well others may be interested in the subject, as it was just this month where it was suppoed to be released and where they required some "quest"

I made some pretty powerful arguments against the "quest" on their forum and got banned for it, it's definitely a fake
2007-06-21, 6:02 PM #66
Originally posted by Koobie:
I think Jedi Battlefront 2 is as close as you'll get. Yeah, you'd be pretty much just playing against bots, but it does give a sense of playing through the major events in the movies.

Wait do you mean Star Wars Battlefront 2 or is this Jedi Battlefront 2 a mod? Either way I like JK and JO/JA's lightsaber system.
2007-06-21, 9:43 PM #67
Originally posted by TSM_Bguitar:
this month where it was suppoed to be released

This isn't the first time.
it's definitely a fake

Welcome to two years ago.

They banned me after only one post. Like two years ago.

2007-06-21, 10:12 PM #68
However, there are some of us who had no idea that this project even existed, and when brought to our attention may have thought it was a legitimate mod. Therefor, sure, welcome us to two years ago, but we're just now learning the same thing that you had to find out also.
Author of the JK levels:
Sand Trap & Sand Trap (Night)

2007-06-22, 9:13 AM #69
I can't change the fact that you pay more attention to that retarded anime than you do here.
2007-06-22, 9:59 AM #70
Ooooo burn. :rolleyes:
Author of the JK levels:
Sand Trap & Sand Trap (Night)

2007-06-22, 10:09 AM #71
Rob, wtf. Stop reading this thread if it angers you so much.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-06-22, 10:35 AM #72
>>untie shoes
2007-06-22, 10:55 AM #73
Originally posted by Freelancer:
Rob, wtf. Stop reading this thread if it angers you so much.

Don't read the thread that I post in if you don't like what I post.

Why should I have to ignore something I don't like? Thats stupid.
2007-06-22, 12:10 PM #74
But you post in every thread...
2007-06-22, 12:17 PM #75
No I don't.

I don't post in birthday MOST threads.

Among other things.
2007-06-22, 4:54 PM #76
Oh I posted in the YouTube video "I"m dubious of this mod being release." I bet it will be taken off or deleted.l
2007-06-22, 8:45 PM #77
Like Gothicx said, it's almost certainly real, just craptacular and 90% stuff that's available off
2007-06-23, 10:39 AM #78
Originally posted by Cloud:
Oh I posted in the YouTube video "I"m dubious of this mod being release." I bet it will be taken off or deleted.l

And if you said anything questioning the mod or anything about it in their forum, you got banned

The forum is currently down as it is "under development" which is odd as I know it was up just a few days ago.

They finally got caught in their bluff and now they just won't let people call them out anymore.
2007-06-23, 10:41 AM #79
Hah and by the way apparently they actually got 500,000 views on that video. So it seems that closing the forum was a result of their fans actually completing their little "quest" now they can't even ask for the mod.
2007-06-23, 11:32 AM #80
I want to gloat in front of all the fanboys and zealots. too bad.

If they finally manage to get this thing out the door it going to be the biggest piece of crap ever.

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