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ForumsDiscussion Forum → the genealogy thread.
the genealogy thread.
2007-07-01, 4:53 AM #1
basicly this thread is to see how far back each of the members here can trace thier family trees. right now, i believe I have found that my paternal grandfathers father is one of two brothers, who between them had 12 sons that any of which (with some exceptions that are possibly too old) could be my paternal great grandfather.

I might have more trouble with my maternal side of my family as it only stays in australia for three generations back, then all my reletives are from european countires. The information is not currently on hand (my mother's sister has the information, and she lives up in queensland) but i can easily get it.

The interesting thing is that pretty much all of the people with my surname are decended from the same family.

So, this is basicly the thread to state how much you know about your ancestory. have fun, and try not to spend too much money on research. ;)
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2007-07-01, 5:45 AM #2
I don't know my actual geneology past my great great grandfather, However I have traced my family's clan names back to Scotland in the 14th century.

Berry (Paternal name) is part of the Forbes clan. The Forbes have lands in Scotland called Aberdeenshire.

"Forbes is a parish in the Aberdeenshire area. A reliable tradition tells that the 'Braes o’ Forbes' were once uninhabitable because of bears living in the area. Oconachar, founder of the clan, killed the bears and claimed the land as ‘first occupier’. The present chief still holds part of the Lordship of these Forbes lands.

In 1271, the chief of the time, Duncan de Forbes, obtained a charter from Alexander III for the land, confirming his claim. In the fourteenth century John de Forbes of the Black Lip had four sons with whom the family expanded widely and prosperously. William began the Pitsligo line, John was progenitor of the branch of Polquhoun and Alistair of Brux was ancestor of extensions in Skellater and Inverernan."

Grey (Maternal Name) is part of the Stewart Clan. They own Renfrewshire, Teviotdale and Lauderdale in Scotland.

"It is through marriage with the daughter of Robert the Bruce that we can begin to trace the descent of the Royal House of Stewart. The royal line of male Stewarts continued uninterrupted until the reign of Mary, Queen of Scots. As a family, the Royal Stewarts held the throne of Scotland, and later that of England, in the direct line until the death of Queen Anne in 1714. In fact, the present Royal family still has Stewart blood links."

Presently that's about as much as I know about my family history.

Just as a side note: If you think you might be of Scottish descent check out [url][/url] . You can look up your Surname and find your clan. They have a history for each clan.
If my smoking bothers you, don't breathe.
2007-07-01, 7:18 AM #3
Can't say much, as our records were lost in the Deluge... :awesome:
Sorry for the lousy German
2007-07-01, 7:39 AM #4
I don't remember the whole story, and can't be arsed to look it up, but my family can be traced back to French nobility, until they became Huguenots, then some left for America, and started one of the first arms of the temperance movements in the US
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2007-07-01, 7:46 AM #5
We can trace our family back to the 16th century in Bretagne, France.
2007-07-01, 8:03 AM #6
Mostly Finnish, but there's one branch that can be traced back to Germany.

Also, if my great-grandparents had stayed in Canada backl in the early 1900s, I could be a Canadian now. Of course, they just had to have one child there (or actually 3, but 2 died on childbirth), leave her there with some other relatives (resulting in my family's Canadian and few decades later, American, branch) and return to Finland... only to have more children and my greatgrandfather ending up in the concentration camp for Reds (socialists and their affiliates) after the Civil War. Hmph.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-07-01, 8:12 AM #7
on my dads side i can trace my genealogy back directly up until 1675.

then on my moms side, my grandfather immigrated from Italy and that trail gets lost after 2 generations,
then my grandma's maiden name can be traced to Gunn clan from scottland:
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2007-07-01, 9:28 AM #8
my mom used to be hardcore into genealogy. she literally had us traced back to adam.
yay for not posting much ever
2007-07-01, 9:33 AM #9
2007-07-01, 9:33 AM #10
I've never really had a reason to give a damn.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2007-07-01, 9:38 AM #11
Don't know, don't care.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-07-01, 10:03 AM #12
swan knights
2007-07-01, 10:05 AM #13
Descended from the Campbell clan. Sorry to all you MacDonald descendants. :P [See: The massacre of Glen Coe.]

Apparently for hundreds of years people on my family were coal miners. Oh, apart from the bloke that invented the Tommy Gun.
2007-07-01, 10:29 AM #14
About five generations ago a bloke called Joe Stafford came over from Ireland I think. Apparently my ma's side of the family came from Scotland trillions of years ago.
2007-07-01, 10:56 AM #15
I can trace my family tree back to the early 1600s.

We have this amazing leatherbound book about our family. It's really neat.
2007-07-01, 12:18 PM #16
If I have a look at the two family genealogy books collecting dust on my shelf, it seems the earliest references are to 16th and 18th centuries.
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2007-07-01, 12:37 PM #17
Originally posted by Martin_W:
my mom used to be hardcore into genealogy. she literally had us traced back to adam.

Literally means, "I'm not exaggerating".
2007-07-01, 1:21 PM #18
a distant realtive at a family reunion a few years back was compiling our family tree and stuff, taking down names of the families that were attending, but a later a guy contacted us and said he was researching his family and found a relation to ours or something.

That goes into detail about my family history. most interesting tid-bits.

Motto on Coat of Arms: Vigore et Honore

In 1620 George Soules
and John Howland came in the Mayflower to Plymouth.

Daniel Soules was given a grant of land in Digby County, N.S., by King
George the Third for loyalty to the Crown during the American Revolution,
to which he moved from Dutchers County, New York, in 1783.

I'm also linked to Samual Lount, one of the few people hanged in Toronto for their part in the 1837 rebellions in Canada, he was married to a Soules woman.
The Gas Station
2007-07-01, 1:34 PM #19
God knows. A bit back, except all it shows is that we used to live in Hemel Hempstead. And someone banged a German somewhere.
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2007-07-01, 4:56 PM #20
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Literally means, "I'm not exaggerating".

he could techinichally be right if his mother managed to find her way back to a religous figure who's ancestory back to Adam (supposedly) was known.
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2007-07-01, 5:06 PM #21
I just know I'm related to Noah Webster, and both Hans Krebs and Hans Adolf Krebs.
omnia mea mecum porto
2007-07-01, 7:00 PM #22
i am a descendant of Miles Standish, the foul tempered captain of the mayflower.

also a descendant of the man some blame for the American Civil War. Eli Whitney.

anywhos, descendant of clans McKay (paternal grandmother) and Buchanan (paternal grandfather.)
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2007-07-01, 7:17 PM #23
Originally posted by Martin_W:
my mom used to be hardcore into genealogy. she literally had us traced back to adam.

I can't begin to explain the unbelievable ridiculousness of such a claim. Even if Adam was a real person (read: he wasn't), there aren't genealogical records dating back that far.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-07-01, 8:20 PM #24
Originally posted by Ford:
anywhos, descendant of clans McKay (paternal grandmother) and Buchanan (paternal grandfather.)

hmm... is McKay Irish or Scottish?

Originally posted by Rob:
We have this amazing leatherbound book about our family. It's really neat.

that is freakin awesome. i wish i had one.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2007-07-01, 11:35 PM #25
I've got my genealogy somewhere around here, it's got all my ancestors back to several generations before they left Germany for Volga Russia (Volga German heritage) and then to America. It's pretty cool because it's got most all the data of every family descended from every line, it's a rather huge database. In other words, we have all the information of most every descendant (those related by marriage as well) of the same husband/wife up to present time. I'll look and see if I can't find it here.
2007-07-02, 12:23 AM #26
I once looked around the web and ran into some records of a woman in early 1500 England with the last name Coker. Through this searching, my most interesting find was that there was not a single trace of a member of my family above the Mason Dixon line... I think I had a couple of hits in Africa, a couple in Germany (I think), and several in Britain (Almost exclusively in a place known as Middlesex).

This was as detailed as I could get without forking over cash.

As far as I know from word of mouth, the "family" came from Virgina or so possibly in the early 1800s and headed west for a couple hundred years. We didn't really go past Texas, minus that one odd hit in California.
<Rob> This is internet.
<Rob> Nothing costs money if I don't want it to.
2007-07-02, 5:39 AM #27
Originally posted by Darth_Alran:
hmm... is McKay Irish or Scottish?

Scots. the clan is actually MacKay, didnt realize that until last night, cause grandmother and her parents spelled it McKay.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2007-07-02, 4:40 PM #28
Originally posted by Ford:
Scots. the clan is actually MacKay, didnt realize that until last night, cause grandmother and her parents spelled it McKay.

you and i got some bad blood pal :argh:

just kidding.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2007-07-02, 5:04 PM #29
As close as I can get on my dad's side is I can trace my family back to Sam Bass

And my wife's can be traced back to Jesse James
obviously you've never been able to harness the power of cleavage...

2007-07-03, 5:50 PM #30
I have found an ancestor of mine that was born around 1841. although i have still yet to confirm the relation, it is an almost certainty that this woman is related to me. hopefuly once it is confirmed, i can get it onto genes reunited and hopefully find some matches. after all, the further you go back, the more likely it is that you may find someone totaly unknown to you that shares an ancestor with you. I know I could always just get my paternal grandfather's birth certificate, but geneologists are well known for trying all the methods that do not cost anything at first before spending money (especialy when it is information held by somone who is still living.
Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%
2007-07-04, 8:27 AM #31
Can't remember many names but on one side it's Welsh people and west country bumpkins and on the other it's a hodge podge of Irish/Italian/Afrikaner-South Africans. Only got records going back to the late 1700s.
Recently found out that my great-grandmother was of the Pretorius family famous for Andries Pretorius which Pretoria in S.Africa is named after.
2007-07-04, 8:53 AM #32
Don't care.:neckbeard:
2007-07-04, 9:32 AM #33
Originally posted by alpha1:
he could techinichally be right if his mother managed to find her way back to a religous figure who's ancestory back to Adam (supposedly) was known.

Thats pretty much what happened. She traced it back a long ways to some big name in the 1200s and then found somebody else's records that that had apparently traced that person all the way back to Noah and Adam.

it may be "ridiculous", thats what she found.
yay for not posting much ever
2007-07-04, 9:59 AM #34
The fact that Adam wasn't a real person pretty much makes your mom crazy.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2007-07-04, 10:05 AM #35
Originally posted by Jep:
The fact that Adam wasn't a real person pretty much makes your mom crazy.

blah blah blah *insert typical massassi religious debate jargon here*
yay for not posting much ever

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