basicly this thread is to see how far back each of the members here can trace thier family trees. right now, i believe I have found that my paternal grandfathers father is one of two brothers, who between them had 12 sons that any of which (with some exceptions that are possibly too old) could be my paternal great grandfather.
I might have more trouble with my maternal side of my family as it only stays in australia for three generations back, then all my reletives are from european countires. The information is not currently on hand (my mother's sister has the information, and she lives up in queensland) but i can easily get it.
The interesting thing is that pretty much all of the people with my surname are decended from the same family.
So, this is basicly the thread to state how much you know about your ancestory. have fun, and try not to spend too much money on research.
I might have more trouble with my maternal side of my family as it only stays in australia for three generations back, then all my reletives are from european countires. The information is not currently on hand (my mother's sister has the information, and she lives up in queensland) but i can easily get it.
The interesting thing is that pretty much all of the people with my surname are decended from the same family.
So, this is basicly the thread to state how much you know about your ancestory. have fun, and try not to spend too much money on research.

Snail racing: (500 posts per line)------@%