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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Star Wars Prequel trilogy music rant
Star Wars Prequel trilogy music rant
2007-07-02, 5:38 PM #1
Not too long ago, I decided to watch through the entire Star Wars Saga (not in one go of course) again. One thing I noticed about the music in episode I-III compared to IV-VI is that the music seems somewhat uninspired. John Williams seem to have become lazy and tired of Star Wars, while he was composing for the prequels (then again someone mentioned to me that he wasn't able to score the complete films, but only incomplete films for the prequels?).

Don't get me wrong, the prequel music is still great, but it doesn't seem to be on the same level as the original trilogy. The biggest problem I have with the prequels is how often they reuse the same exact tracks (especially episode I) without remixing them like the original trilogy did. Duel of the Fates is an epic duel music that suited the final fight in episode I well. However, I always looked upon the track as something that's related closely to Darth Maul. So what was up with the music being used again when Anakin goes to rescue his mother? For that scene, a remix of the Skywalker theme would be more fitting wouldn't it? How about the music being used again in the Yoda versus Palpatine fight? For a fight against two such powerful force users representing opposite spectrum of the force, you think they would have their own duel music.

You know how in the original trilogy ever major battle (Battle of Yavin, Battle of Hoth, and Battle of Endor) has its own memorable music track? Considering the Battle of Genosis started the Clone Wars, you think it would have its own grandiose theme. Instead when Mace arrives at the arena, they decided to play episode I music along another episode I music track when Yoda lands with backup. Why is it that the clone troopers don't have their own theme? For some reason Williams decided to use the Trade Federation theme when Obi-Wan saw the troopers at Kamino. Fortunately, the Battle of Coruscant did have its own music at the beginning at least.

Then there's the misuse of music themes. I forgot what scene it was in episode II, but they decided to play Yoda's theme for some odd reason when Obi-Wan and Anakin did something. Finally you have the birth of Luke and Leia in contrast with the building of Vader's new body, which uses Qui-Gon's funneral music? Such a pivotal event that they couldn't come up with new music for that scene?

Overall, I guess I'm disappointed because I think the music could have been a lot better. Some of the best scenes (Luke starring off into the sunset, Yoda's X-Wing lift, Sarlac pit escape) in the original trilogy have no dialogue, but they work magnificently because of the music. Anyone else feel the same way as I do?
2007-07-02, 5:43 PM #2
Episode I was one of the best scores of the entire saga (beaten only by ESB.) The ultimate version of the soundtrack is worth checking out. Episode II and III suffer from terrible editing with the soundtracks.
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2007-07-02, 5:58 PM #3
The prequels have a few very, very memorable scores, such as the love theme in EP2. Unfortunately the soundtracks are too different from the originals. There is very little of the classic fanfare.

Terminator 3 had the same problem. It's like some retarded "new artistic direction" crap that hollywood likes to take.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-07-02, 6:03 PM #4
That's because John William is a hack.
2007-07-02, 6:10 PM #5
Yes, because having influences makes one a hack. :rolleyes:
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-07-02, 6:14 PM #6
I loved the Trade Federation's invasion music in TPM. It's one of the few good things to come from the prequels.
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2007-07-02, 6:14 PM #7
Originally posted by Cloud:
Anyone else feel the same way as I do?

ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2007-07-02, 6:18 PM #8
It's not even about "having influences." Main themes aside, I doubt I'd be able to tell the Star Wars soundtrack from Indiana Jones or Harry Potter.
2007-07-02, 6:24 PM #9
TPM did have a great score, and "Battle of Heroes" was amazing as well.
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try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2007-07-02, 6:37 PM #10
The prequels simply don't have the same luster as the original soundtracks. The three Battle of Endor tracks, "Shuttle Tydrium Approaches Endor", and, of course, the God damn Imperial ****ing March.

Yeah. :colbert:
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2007-07-02, 6:53 PM #11
I personally can't stand the ROTJ soundtrack. Terrible recording and it suffers from it. But ESB and The Asteroid Chase ftw.
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2007-07-02, 6:57 PM #12
I agree with Vinny, 99% of Williams' tunes are the same old epic bombast, they blur together like hell (apart from those two tunes from JP everyone knows).
2007-07-02, 6:58 PM #13
The problem is that it was all mood and background music. Not an honest to goodness actual song like, say, the SW theme. I mean, it's not really the kind of music you could hum or find a beat to. Your mind has no way of really remembering it or grasping it so it forgets it like it was just back ground nice, which is what it essentially ends up being. There's just nothing to hand on to.
2007-07-02, 7:05 PM #14
Originally posted by DEFINOTELY NOT SPE:
I agree with Vinny, 99% of Williams' tunes are the same old epic bombast, they blur together like hell (apart from those two tunes from JP everyone knows).

Yeah, John Williams definitely has some memorable themes. But even then, If you compare to the Star Wars Theme to Indiana Jones or Hedwig's Theme, they're very similar.
2007-07-02, 7:34 PM #15
I agree, I didn't think the prequel soundtracks were that great either. I've got the 3 prequel soundtracks which are more like highlight reels, and the entire soundtracks to the OT.

I think Obi-Kwiet is probably close to what I thought. Mood music, but not memorable, strong themes.

On a different note, I thought Yoda's theme was really a theme for the Force. Ha, I made a punny.
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2007-07-02, 10:33 PM #16
Originally posted by Vincent Valentine:
But even then, If you compare to the Star Wars Theme to Indiana Jones or Hedwig's Theme, they're very similar.

They're supposed to be a similar type of fanfare.

When you called him a hack I assumed you meant because of the influence of The Planets score.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-07-02, 10:41 PM #17
you can hear Mars in almost every action movie score ever.
2007-07-03, 3:28 AM #18
Watch the robot factory scene in AotC and then watch the scene in the car(?) factory in Minority Report. Very similar.

But I think Cloud hit the nail on the head. It's especially the uninspired reuse of old unfitting themes, that makes the score worse in the prequels.
Sorry for the lousy German
2007-07-03, 5:28 AM #19
I agree with Timewolf. TPM (the complete score) is right up there with the best of the Star Wars scores. He really toned down creating the melodies for the 2nd and 3rd (instead relying on one dominant theme). But if I remember right, he was told to do so for some reason. I cannot remember where I read that at, but I saw it before Episode 2 and 3 came out. And it came true.
2007-07-03, 10:26 AM #20
I thought that EP3 had an amazing score
2007-07-03, 10:55 AM #21
Originally posted by Impi:
Watch the robot factory scene in AotC and then watch the scene in the car(?) factory in Minority Report. Very similar.

I came into my friends house while here little brother was watching that scene and before actually seeing the TV, I said, "Oh you're watching Harry Potter?"
2007-07-03, 11:05 AM #22
I fully agree with you, yet RotS soundtrack had some listenable gems (more than AotC or TPM, who had maybe one or two).
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-07-03, 11:09 AM #23
Originally posted by TSM_Bguitar:
I thought that EP3 had an amazing score

Aye, I actually thought that too.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2007-07-03, 5:10 PM #24
The only prequel song I can ever replay in my mind is Duel of the Fates, whereas I can do that with most of the songs in the original trilogy, and in many cases can visualize the scene they go to. That might mostly be a function of seeing the original trilogy many more times, though. I don't really notice the prequels as lacking when in music when I watch them; it's just that they don't seem to stick.
Why do the heathens rage behind the firehouse?
2007-07-03, 5:58 PM #25
Originally posted by DEFINOTELY NOT SPE:
I agree with Vinny, 99% of Williams' tunes are the same old epic bombast, they blur together like hell (apart from those two tunes from JP everyone knows).

This is because he's stereotyped as the "go to guy for epic aventure movies" kind of like Danny Elfman is labeled as the "go to guy for superhero movies." If you ever seen Munich, believe it or not Williams did the soundtrack for that movie. The music style is drastically different in that movie compared to something like Indiana Jones and Star Wars. I liked the melancholy theme at the beginning of the movie. Don't forget that Williams did the infamous Jaws theme.

Obi_Kiwiet, you're probably right that somehow the direction might have change with the music style being more geared as ambience or background music. Episode II and III probably demonstrate this idea best (the music being played after Order 66 is carried out is quite good for the movie, but listening to the track on its own somehow achieve the same feeling). Seems like with the prequel movies, they further distance themselves from using leitmotifs. Quite unfortunate as that was what made the original trilogy and the Lord of the Rings trilogy so great. You know you have something close to oscar winning soundtrack when the music you use is rememberable, draws the audience in, and being good listening music.

But if I remember right, he was told to do so for some reason. I cannot remember where I read that at, but I saw it before Episode 2 and 3 came out. And it came true.

This doesn't seem to make sense, but somehow I can believe it. Was Ben Burt (sound editor I think) involved in this?

A side note about Battle of the Heroes, doesn't it seem a bit too epic and bombastic in the words of DEFINOTELY NOT SPE? This duel music is excellent, but I can see it being more fitting for the duel between Yoda and Palpatine (of course we would have to rename the track). From watching a documentary on the DVD, George mentioned how he wanted the music to be quite dark. Somehow I don't get that feeling when listening to the track. It doesn't sound as dark and melancholy as the Vader versus Luke fight in Return of the Jedi when Luke becomes angry (short but excellent track). Considering Anakin's fall from grace along with his relationship with Obi-Wan, the music seems like it should be more dark and melancholy.
2007-07-03, 6:45 PM #26
Williams wasn't "influenced" by just Mars. A good majority of his music, at least the memorable parts, is ripped right out of classical music. Indiana Jones theme? From Tchaikovsky's fourth symphony. End of RotJ SE? Finlandia. Beginning of ESB (after the main theme)? Bartok's Concerto for Orchestra, and so on...

Not that he hasn't produced amazing scores; he has a great sense for what music will work with what scene. It's just that often that music isn't really his.
2007-07-03, 7:32 PM #27
I thought that the prequels were as well as the OT.

And I never got the hate for EP II and III. I thought they were developments of similar themes, that's what I liked. It just seemed like it was ideas that actuallly related musically to TPM, but darker and more angsty.

Hmm, seemed to fit. Haha.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2007-07-03, 7:39 PM #28
Originally posted by TheCarpKing:
The only prequel song I can ever replay in my mind is Duel of the Fates, whereas I can do that with most of the songs in the original trilogy, and in many cases can visualize the scene they go to. That might mostly be a function of seeing the original trilogy many more times, though. I don't really notice the prequels as lacking when in music when I watch them; it's just that they don't seem to stick.

That's also in part because the soundtracks that were released for the OT actually are the complete scores and more or less follow the correct order. The PT soundtracks are in some cases missing pieces altogether, not to mention the order on the albums is a cluster****.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2007-07-03, 8:10 PM #29
Originally posted by Vornskr:
Williams wasn't "influenced" by just Mars. A good majority of his music, at least the memorable parts, is ripped right out of classical music. Indiana Jones theme? From Tchaikovsky's fourth symphony. End of RotJ SE? Finlandia. Beginning of ESB (after the main theme)? Bartok's Concerto for Orchestra, and so on...

Not that he hasn't produced amazing scores; he has a great sense for what music will work with what scene. It's just that often that music isn't really his.

So I guess every Blues artist ever is a theif, then.
2007-07-03, 9:25 PM #30
and every musician ever is a thief as well.

a tune i find quite hummable is the celebration theme from ANH...dont remember the track name exactly, but the scene where luke and them get their medals. of course it goes righ tback into the main theme but i like it.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2007-07-03, 11:10 PM #31
Originally posted by Cloud:
Quite unfortunate as that was what made the original trilogy and the Lord of the Rings trilogy so great.

LotR has my favorite movie soundtrack ever.

That and Gattaca.
2007-07-04, 1:13 AM #32
Originally posted by Ford:
a tune i find quite hummable is the celebration theme from ANH...dont remember the track name exactly, but the scene where luke and them get their medals. of course it goes righ tback into the main theme but i like it.
I like that one as well, but whenever I try to hum it I start humming instead "Prince Ali, Ali is he, Ali Ababwa..." from Disney's Aladdin. The setting is very similar :P

oops, I thought you meant the gungan celebration music in Theed at the end of TPM
Dreams of a dreamer from afar to a fardreamer.
2007-07-04, 4:54 AM #33
Originally posted by DEFINOTELY NOT SPE:
I agree with Vinny, 99% of Williams' tunes are the same old epic bombast, they blur together like hell (apart from those two tunes from JP everyone knows).

see the problem with saying this (and someone already touched on this) is that everyone only remembers his huge epic musical numbers, and many of the directors ask for something like that from him. he did Schindler's List which has, among other things, an amazing violin solo.
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2007-07-04, 7:40 AM #34
And Home Alone, Seven Years in Tibet (which is a beautiful tune), and some others that I can't stand like Sugarland Express, Rosewood, and The Reivers.
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2007-07-04, 8:24 AM #35
Memoirs of a Geisha is another great one with no real major epic, overblown music. Though I so have to say, I like his 'bombastic' stuff too
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2007-07-04, 1:00 PM #36
Originally posted by sugarless5:
see the problem with saying this (and someone already touched on this) is that everyone only remembers his huge epic musical numbers, and many of the directors ask for something like that from him. he did Schindler's List which has, among other things, an amazing violin solo.

More than that, you only remember his scores from the ones you've actually seen. How can you just write off the life work of some guy by saying 'yeah, 99% of his songs are unoriginal rehases'? You haven't watched all the movies and TV shows he's scored.

Main themes aside, I doubt I'd be able to tell the Star Wars soundtrack from Indiana Jones or Harry Potter.

That's because generally aside from the credits and the theme song, the music in a movie or TV show is supposed to complement the on-screen action, not distract you from it.
2007-07-04, 5:04 PM #37
Originally posted by Fardreamer:
I like that one as well, but whenever I try to hum it I start humming instead "Prince Ali, Ali is he, Ali Ababwa..." from Disney's Aladdin. The setting is very similar :P

oops, I thought you meant the gungan celebration music in Theed at the end of TPM

You know now that you mention it. The beginning somehow does seem a bit reminisicent of that Aladdin song. While we're at it, Disney used to have a lot of memorable songs in their animation works.
2007-07-05, 10:33 AM #38
Originally posted by Cloud:
A side note about Battle of the Heroes, doesn't it seem a bit too epic and bombastic in the words of DEFINOTELY NOT SPE? This duel music is excellent, but I can see it being more fitting for the duel between Yoda and Palpatine (of course we would have to rename the track). From watching a documentary on the DVD, George mentioned how he wanted the music to be quite dark. Somehow I don't get that feeling when listening to the track. It doesn't sound as dark and melancholy as the Vader versus Luke fight in Return of the Jedi when Luke becomes angry (short but excellent track). Considering Anakin's fall from grace along with his relationship with Obi-Wan, the music seems like it should be more dark and melancholy.

This is because the duel itself was not dark enough, not the music, is great and dark, although a remix could have extended it. I have seen a remix of the duel, that made it somewhat darker, but alas it doesn't live up to my expectations, and probably it doesn't live up to the expectations of other fans.
Nothing to see here, move along.

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