Compos Mentis
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Posts: 2,331
In my soon-to-be-professional opinion, a graphire2 is more than adequate. The only way you'd need more is if you are doing super high-res images (read: you're a professional who can afford it), or you have small e-penis issues. The tablet software comes with the ability to set the tablet area to a particular section of the screen. This, combined with graphics "zoom" ability makes anything possible with even a 4x5.
Although I will grant certain features of the more expensive tablets are useful time-savers, but nothing anyone couldn't do without.
As far as easier-vs-harder; The difference between digital drawing and real is quite alot, however, one is not more difficult than the other. They both require a different set of techniques, while sharing the same basic principles. If you can draw in real life, on paper, then you can draw with a tablet. Yes, there will be some learning required, but it's not all that difficult. If you can't draw, just remember that the tablet won't make you an artist.
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.