Yeahyeah...maybe I'm bored.
23c/73.4f @ idle. Athlon 64 x2 3600+ @ 2.09Ghz. Ambient temp ~22c/72f. Might be a bit cooler by the computer, though...the wall thermometer is a bit away from the (open) window, and it's 52f outside.
Edit: Apparently I passed 6k sometime recently-ish. Whodathunkit..

23c/73.4f @ idle. Athlon 64 x2 3600+ @ 2.09Ghz. Ambient temp ~22c/72f. Might be a bit cooler by the computer, though...the wall thermometer is a bit away from the (open) window, and it's 52f outside.

Edit: Apparently I passed 6k sometime recently-ish. Whodathunkit..