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ForumsDiscussion Forum → If you're planning on buying a Wii, wait.
If you're planning on buying a Wii, wait.
2007-07-15, 1:23 PM #1
A week. Toys R Us is going to have a bunch for release on Sunday, July 22nd. My store already has 24...

If you want, you can tell me your nearest store's number and I can look up how many they have so you can gauge how early to get there. Their store number is the 4 digit number in brackets when you look it up on the site...
2007-07-15, 1:56 PM #2
Thanks for the []
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-07-15, 2:31 PM #3
6037 please, Vinny

My best friend's girlfriend wants one badly
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2007-07-15, 3:01 PM #4
5638. Thanks for the heads up.
2007-07-15, 3:15 PM #5
so there's no big sale or anything on Wii? why would i have to wait if i was planning on buying one right now? they are in stock at my local wal-marts
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2007-07-15, 3:17 PM #6
Originally posted by DrkJedi82:
so there's no big sale or anything on Wii? why would i have to wait if i was planning on buying one right now? they are in stock at my local wal-marts

You must have a sweet Walmart, cuz I haven't seen Wii's in stock ever at my local Best Buy, Target and Walmart. I think he was saying "wait" for those people who are resorting to buying online on ebay or such.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2007-07-15, 3:33 PM #7
are they out or just have none in the cabinet on the sales floor?... everytime i've went to my wal-mart there has been none in the cabinet but before i leave they wheel out a whole cartload of Wiis

with wal-mart if they are out... call the next day supercenters get trucks every day
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2007-07-15, 4:36 PM #8
I got lucky and managed to get my Wii at Walmart.
2007-07-15, 5:08 PM #9
There will most likely be a bundle deal for the Wii. What they do is they hold all the systems a week or two before a new ad comes out (with a Wii deal), and then release them all as soon as the ad breaks.

I'll check those stores on Tuesday when I work next.
2007-07-15, 5:47 PM #10
Walmart is a terrible, frightening place.
2007-07-15, 6:03 PM #11
Originally posted by Echoman:
Walmart is a terrible, frightening place.

Tell me about it. I've worked at a local Walmart two summers now.
2007-07-15, 9:03 PM #12
Originally posted by Echoman:
Walmart is a terrible, frightening place.

2007-07-16, 12:04 AM #13
Walmart here had a bunch in stock last time I was there (about a week ago). Target also had some. Targets were gone the next day, I don't know how long they were there. Call around, I bet someone has them.
2007-07-16, 12:08 AM #14
Still no shortages on any console in Germany.

I guess we're PC gamers or something.
Sorry for the lousy German
2007-07-16, 3:05 AM #15
Originally posted by Impi:
Still no shortages on any console in Germany.

I guess we're PC gamers or something.

nope it's because all of the good games are banned
2007-07-16, 7:53 AM #16
When I got mine in February I had been trying for a few weeks with no luck. Within his first two days of trying, a friend of mine got one for himself on the first day, and one for me on the second. The secret is to call the stores in your area first thing in the morning. It helps if you know when their shipments usually arrive.

I don't know if it's still that hard to get one, but that should help.
2007-07-16, 8:24 AM #17
Originally posted by Jon`C:
nope it's because all of the good games are banned

Yes, all those nazi games for the wii.

Those germans can't enjoy Wii Heil.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2007-07-16, 8:26 AM #18
there are plenty of online stores in the UK that have them stocked, although to be honest, I have been checking for a while and this is the first time that they seem to be in stock in decent quantities.

I'm still not sure whether I want to get one though...
People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.

2007-07-16, 9:06 AM #19
Originally posted by James Bond:
I'm still not sure whether I want to get one though...

You should wait until there's a game worth playing. Prime 3 will probably be the first one on the system, but since you live in Europe you probably won't be getting Prime 3 until Christmas or next year.
2007-07-16, 10:38 AM #20
Oh joncy, just wait until Yoshi or SAJN gets a load of that post. They'll be certain to inform you of all the totally amazing games that you should run out and buy to play for 20 minutes and then get sick of the gimmick.
>>untie shoes
2007-07-16, 10:50 AM #21
Originally posted by fishstickz:
Yes, all those nazi games for the wii.

Those germans can't enjoy Wii Heil.

Well, in a way he's right.

The Godfather BHE for Wii is more or less banned (you can't advertise the game, can't display it in the store and of course can only sell it to adults).

And so far it's the best singleplayer Wii game I played.
But nothing beats Wii Sports or Mario Strikers Charged Football in multiplayer.

Unless, of course, there really is Wii Heil and I'm missing an awesome Nazi game! :(
Sorry for the lousy German
2007-07-16, 6:46 PM #22
Wiis are easy to find from where I live at.

You should wait until there's a game worth playing. Prime 3 will probably be the first one on the system, but since you live in Europe you probably won't be getting Prime 3 until Christmas or next year.

With regards for my tastes for games, I have to agree with you too. Most of the Wii games released so far seem to be ports of PlayStation 2 or GameCube games (Godfather and Resident Evil 4). Now in regards to other games like that one doctor game, Wii sports, and cooking game, they seem to be more like arcade or mini-games. The type of games that are fun to play every now and then, but not something that's going to really engage you in like Zelda, Smash Brothers, or Metroid. However as with the PS3, the future looks better with great upcoming games being released around the holidays and next year.
2007-07-17, 11:59 AM #23
Vinny, if you wouldn't mind checking on the quanitities that my two local TRUs will have in, that'd be great, their numbers are 6049 and 6041.
"It sounds like an epidemic."
"Look, I don't know what that means. But it happens all the time." - Penny Arcade
2007-07-17, 3:07 PM #24
i found mine at the fifth store i went to.
and wii sports is definitely worth getting the wii for.
2007-07-17, 3:14 PM #25
Originally posted by Antony:

lol. gimmick. lol. :eng101:
Think while it's still legal.
2007-07-18, 1:10 AM #26
Sorry I forgot to check today, I'll be sure to check tomorrow.
2007-07-19, 2:23 AM #27
6037 - 31
5638 - 42
6049 - 15
6041 - 15

Good luck!
2007-07-19, 9:28 AM #28

42? Decent amount, heh.
2007-07-19, 9:33 AM #29
Originally posted by Echoman:
Walmart is a terrible, frightening place.

Especially ghetto Vegas Walmart.
2007-07-21, 10:02 AM #30
Originally posted by Vincent Valentine:
There will most likely be a bundle deal for the Wii. What they do is they hold all the systems a week or two before a new ad comes out (with a Wii deal), and then release them all as soon as the ad breaks.

I'll check those stores on Tuesday when I work next.

It looks like there is good news for those of us who are looking into getting one, looking at the last page of this ad seems to imply that it is not a bundle deal, but is just a system by its lonesome, but if you buy one of those three games you get a controller glove . . . which I'm alright with buying mario party and getting something free.
"It sounds like an epidemic."
"Look, I don't know what that means. But it happens all the time." - Penny Arcade
2007-07-21, 4:00 PM #31
I have high hopes for the Wii. Even Resident Evil 4, which is just a port (and not a very good port, at that), is still a lot of fun. It's fairly boring to begin with, but later on in the game it gets much better. I imagine the Wii will be awesome when developers start experimenting with its capabilities. Oh how I long for Manhunt 2...
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2007-07-21, 5:20 PM #32
RE4 was an awesome port. DO YOU DO DRUGS?!

(Strikers Charged in two weeks! Yay!)
Think while it's still legal.
2007-07-22, 6:12 AM #33
It's not that it's a bad port, it's just that it's not a very good game.
2007-07-22, 6:19 AM #34
Originally posted by Mort-Hog:
Even Resident Evil 4, which is just a port (and not a very good port, at that), is still a lot of fun.

I heard it was the best version...
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2007-07-22, 6:28 AM #35
The only thing that bums me is that with the wii version they should have removed stop to aim.

It would have made the game way less challenging though.. :/

I kind of want an over the shoulder Wii shooter with REAL shambling zombies though. LOADS of them, like on Dead Rising, but without that lame *** time limit stuff. :/
2007-07-22, 10:21 AM #36
Originally posted by Victor Van Dort:

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935

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