I'm thinking of getting a new monitor since my current one is crap. It's a 19" CRT monitor that I've had for about 3 years now. The display really hurts my eyes when viewed at a res higher than 1024x768 because the clarity of small text is absolutely horrible.
I'm thinking of getting a LCD monitor because CRTs are too bulky for my tastes and I've always wanted those sleek thin monitors. The computers at my college use LCD monitors in the labs and I've grown accustom to them.
The question(s) I want answered is if it be worth to get a wide screen or stick to the standard 4:3 ratio monitors. If I go wide screen, how would older games that don't support wide screen resolutions work? If I run a game at 800x600 or 1024x768, will there be black bars on the sides of the screen or is the display stretched out? What is the typical resolution for a wide screen monitor (both low and high) for use with a game/program that wasn't designed with a wide screen option?
I'm thinking of getting a LCD monitor because CRTs are too bulky for my tastes and I've always wanted those sleek thin monitors. The computers at my college use LCD monitors in the labs and I've grown accustom to them.
The question(s) I want answered is if it be worth to get a wide screen or stick to the standard 4:3 ratio monitors. If I go wide screen, how would older games that don't support wide screen resolutions work? If I run a game at 800x600 or 1024x768, will there be black bars on the sides of the screen or is the display stretched out? What is the typical resolution for a wide screen monitor (both low and high) for use with a game/program that wasn't designed with a wide screen option?
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!