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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Dark forces help!
Dark forces help!
2007-07-18, 11:31 PM #1
hi its me , the thread was closed in JK, JK MOTS well so if im able to take it here

hi im new here at massassi forums and im not so very smart about computer, so heres the prob, i use DosBox 7.0 , Dfend , and i run the Install.DOS and it launches but then :

An error occured while loading JEDI.CFG

and remember im not so smart so dont take too complicated here now.

anyone can tell me what to do?

thanks in advance.

and someone said u chould fix this problem in DOS command line (possibly) in dark forces folder but, the problem is , where is DOS command line? and that u should type INSTALL - Xk but i dont know any one know a fix for this?
2007-07-19, 12:14 AM #2
Go to start, then run. In the box, type cmd and hit enter. This will bring up the command prompt.

Next, you need to change your current path to the dark forces directory. Let's assume it is C:\games\darkforces . Just type "cd c:\games\darkforces" then "install -xa" and assuming the advice you got was accurate, that should work.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-07-19, 12:42 AM #3
well it seems like i still run into problem, but not with the program, the command prompt, well i use swedish version of this cuz im swedish, and i click on ''run'' and then type in CMD and press enter, then the command prompt runs as u said, yes but then u say, u must ''CHANGE'' your directory, and do you mean within the commandprompt, dosbox 7.0 or the regular way to just drop the folder there? well i try typing this in dosbox and cmd

c:\games\darkforces Install -xa

but anyways, it doesnt come up any programs or stuff, and command promt just says it cant find the search way, and i have dropped it the regular way into C:\Games\Darkforces

but i have the DARK and the LECDEMOS and INSTAL.DOS and JEDI.CFG in that folder but should i just put out DARK in the Games folder? thanks in advance i'll try messing with this sh*t a while xD

and one more thing, when i run CMD , it says C:\Documents and Settings\(Username) and i dont know how to fix this please say where i should type in the Dosbox, cmd , or should i just drop it?

now its the 2nd time i edit here, and i typed C:Games\darkforces

and it says nothing except the commando word i typed, and then i type INSTALL -XA

the darkforces install.dos runs but the problem remains,


An error occurred while trying to read the Jedi.CFG file.

and i have WinXP but it should work with dosbox but i just cant find the way thanks for your help anyway but try searching more, it must be somesort of fix for it.
2007-07-19, 9:30 AM #4

The installed version of Dark Forces does not HAVE an install.exe (I assume that's what you mean, since I have never seen .DOS files). You cannot just copy the files off of the CD, you need to use the CD installer.

If you still have the original CD:

Use the mount command in DOSBox to mount TWO directories as DOSBox drives... the CD and the place you want to install the game. For this example, I will mount my CD drive (drive I) as drive D and mount my Dark Forces directory (F:\Programs\Games\DARK) as drive C:. For your specific computer you will have to change these examples to fit your system, of course.

Z:\> mount d i:\ -t cdrom
Z:\> mount c f:\programs\games\dark

Now I can change to drive d: and run the installer

Z:\> d:
D:\> install

Then I tell it to install to C:\ and it will install it to my dark forces directory.

If you don't have the original CD, try renaming install.exe to setup.exe (this is what the installer does). Then running it will get you the controller setup and stuff. Also note that you don't need the LECDEMOS directory... that's just extra CD content that contains installers for some other LucasArts game demos.

Z:\> mount c f:\programs\games\dark
Z:\> c:
C:\> rename install.exe setup.exe
C:\> setup

This isn't required though. You don't NEED setup.exe or install.exe really... if you want to set sound settings use imuse.exe. Then run Dark Forces with dark.exe

Z:\> mount c f:\programs\games\dark
Z:\> c:
C:\> imuse
C:\> dark

If you still receive JEDI.CFG errors, delete it. Dark Forces will generate a new one. I believe all it holds is keybindings/controller mappings.

Z:\> mount c f:\programs\games\dark
Z:\> c:
C:\> del jedi.cfg

I have a full guide on getting Dark Forces running on newer computers, unfortunately it does not cover the actual installation (the guide assumes users are comfortable enough with DOS to not need help with the installer).

Although my guide doesn't recommend DOSBox, I would recommend you stick with it, as it is the best balance of ease-of-use and performance in getting DOSBox working again. VDMSound is even easier, but it is a poor solution with many glitches. Virtual PC is the hardest solution with the best results in speed, but it can be a bit cumbersome to run.

2007-07-19, 11:15 AM #5
hey , actually i got it working before u even made this, but if i encounter any future problem with the thing i use that, but its all thx to :D thanks , hey you thanks anyway but theres only one problem! i used ''USED'' soundfx2000 and used Sounblaster16 and it says:

This is a time limited version of Soundfx2000

and when ive played like 10 mins Dark forces frozes, get back to desktop and the following message comes:

This is a time limited version of soundfx2000
*uninportant stuff with email and sh*t*

and then i tryed on VDM sound and wich not i understand, i run the Dos file VDMSOUND.BAT

and it starts and everythings fine but it says , press a key to continue, so i does and the dos quits and i then start Imuse.DOS inside Darkforces directory, and then it shows the old SoundFX2000 sound cards, and i press the regular one who SoundFX2000 recommended for my PC but now all of them says the same message:


well i just wonder, can u help? i make a new thread anyway shall i?
2007-07-19, 1:53 PM #6
ok sorry for double reply, but no help is needed anymore, darkforces runs fine no probs encountered only that i suck at the map with dianogas and the ugly water.. lol well and i fixed the sound with running Dark Forces, pressing right mousebutton and then , Run with VMDS first IMUSE.DOS
and then when the imuse got the file done, DARK.DOS with VMDS
well somebody who can close this thread admins, its no longer needed, i guess.
2007-07-21, 3:52 AM #7
ok calling all admins please keep this thread while i copy the content for mind, if i install this game at another computer i must copy all this text and save it, thank you MegaZZZter , im going to get use of this, and i found a Extremely easy way now becuz of you MegaZZZter, u said u chould delete it and make a new one then the most problems whould be solved within the JEDI.CFG OCCURED AN ERROR probs, so then just Install D-Fend and take the INSTALL.EXE and game exe: DARK.EXE, and then install and the game should install, and then run the game from the game directory if now the Dark Forces doesnt ask for CD then this idea should work thank you both , Freelancer and The Mega-ZZZTer :D
2007-07-21, 4:33 AM #8
No need to delete or close this thread, it has valuable information.
2007-07-21, 12:17 PM #9
exactly what i sead before you posted, i said its good for those whos looking for help, and so , people can make like Dark forces help ''notepad'' and then copy all the information as helps the game running onto the notepad and then take it on a Portable hardrive.

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