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ForumsDiscussion Forum → I've decided to quit my job.
I've decided to quit my job.
2007-07-22, 8:34 PM #1
I don't like all. I've been here about 1.5 years - it used to be alright, then I was given a much higher workload & much more responsibility with no pay increase (maybe they're waiting for my 90day review..? Eh, that would've been three weeks maybe not..). I did get an excellent annual review in February, along with a 4% raise...which, since our health insurance plan changed & my cost went from $9.xx/mo to $73.50/mo, gave me a net pay increase of less than $10/mo. w00t.

Not to mention that one of our competitors' base pay for my position is ~$6k/yr higher than what I make, which doesn't help things. :)

Sooo, yeah. I have decided to move to Maine - it's closer to my family, and there are many more job opportunities. If I give my notice tomorrow, I'll have a week off, work for the PD on the weekend, have another week off, then work for the PD I have about ten days of unused vacation time that I can either take as vacation or take in a I have plenty of time to find a new job. It's difficult finding a job in a different state while working full-time...soo, this'll make it easier!

Anyway, yeah. :)

NT. :neckbeard:
2007-07-22, 9:00 PM #2
Originally posted by JLee:
Maine - there are many more job opportunities.

Uh, where are you know to make that conclusion?
2007-07-22, 9:10 PM #3
Originally posted by JDKNITE188:
Uh, where are you know to make that conclusion?

Where am I now..? Northern NH.
2007-07-22, 9:16 PM #4
Originally posted by JLee:
I don't like all.


Not to mention that one of our competitors' base pay for my position is ~$6k/yr higher than what I make, which doesn't help things.


Why were you in this so long if you could have had $6k more for roughly the same job?
I had a blog. It sucked.
2007-07-22, 9:36 PM #5
I've decided to quit your job too.
2007-07-22, 9:37 PM #6
Originally posted by Zloc_Vergo:
Why were you in this so long if you could have had $6k more for roughly the same job?

Because what I had is the best I was able to get...the other bank doesn't have an opening for my position.
2007-07-22, 9:53 PM #7
Did you ever go to your boss about the $6k more thing?
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2007-07-22, 9:57 PM #8
Originally posted by Deadman:
Did you ever go to your boss about the $6k more thing?

Yeah. It's not my boss that's the's the boss's boss. I don't particularly care for the job either...though another $6k/yr would help. Though I'm under the commercial banking umbrella now..used to be consumer..but still - my pay range is $10-15/hr, and I'm at $10.40. From my experience with this place so far, a 30% raise just isn't going to happen. The record annual raise at my branch is 4%..

I need an overall change of pace, too - living in a rural 'hardly-anybody-here' setting is getting old. :)
2007-07-22, 10:06 PM #9
I thought you were a police officer...
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-07-22, 10:14 PM #10
Shush Freelancer! He's an undercover cop posing as a banker/nerd
Geez ><
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2007-07-22, 10:23 PM #11
Maine, huh? Do you know where at? I'm half an hour away from portland. It'd be interesting to know another massassian that matters lives nearby. (read: not ZULLY :awesome: )
2007-07-22, 11:59 PM #12
Originally posted by Deadman:
Shush Freelancer! He's an undercover cop posing as a banker/nerd
Geez ><

You would know wouldn't you? You blurted it out last and wound up DEAD.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2007-07-23, 4:18 AM #13
Originally posted by Freelancer:
I thought you were a police officer...


Originally posted by Zell:
Maine, huh? Do you know where at? I'm half an hour away from portland. It'd be interesting to know another massassian that matters lives nearby. (read: not ZULLY :awesome: )

2007-07-23, 4:37 AM #14
Originally posted by JLee:
living in a rural 'hardly-anybody-here' setting is getting old. :)

come on man, you gotta love NH! so much forest; you can have a lot of fun with firearm propellant and metal tubing :)

edit: oops, just read the police officer part :D

i grew up in sunapee/new london/lebanon, where in NH are you?
[ B A H ]
Bad *** by nature,
Hackers by choice
2007-07-23, 7:37 AM #15
How in the gee golly Christ does your health costs go up 773%?
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2007-07-23, 9:45 AM #16
Well, minimum wage is going up this week. By 70 cents!

So the worst you can do now is $5.85 an hour. :psyduck:
2007-07-23, 10:19 AM #17
Originally posted by StrikeAthius:
come on man, you gotta love NH! so much forest; you can have a lot of fun with firearm propellant and metal tubing :)

edit: oops, just read the police officer part :D

i grew up in sunapee/new london/lebanon, where in NH are you?

I'm in Whitefield - right on the border between Coos & Grafton county.

I do love NH...but I think I can handle Maine. :)

Originally posted by JediGandalf:
How in the gee golly Christ does your health costs go up 773%?

Apparently they decided it was too expensive? I don't freakin' know..but it pissed me right off..

Edit: So, it is done. My last day is August 10. :)
2007-07-23, 6:39 PM #18
A word of advice; don't quit until you have an actual offer from another company. Its far easier to find a job when you are employed.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2007-07-23, 6:41 PM #19
I would never leave the state if there was no sales tax. :gonk:

/me adds JLee to the list.
2007-07-23, 7:09 PM #20
Originally posted by JLee:

I live in a quaint li'l town called Pownal. Barely anyone has heard of it even around here, so I'd be surprised if you can find it. I also live in Brunswick part time.
2007-07-23, 7:15 PM #21
Originally posted by gbk:
A word of advice; don't quit until you have an actual offer from another company. Its far easier to find a job when you are employed.

Yes and no. It's not easy going out for interviews/etc if you're working M-F.

And I am still employed..I've been working two jobs. I've never had a problem finding a job, either..and, come to think of it..I'm usually unemployed when looking for work. I tend to stay places for a while - I worked for Publix supermarkets for over three years (with a ~4mo break when we temporarily moved - long story)..I've been here since February of ' almost 18mo. I'm not a frequent job-hopper.
2007-07-23, 7:19 PM #22
Also... more job opportunities? New Hampshire must be in a sad, sorry state in that case.

I have a new slogan to put on the "Welcome to Maine" sign.

"Welcome to Maine: May I take your coat?"
2007-07-23, 7:25 PM #23
Originally posted by ZULLY:
Also... more job opportunities? New Hampshire must be in a sad, sorry state in that case.

I have a new slogan to put on the "Welcome to Maine" sign.

"Welcome to Maine: May I take your coat?"

Northern NH = teh suck as far as job opportunity goes. Sure, I could move down south..Concord area/etc, but I'd just as soon move closer to my family (Norway). Housing is less expensive, too -- I was making a decent wage for the area ($10.40/hr)...1br apartments go for $500-600. I've seen 1br's in Norway for $450, $500, etc.

There are other assorted circumstances as to why moving is my best option, but that would entail a way-too-long story. :)

No income or sales tax in NH, though...I'm going to miss that. :(
2007-07-23, 7:31 PM #24
Originally posted by JLee:
...1br apartments go for $500-600. I've seen 1br's in Norway for $450, $500, etc.

Seeing this makes me want to bail out of CA so bad. $1,300 in the area I want to move to (closer to work). This is by far not a "rich community." I can find a place for $600 but it would be in the pits of San Diego County.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2007-07-23, 7:38 PM #25
Originally posted by JediGandalf:
Seeing this makes me want to bail out of CA so bad. $1,300 in the area I want to move to (closer to work). This is by far not a "rich community." I can find a place for $600 but it would be in the pits of San Diego County.

Yeah..that's ridiculous. Are salaries out there significantly higher to compensate?

I could make $40-50k/yr as a cop in Norway ME -- not bad when you consider I can get an apartment for $500... :awesome:
2007-07-23, 8:21 PM #26

Does working in a bank make you want to like, go crazy? I don't know if I'd be able to do a job that was 100% clerical.
2007-07-23, 8:29 PM #27
Originally posted by Rob:

Does working in a bank make you want to like, go crazy? I don't know if I'd be able to do a job that was 100% clerical.

That's one major reason I quit - I just can't take it anymore. I'm to the point where I really don't care...and that's not a good way to be a productive employee...I'm one of the more knowledgeable people there, and I get stuff done...but I have absolutely no drive to do it anymore. If I'm going to work in a bank, I'd prefer to be in constant direct contact with customers - not behind the scenes guessed it - paperwork. Ugh.

My closest friend works for the same bank, but in a different branch...if we couldn't email each other all day, I'm not sure how I'd be able to take it.
2007-07-23, 8:31 PM #28
I don't think I'd want to deal with customers all day either.

I bet after about 6 months of it you'll want to strangle everyone that talks to you. :/

I thought you were going to be a cop? That looks like something you could do.
2007-07-23, 8:37 PM #29
Originally posted by Rob:
I don't think I'd want to deal with customers all day either.

I bet after about 6 months of it you'll want to strangle everyone that talks to you. :/

I thought you were going to be a cop? That looks like something you could do.

I get along just fine with most people - been here for almost 1.5 wasn't bad at all until they gave me all the responsibilities of a commercial banker it sucks. I used to be an overall branch backup - help the teller line, back up the personal banker, etc...basically a 'floater'. It was pretty spiffy for a while.

I already am a cop - I work part-time as a patrolman and fulltime at the bank. I'll probably pick up as many DUI/speed details as I can as soon as I'm done with the bank - that'll easily tide me over until I 1) get hired with the Sheriff's Office I applied with, or 2) find an alternative job if option 1 falls through.
2007-07-23, 8:42 PM #30
Have you ever considered Private Security?

A guy fresh out of the Marines worked at my hub for about three months before he got a job with UPS for Security. Not sure about all the details, but I know it was alot of money. (He used his experience as a marine to get a management position)
2007-07-23, 8:51 PM #31
Originally posted by Rob:
Have you ever considered Private Security?

A guy fresh out of the Marines worked at my hub for about three months before he got a job with UPS for Security. Not sure about all the details, but I know it was alot of money. (He used his experience as a marine to get a management position)

I've seen a few security positions online, but I haven't really looked into it. I think they were low-level 'rent-a-cop' jobs, though - not something like you're talking about.
2007-07-23, 9:04 PM #32
Yeah, the good private security jobs are mostly by referral or by being in the know. :(
2007-07-23, 9:09 PM #33
Originally posted by JLee:
I could make $40-50k/yr as a cop in Norway ME -- not bad when you consider I can get an apartment for $500... :awesome:

You wouldn't gain much. The social security and health system there, as well as any taxes, are insane. You'd only gain something if all your daily expenses were made in another country that isn't Scandinavia. As an example; when I was in Norway 2 years ago, a pack of Camel cigarettes cost 3 times as much as over here, in Holland.
2007-07-23, 9:18 PM #34
Originally posted by Verticae:
You wouldn't gain much. The social security and health system there, as well as any taxes, are insane. You'd only gain something if all your daily expenses were made in another country that isn't Scandinavia. As an example; when I was in Norway 2 years ago, a pack of Camel cigarettes cost 3 times as much as over here, in Holland.

Dude, he means Norway, Maine.
2007-07-23, 9:19 PM #35
Originally posted by Rob:
Dude, he means Norway, Maine.

What he said. ;)

Poland, Paris, Naples, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Mexico, Peru, China... :P
2007-07-23, 9:48 PM #36
Originally posted by JLee:
That's one major reason I quit - I just can't take it anymore. I'm to the point where I really don't care...and that's not a good way to be a productive employee...I'm one of the more knowledgeable people there, and I get stuff done...but I have absolutely no drive to do it anymore. If I'm going to work in a bank, I'd prefer to be in constant direct contact with customers - not behind the scenes guessed it - paperwork. Ugh.

My closest friend works for the same bank, but in a different branch...if we couldn't email each other all day, I'm not sure how I'd be able to take it.

Oh my god, you didn't just say that. I work with customers (usually pissed off ones) nearly my entire shift. I'm trying like hell to find a job that involves no human contact whatsoever. All faith I had in humanity is completely gone.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-07-23, 9:50 PM #37
Originally posted by Rob:
Dude, he means Norway, Maine.

Err. Right. i r smurtz. :gonk:
2007-07-23, 9:52 PM #38
Originally posted by Freelancer:
Oh my god, you didn't just say that. I work with customers (usually pissed off ones) nearly my entire shift. I'm trying like hell to find a job that involves no human contact whatsoever. All faith I had in humanity is completely gone.

Good thing there are people like me who don't mind human contact, then.. :P

What do you do for work?
2007-07-23, 9:56 PM #39
Originally posted by JLee:
Yeah..that's ridiculous. Are salaries out there significantly higher to compensate?

I could make $40-50k/yr as a cop in Norway ME -- not bad when you consider I can get an apartment for $500... :awesome:

I'd be rollin' high on $40K out there. I'm making $40K now and I'd be paycheck to paycheck.

What's worse is that our lead software engineer is leaving mid-August. He says he might need to find a roommate up in L.A. This guy makes like $80K!
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2007-07-23, 10:00 PM #40
Holy **** JG. 80k gets you a mini-mansion and whatever else you basically want in anytown, USA. That's nuts.

And JLee, I work at Hell-mart. I'm basically the guy who has to placate angry *******s who throw a fit when we won't let them return a $500.00 TV without a receipt or a pair of boots that look like they went through world war 2 without a receipt. I hate my job. I want to be a ****ing lumberjack or something.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009

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