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ForumsDiscussion Forum → So yeah...
So yeah...
2007-07-22, 11:47 PM #1
I was bitten by a "venomous insect" somewhere in the neighborhood of Saturday morning while I was asleep. The doctor that checked my foot out is pretty sure it was a Brown Recluse bite.

I can assure you that you never want one of these bites--it is very painful and causes quite a bit of discomfort/swelling. I can't even put weight on my left foot. I've been given 72 hours of bed rest. I can't go to work. I can't walk for prolonged periods of time. I am bored out of my ****ing mind.

Give me ideas of things to do while holed up in my bedroom, please.
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2007-07-22, 11:49 PM #2
I've got an idea, and it should be one you've already thought of, what with having the internet and all...
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2007-07-22, 11:50 PM #3
I have an idea. You could pass the time by looking at the effects of brown recluse bites on other people!
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-07-22, 11:52 PM #4
2007-07-22, 11:56 PM #5
Originally posted by Freelancer:
I have an idea. You could pass the time by looking at the effects of brown recluse bites on other people!

Yeah mine wasn't that severe. I'd take a picture of it, but it's just a small dot on the bottom of my foot. The wound is raised, and my foot is purplish in color and mildly swollen. I know I was lucky, but I'm not one to like being a bum for 3 days.
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2007-07-23, 12:07 AM #6
Soo, wait, you have been given antitoxins for the bite, yes? It sounds like he just looked at it and shrugged it off.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-07-23, 12:16 AM #7
Dude, that blows. :/

As for ideas.. hmm. You could... rename all your music by hand to conform to a new naming convention?

Or.. you could.. write a story! If you need ideas, here's some helpful words:

three armed monkey
cellular phone

Write a story using those as main themes/motifs/whatevers.
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2007-07-23, 12:19 AM #8
Originally posted by Emon:
Soo, wait, you have been given antitoxins for the bite, yes? It sounds like he just looked at it and shrugged it off.

There is no antitoxin for brown recluse venom.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-07-23, 12:37 AM #9
Eat it!

You should totally eat your own foot. The venom in there should make you high.
Sorry for the lousy German
2007-07-23, 12:44 AM #10
about ten years ago a huge brown recluse made a nest above the back door of my house. It had a large nest and then laid eggs. The eggs hatched and then the back side of our house was infested for a few days while the little suckers migrated and such.

You are making me feel very luck I wasn't bit.
My blawgh.
2007-07-23, 12:45 AM #11
Originally posted by Phantom-Seraph:
about ten years ago a huge brown recluse made a nest above the back door of my house. It had a large nest and then laid eggs. The eggs hatched and then the back side of our house was infested for a few days while the little suckers migrated and such.

You are making me feel very luck I wasn't bit.

I call B.S. unless you used to live somewhere else. They can't survive in Utah.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-07-23, 1:12 AM #12
because the mormons prey on them?
Detty. Professional Expert.
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2007-07-23, 1:32 AM #13
Originally posted by Freelancer:
I call B.S. unless you used to live somewhere else. They can't survive in Utah.

Apparently, whatever my parents were calling brown recluses aren't actually the things that infested the house. Too bad I only found this out now. And now I have no idea what the thing that lived on the side of my house was. :tinfoil:

EDIT: I looked it up and I guess what my parents were mistaking as a Brown Recluse was this thing.
how they mixed up the two is beyond me.
My blawgh.
2007-07-23, 2:10 AM #14
Originally posted by Freelancer:
There is no antitoxin for brown recluse venom.

Oh snap. I just did a search and there are experimental ones, but they need to be administered before the symptoms even begin to show.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-07-23, 2:13 AM #15
Originally posted by Emon:
Soo, wait, you have been given antitoxins for the bite, yes? It sounds like he just looked at it and shrugged it off.

That's because I didn't have any signs of necrosis. Necrosis is very rare, and my reaction was fairly mild. I was given strong antibiotics to fight off any possible infections and a steroid to help with the inflammation. Other than that, there's not much more the doctors can do for me. I have to let my body fight it. Bites on the feet are serious, though, because your body has a harder time circulating the blood flow when you're upright. So, that's why I'm supposed to keep it elevated as much as possible.

I've attached some pictures that I just took (about 18 hours after treatment): my left foot is still mis-colored, but not nearly as bad as it was. Luckily, the swelling has gone down with the steroids. The tiny spot in the middle of my foot is the bite mark (I had to turn the flash off to make it viewable). I'm still in excruciating pain, though, so it looks a lot better than it actually is. Pretty much every muscle and tendon on the inside of my foot is inflamed and in pain. I have to hobble on my left heel to put minimal pressure on the inflamed areas.
Attachment: 16841/IMG_0132.jpg (44,379 bytes)
Attachment: 16842/IMG_0137.jpg (24,790 bytes)
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2007-07-23, 8:41 AM #16
I've seen a girl with a brown recluse bite on the side of her leg. There was a weird kind of dent there, about the size of a big marble.
2007-07-23, 2:34 PM #17
I've had a couple neighbors talk to me when they saw me hobbling around outside. Apparently, there's a handful of people that have been bitten around here in the past couple years. Only one of the stories had some mild necrosis, but everyone else seemed to have the same symptoms that I had, but one guy had a nasty rash break out.

Also, one of my friends from work called me today to see how I was, and I completely forgot he was bitten by a Brown Recluse about 3 1/2 months ago. He actually had necrosis around the bite, and it was absolutely disgusting. Ironically, he told me they gave him the same treatment that I was given. He was fortunate to have it on his leg, so he could at least move around moreso than I can.
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2007-07-23, 11:20 PM #18
Man that sucks. Glad it's not worse that it is.
Two of the houses I've lived in were infested with them.
Fortunatly none of my family ever got bitten.
On a Swedish chainsaw: "Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals."
2007-07-23, 11:48 PM #19
On the bright side, you'll have some more ammo if you ever need to one-up someone on injuries.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-07-24, 8:10 AM #20
Spiders...? I hate spiders...

Around here i've got spiders, scorpions, and snakes. As far as spiders are concerned there we've got everything from minor jumping spiders to black widows, I feel lucky that I haven't been bitten by something serious yet.

Snakes are where the real worry lies...though they don't make me shudder in fear quite like an extremely dangerous spider does. I was out on the lake once and was next to this tree. I turned around and there was a water moccasin literally an arms length away sitting on one of the low branches eyeballing me... I got away unscathed.
<Rob> This is internet.
<Rob> Nothing costs money if I don't want it to.

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