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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Star Wars Shadows Of The Empire heeelp!
Star Wars Shadows Of The Empire heeelp!
2007-07-23, 4:50 AM #1
hi i got the SoTE for PC version and i install and everything runs smoothly until i start the game, the graphic messes up like he** cuz the starting text mesess up, the graphic when u play a level is brown white, and its unplayable cuz u cant see anything except the setup menu and the level select. and there is no graphic setup in the setup options right? so i really need help i want to play that game :D
2007-07-23, 5:15 AM #2
This thread also hurts my brain.
2007-07-23, 5:25 AM #3
What the hell is "he**"?
2007-07-23, 5:48 AM #4
Hell, I believe
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2007-07-23, 5:51 AM #5
i thought it maybe wasnt allowed to swear so thats why i put two stars.
2007-07-23, 6:38 AM #6
Censoring half a word isn't really censoring.


What operating system are you using? If you're using XP, have you tried compatability mode? Right click on the game .exe and click the "compatability" tab, and try it under windows 98 or something.
And, you know, update graphics drivers and etc..
2007-07-23, 9:49 AM #7
yes im using XP i tried it on another computer as is newer than mine and it works so perfectly everything runs normal and no problems, and , ill try that thank you and Jin theres nothing to do with the resolution? ive tried all of them and 1028 x (some sort of numbers) that resolution ive tried, the text in the beginning was perfect, the text u chould read was good , but i chould still not see a damn thing ''in game'' well ill try what u say , and ive tried now, but nope same problem remains, and i've opened Sdata and pressed Shadow wich is a 3D acelleration test, i got the regular one wich i start the game with and nothing happens and then i try the one , one slot above, wich is Windows 3D RGB Emulator or some sort of name, and the one works but lags.. it works the graphic looks as it should do, but the lag ..
2007-07-23, 10:21 AM #8
I was going to reply but my brain exploded halfway into the first sentence.

Good lord, use some grammar and spelling.
2007-07-23, 10:24 AM #9
2007-07-23, 10:39 AM #10
I've got no idea about that, but for a few years now I haven't been able to watch the cutscenes properly no matter what system I use... perhaps it's the disc then.

But still, unlike many people, I actually enjoy SotE even though it's rather lolarious most of the time.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-07-23, 10:40 AM #11
Tracer, forgot caps lock.. looks like ur angry because im not that good at english maybe because im a swedish! and why the h*ll is every one angry at me? And tell me that in the beginning instead of the end to make a better future.
2007-07-23, 10:45 AM #12
Originally posted by Tracer:

and Tracer this is not a chat room for guys who is annoying and telling bad words, clean your mouth! and im asking for help not for guys who can tell me to spell right! i hope is'nt a school!
2007-07-23, 10:48 AM #13
No, I was mocking those other guys for being jerks to you. Even if you're not that great at English, I say mash away.
2007-07-23, 10:49 AM #14
Hey, um... I'm fairly sure Tracer was joking. Hence the all caps and sarcastic tone. Welcome to Massassi, you'll get used to it. :v:

[EDIT: Curses! Foiled again!]
2007-07-23, 10:51 AM #15
im sorry i didnt know.. and i can even prove that im not good at english, what does mash away mean? i know what away means but mash?

[EDIT: haha! funny :D well ok but time to get on the road again, any one wanna help me?]
2007-07-23, 10:57 AM #16
Originally posted by Tracer:

Except I was being serious. There's a difference between "Elana14"-type screwups, and nigh-unreadable screwups.

I seriously couldn't understand half of what he was saying.
2007-07-23, 11:01 AM #17
ok we know now Cool Matty but i still need help to that game wanna help?
2007-07-23, 11:04 AM #18
Like I said, I don't know what you said so I can't help you.

Write it out again and be as concise as possible. Use a list if you need to.
2007-07-23, 11:04 AM #19
ok i will type less much text, space when too much text together and try to use good spelling:

I launch SoTE and press play pilot (username).

Then the text's lookes messed up and is not as its used to be.

Then i start a random mission and i cant see a thing , because its all white, white brown, light blue or some sort of , depending on the terrain in the map.

And i've tried to switch the resolutions but so far no luck.
2007-07-23, 11:17 AM #20
I'll find my disc and seeing how it works on my XP.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2007-07-23, 11:25 AM #21
Do other games work fine for you?
2007-07-23, 11:41 AM #22
Talking to me? If so yes they do work fine except for lag on too good games for my computer..

I actually have this game for N64 but in my opinion the N64 is'nt such comfertable such as the computer :D

So lets say all 13 other games as is installed on my computer works.

Except some times when i want to play old games like , DOOM , Star Wars Dark Forces, i maybe have to mess around with compability, DOS command prompt and more.

But i will really appreciate your help!
2007-07-24, 2:41 AM #23
It sounds like your vid card. When I first got SOTE for PC a looooong time ago I had a really ****ty vid card that wouldn't run it properly. Check that and also see if you can download a patch from LEC.
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2007-07-24, 2:54 AM #24
LEC? Do u mean Lucas Arts or what, well im looking for a patch for vid cards , i want to play the game, thanks Schming. :D
2007-07-24, 9:39 AM #25
Well seems like this thread is dying also. And i test the 1.1 patch but nothing helped. The Direct 3D Hard Drive Acellerator works just fine just that no models , graphics nothing, except the terrain color.
2007-07-25, 5:18 AM #26
Sorry for third post but no one will anyways see if i just Edit so i say for the third time: Any one who is willing to help me? Cool Matty can you help? I want to play the game so if you guys want to help, post a reply so i know. And so im not typing for the 5th time in this thread straight.
2007-07-25, 5:36 AM #27
:/ This is a Jedi Knight/Jedi Outcast forum. Maybe you should try looking for an SotE forum?
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2007-07-25, 2:24 PM #28
Uhm im not so sure? Why is everyone making threads about their jobs/lifes other questions? This is the Discussion Forum.
2007-07-25, 2:36 PM #29
This forum is for whatever. Sorry nobody knows how to help you. I played that on my n64, never had the PC version.
2007-07-26, 2:37 AM #30
Yeah... Well maybe i should stick with my crappy controls of N64

EDIT: lol i pressed enter of misstake , its not the whole reply here it is:

Yeah... Well maybe i should stick with my crappy controls of N64 to play that game. Or play SoTE at another computer sometimes. But i've allready finished the version of N64 wich was really hard. But thanks anyways guys! Im keeping this thread if someone should pop up with information to solve this graphic problem.
2007-07-26, 1:38 PM #31
SotE doesn't work with some newer video cards either. I've tried it on a lot of them and get problems.
-There are easier things in life than finding a good woman, like nailing Jello to a tree, for instance

2007-07-26, 1:41 PM #32
Originally posted by Jin:
Censoring half a word isn't really censoring.
Neither is censoring the entire word. Anyone with a few neurons still firing in his head can get the meaning of a censored word from its context.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-07-26, 1:50 PM #33
Wow look what i missed.
I'll check to see if it runs on my comp.
2007-07-27, 8:54 AM #34
Thanks Tiberium_Empire.

Well i'd really , really appreciate if you help me getting SoTE work for comp.

But theres no rush, because i have it on N64 and allready finished it.

But i still want it on PC for fun, but theres no rush but some day it must be.

Thanks in advance!
2007-07-27, 10:11 AM #35
Originally posted by Klirre:
Thanks Tiberium_Empire.

Well i'd really , really appreciate if you help me getting SoTE work for comp.

But theres no rush, because i have it on N64 and allready finished it.

But i still want it on PC for fun, but theres no rush but some day it must be.

Thanks in advance!

Did you get all the challenge points? I did it in the game on N64, it was hard as hell. I went back and played the game some time later, and I couldn't believe how hard it was. I guess I was better when I was younger.
2007-07-27, 7:36 PM #36
The cinematics are ****ed and some text is blurred. But it plays fine.

Could we have your computers specs and screenshot of the problem?
2007-07-28, 1:31 AM #37
Originally posted by Brian:
Did you get all the challenge points? I did it in the game on N64, it was hard as hell. I went back and played the game some time later, and I couldn't believe how hard it was. I guess I was better when I was younger.

Well, no i have'nt got all challenge points, the hardest missions to find those challenge points i think was: Sewers of imperial city,escape from echo base and Xizors Palace and Gall Spaceport. But i use to do this:

First, i try to get as many as easy challenge points to get, such as in Echo base there are many easy, but there are some hidden. And when i came as long as i have beaten the game, sometime i restart from the missions i have'nt gotten all challenge points.

And i just cant find the 3 last Challenge Points in Escape from Echo Base. I have 7 of 10 challenge points on that mission. I'll show you my stats list of how i completed the game:

1. Challenge Points

Battle of Hoth = 3 of 3 , Lives = 5 , Time = 0:05:44

Escape from Echo Base = 7 of 10 , Lives = 8 , Time = 0:25:12

The Asteroid Field = 6 of 6 , Lives = 12 , Time = 0:04:57

Ord Mantell Junkyard = 10 of 12 , Lives = 13 , Time = 0:15:27

Gall Spaceport = 4 of 15 , Lives = 13 , Time = 0:27:55

Mos Eisley and Beggar's Canyon = 1 of 12 , Lives = 9 , Time = 0:07:57

Imperial Freighter Suprosa = 6 of 10 , Lives = 8 , Time = 0:29:14

Sewers of Imperial City = 4 of 9 , Time = 0:19:29

Xizors Palace = 4 of 10 , Lives = 8 , Time = 0:28:26

Skyhook Battle = 0 of 0 , Lives 5 , Time = 0:11:21

After i reached 0x lives at gladiator droid and i defeated it, somehow the Skyhook Battle mission gave me minimum lives = 5x lives.

And please give in your stats of the PC version or N64 version of time, Lives, Challenge points, if u have completeted the whole game or not.

EDIT: Yes Tiberium_Empire i can take a screenshot of how it look likes. on 640 x (something)

[http://namnlös.bmp/] This is the image, it seems like its kinda messed up , cause i dont know how to insert image here, please teach me lol

EDIT: Heres my video i sent into youtube, watch it and see the problem. (click the link)
2007-07-28, 2:04 AM #38
Use [url][/url]
And we need computer specs.
2007-07-28, 2:08 AM #39
i sent a link tiberium , check it out.
2007-07-28, 3:59 AM #40
I think I'm going to play this game again (on the N64), thanks to this thread.
Sorry for the lousy German

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