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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Massassi History Question
Massassi History Question
2007-07-28, 2:23 PM #1
I was under the impression that this was going to be our first SP Level contest. However, someone mentioned in the other thread that they "won the last one." I searched the news to find "the last one" and I found a single news post:
Massassi Single Player Jedi Outcast/Academy Level Contest
The Massassi Temple will soon host its first Single Player Level Contest. The rules are simple:
Nothing illegal
Level must be for Jedi Outcast or Jedi Academy (levels will be judged on gameplay, story, and visuals, so if there's something in JA that you really want, better make your level for JA)
Level must not be released anywhere until after the winners are announced and posted here (feel free to submit to other sites after the contest is over)
Deadline: Sunday, August 8th, 2004 (about 3 months)
Rules subject to change - we will post the final rules and official contest announcement within 1 week.
This time, there will be prizes (to be announced soon - minimum: 1 PC game of choice for top 3, possibly a hosting package or two, and others we haven't hashed out yet).

Does anyone remember this? Did people enter, were judged, won, etc.? Or was this the last of it completely? Argh :(
2007-07-28, 2:59 PM #2
Audience Gasps!
2007-07-28, 3:41 PM #3
The plot thickens!

...Yeah, I don't remember this either. I'M LOADS OF HELP! :ninja:
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-07-28, 5:41 PM #4
Originally posted by Brian:
Does anyone remember this? Did people enter, were judged, won, etc.? Or was this the last of it completely? Argh :(

lassev won it. This was his level, remember?:

Only one SP level was submitted (and it was his). There weren't any judges and much publicity for the contest. Also, the deadline was weird.
2007-07-28, 9:51 PM #5
lol wtf?
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-07-28, 10:53 PM #6
2007-07-29, 1:06 AM #7
Heh. Aye. I'm eternally grateful to Brian. The NWN expansions were diligently played through and much enjoyed.

If memory serves, you, Brian, had some pressing and time consuming RL business to appear shortly after you had announced the contest and consequently you had no time to invest in marketing it anywhere. However, a few people never forgot it, though I was the only one who managed to finish anything for the contest.

For the sake of my own honour I've to note here I didn't insist on getting the prize, quite the contrary, as I felt it was a bit preposterous seeing how mine was the only entry, but Brian is a man of such staunch honour and principles that he refused to listen to any objections and proceeded to buy me the NWN expansions.

Well, that was the short story long of how it all happened in the historic Massassi JO/JA SP contest.

(And btw, my level would have won, no matter what kind of competition there might have been under better circumstances. Just so that you know.)
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2007-07-29, 8:11 PM #8
Reading some posts in this thread, did I miss something...?
2007-07-29, 9:31 PM #9
Wow, okay. I will update the contest page tomorrow to note this. I completely forgot about it, I've had a very turbulent last 7 years or so. This one won't turn out like that, I'll post reminders every couple of days and you guys will help spread the word, right? Heh.
2007-07-30, 11:46 PM #10
I updated the contest page to reflect the previous SP contest winner.

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