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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Sunshine
2007-07-29, 6:17 PM #1
A few things to start: go see this movie as soon as possible.
If you are in fact going to go see this movie as soon as possible, dont go to the website since it has a few spoilers.

Basic plot: Sun is dying; Sun must be restarted. Yes.... Like The Core, just not crappy.

Anyway I just saw the movie last night. It was kinda slow at first, but i imagine they did that to kind of get the feeling of the long journey to the sun. ( 7 years I think they said) Everything was done so well, Im just a little disappointed it wasnt as creepy as it probably could have been. I mean when theres the near dead corpse of the Icarus I captain running around the ship killing people you have a ton of room for scares.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2007-07-29, 6:22 PM #2
GOOD JOB with the spoiler tags there.

Anyways if this ever actually gets released in Canada I'll go see it.
2007-07-29, 7:46 PM #3
I saw it on Saturday, its definitely one of those movies that sticks with you, I've been thinking about it on and off for the past two days. Probably the best movie I've seen so far this summer.
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2007-07-29, 8:02 PM #4
2007-07-29, 8:37 PM #5
I saw a preview for it somewhere a few weeks ago. It definitely caught my eye.
Pissed Off?
2007-07-29, 8:39 PM #6
Chris Evans is hottttttt.
2007-07-29, 8:42 PM #7
God dammit, I saw this and was going to run and see it at 11:00, but all my friends are apparently watching the Simpsons movie right now... doldrums :\ :hist101:
2007-07-29, 9:07 PM #8


"We have to hurry, it'll be night soon. YOU DON'T WANT TO BE ON THE SUN WHEN IT'S NIGHTTIME."
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2007-07-29, 9:13 PM #9
That was really stupid, Jon.
2007-07-29, 9:32 PM #10
no you
2007-07-30, 5:32 AM #11
Yeap, great movie. Go see it.

The last 20 min or so really suck, but up to then it's a such a good movie it overcomes a craptacular ending.
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2007-07-30, 5:34 AM #12
... What the hell, that movie premiered here in like April or so.

But nevertheless, I thought it was at least watchable, except for the ending and the total absence of interesting characters or character development for that matter. Especially the villain... ... hm.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-07-30, 5:41 AM #13
sunshine is evil.

all things are evil.

no idea bout the movie though.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2007-07-30, 6:09 AM #14
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
... What the hell, that movie premiered here in like April or so.

But nevertheless, I thought it was at least watchable, except for the ending and the total absence of interesting characters or character development for that matter. Especially the villain... ... hm.

I didn't find need for character development - these astronauts had about 16 months to get to know one another, all the development was done before we saw them. The actors didn't seem like they were acting to me at all in that they just seemed like astronauts who were on a mission.
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2007-07-30, 6:20 AM #15
Originally posted by Spork:
Yeap, great movie. Go see it.

The last 20 min or so really suck, but up to then it's a such a good movie it overcomes a craptacular ending.

Really? I thought the ending was really good. Weird, but good!
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2007-07-30, 11:17 AM #16
This thread needs more Chris Evans.

2007-07-30, 12:02 PM #17
I think it needs more Cillian Murphy. >.>
Attachment: 16914/murphy.jpg (27,304 bytes)
"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
2007-07-30, 12:34 PM #18
So, I was going to go see The Simpsons movie today, but is this a better choice?
2007-07-30, 12:36 PM #19
Cillian Murphy's one of my favorite actors.

In a, you know, non-sexual way.
2007-07-30, 1:00 PM #20
Originally posted by Dj Yoshi:
Cillian Murphy's one of my favorite actors.

In a, you know, non-sexual way.

riiiiight.... :rolleyes:
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2007-07-30, 2:52 PM #21
Originally posted by mb:
Really? I thought the ending was really good. Weird, but good!

Hey I've got nothing against suspension of disbelief, hell some of my favourite movies are verging on farcical, but at the end of Sunshine... Nup, too far.
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2007-07-30, 3:17 PM #22

(>_> i totally understand what you mean though)
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2007-07-30, 3:58 PM #23
This thread needs more Chris Evans.

2007-07-31, 11:29 AM #24
I just watched this movie yesterday, and I thought it was pretty good. But I noticed something that really really disturbed me. When the crew goes in to investigate Icarus 1, every time the beam from one of their flashlights crosses the screen I swear there is a single frame of a man's face as it crosses our view. It could be just me, or maybe you guys noticed it and it's actually obvious, but it just really disturbed me for some reason.
2007-07-31, 11:40 AM #25
Its different faces of the Icarus I crew, you can see all the faces on the image that they dust off in the mess hall area.
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2007-07-31, 12:03 PM #26
Yeah, that was AWESOME. I loved those faces, everyone in the audience was going like... "uhh, wtf" every time they flashed up. It was great.

The ending... w/ the guy from Icarus I was ridiculous, but I didn't mind... they pulled off the aesthetics of it quite well, what with the flashes of a silhouette as the computer is telling Kapa that there's a 5th crew member on board and the stare that the Icarus I captain gives him through the door, and the bizarre jittery effects and whatnot...

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