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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Do you find this girl attractive?
Do you find this girl attractive?
2007-07-31, 5:14 PM #41
Yes, she is hot. Not in the "omg sex now" way but in the "hey she is pretty hot i wonder if she will go out with me" way.
2007-07-31, 5:16 PM #42
That hair almost looks real...
omnia mea mecum porto
2007-07-31, 5:37 PM #43
Decently attractive and potentially hot, it's hard to tell.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-07-31, 5:37 PM #44
It's a man.
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2007-07-31, 5:53 PM #45
meh, she does look like a bit of a *****, but she could be attractive
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2007-07-31, 5:59 PM #46
shes cute
(JKLE_Cougar) from JK MP Community
2007-07-31, 6:11 PM #47
Even though I think it looks like a girl (despite the hair that looks slightly like a wig and the funny eye least from this picture), I'm still waiting for the "Ha's a man!" every time I look at the picture I can only see a guy dressed as a girl!! :gonk:
"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
2007-07-31, 6:25 PM #48
The pic reminds me of the guy dancing in the background:
2007-07-31, 6:30 PM #49
Expecting trickery.
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2007-07-31, 6:31 PM #50
Originally posted by Koobie:
The pic reminds me of the guy dancing in the background:

What did we ever do without the internet?
"Flowers and a landscape were the only attractions here. And so, as there was no good reason for coming, nobody came."
2007-07-31, 6:33 PM #51
Still have use of our eyes and ears. :o
Pissed Off?
2007-07-31, 6:33 PM #52
shes kinda cute. and if its a guy... hes kinda cute. :ninja:
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2007-07-31, 6:33 PM #53
is she a dude?
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2007-07-31, 6:47 PM #54
Originally posted by DrkJedi82:
is she a dude?

its me

im the dude in the op
2007-07-31, 7:01 PM #55
She's alright, but she needs a better picture that's not MySpace style.
2007-07-31, 7:38 PM #56
it's a dude!
2007-07-31, 7:52 PM #57
Is she your sister? If so, yes
"Oh my god. That just made me want to start cutting" - Aglar
"Why do people from ALL OVER NORTH AMERICA keep asking about CATS?" - Steven, 4/1/2009
2007-07-31, 8:01 PM #58
Better pic, stat.
2007-07-31, 8:06 PM #59
The hands give it away.
2007-07-31, 9:22 PM #60
pretty sure that's a dude
2007-07-31, 9:25 PM #61
No, but I'd hit it anyway
2007-07-31, 10:00 PM #62
Not ugly enough to be Rob. :P
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2007-07-31, 10:08 PM #63
On closer examination... I think I may have been tricked. Phone covering the throat is kind of a giveaway.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2007-07-31, 10:35 PM #64
Yeah, the eyebrows look a little funny, the phone's half covering up what seems to be a bigger than usual chin for a girl, along with what could be an adam's apple. I'm going to say it's a dude.
2007-07-31, 10:52 PM #65
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-07-31, 11:19 PM #66
Now that I look at it. It reminds of the time I cross dressed when my hair got shoulder length. . . *sigh* those were the days, scaring my mom :D
My blawgh.
2007-08-01, 12:13 AM #67
Originally posted by JediKirby:
Better community because everyone here thinks a woman has to look like keira knightley.

Nah, she has to look like Natalie Portman. Her nose is prettier.

But you all should be ashamed of yourself! You've probably driven a young woman to suicide by all this "She's a guy!" stuff! .(
Sorry for the lousy German
2007-08-01, 12:36 AM #68
Originally posted by Impi:
But you all should be ashamed of yourself! You've probably driven a young woman to suicide by all this "She's a guy!" stuff! .(

i was just about to say that. if she (or he :ninja: ) ever reads this thread she will probably have a complex for the rest of her (or his) life.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2007-08-01, 12:40 AM #69
that's no woman. that's a dude in drag.
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2007-08-01, 1:19 AM #70
Eh, can't really judge from that picture.
Show me one of her smiling. Or at least one of her not pulling that face
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2007-08-01, 1:27 AM #71
Could be attractive (hard to tell from the picture), but I voted no because even if she is she's not really my type.
Why do the heathens rage behind the firehouse?
2007-08-01, 1:29 AM #72
Too old for you huh?
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2007-08-01, 1:35 AM #73
Definately not manly enough for me. :colbert:
2007-08-01, 3:28 AM #74
I only suspect trickery because it's Rob posting it.
"Well ain't that a merry jelly." - FastGamerr

"You can actually see the waves of me not caring in the air." - fishstickz
2007-08-01, 3:32 AM #75
Originally posted by Deadman:
Too old for you huh?

Better watch out.

Last time I made a joke about him liking little kids I got INFRACTION POINTS.
2007-08-01, 3:37 AM #76
I can't believe it took until the 2nd page for people to call that. I worry about the guys on the first page.

-excessive amount of hair
-bad makeup
-bad photo quality
-rob posting it

I didn't notice at first glance, but yes, scrawny bloke hands.
2007-08-01, 3:50 AM #77
Originally posted by JediKirby:
Better community because everyone here thinks a woman has to look like keira knightley. Not to mention, most people will say no just to say no. "I'm a bigger dick" "No, I'm a bigger dick!"

And your comments about my attitude are probably spot on. Massassi is a cesspool of stupidity now adays.

"Most people who vote yes do so because think they'll get an easy **** if that person ever reads this thread, or will receive attention from them if they start posting here" :P
2007-08-01, 6:15 AM #78
Srsly Keira Knightly isn't that hot. :P
2007-08-01, 7:08 AM #79
She's a more manish version of Orlando Bloom.
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2007-08-01, 7:45 AM #80
she had wicked elf skills in lord of the rings.

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