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ForumsDiscussion Forum → brain****
2007-07-31, 6:46 PM #1
I just learned that there's a programming language called brain**** (no caps). It's probably the least practical language ever made. The point of making it was to challenge programmers by creating a language with the smallest compilator possible (at the moment it was 200 bytes). The language itself is made of 8 commands (> < + - . , [ ]), and the program - a sequence of these commands (with a few exceptions). If there are symbols in the program that aren't commands, they're treated as comments.

Here's "Hello World" in brain****:

2007-07-31, 6:53 PM #2
Why not just program in machine?
2007-07-31, 7:11 PM #3
Brain**** has nothing on Whitespace, or Piet, but I still like it. To be honest, I thought it would be funny if I did my Senior Capstone project in Brain****.

Oh yes, A full list of esoteric languages.

Bah, forgot LOLCODE, also an instant classic.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2007-07-31, 7:23 PM #4
Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet:
Why not just program in machine?

Eh, it is probably easier to write the opcodes in binary than it is to write something in brain****.
[This message has been edited. Deal with it.]
2007-07-31, 7:30 PM #5
2007-07-31, 7:39 PM #6
2007-08-01, 4:40 AM #7
Its got nothing on Intercal, but I think the worst is probably Malbolge.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.

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