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ForumsDiscussion Forum → restart on dvd play
restart on dvd play
2007-08-06, 6:45 AM #1
my comp just restarts when i try to play a dvd. doesn't matter what software i use.
any suggestions? i don't even know where to start with this one.

xp home.
power dvd
2007-08-06, 6:47 AM #2
Can you browse the DVD's files okay?
2007-08-06, 6:55 AM #3
Yeah. It would sound like wisdom to check the drive works otherwise. Also, try with another dvd as well. Normally a bad dvd doesn't crash a system but anything can happen with Windows.

And if you are using some suspicious solution to bypass the region limiter, who knows what kind of problems it could cause as well.
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2007-08-06, 7:01 AM #4
sorry, yes i can browse the files in explorer just fine. i get a restart when i double click a .vob.
the drive works fine when browsing cds and playing cds.

btw, it's a store bought copy of 300. plays fine in my philips dvd player. it did the same thing with animatrix a little while ago but i didn't pursue a solution at the time.
2007-08-06, 8:43 AM #5
I was going to say it's God telling you to stop watching porn, but nevermind...
2007-08-06, 8:51 AM #6
Kill it with fire.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2007-08-06, 9:42 AM #7
Try restarting your computer. :P

Just kidding. Is it only with this DVD?
2007-08-06, 9:45 AM #8
Turn off reboot on bluescreen so you can see what error you're getting. Google how to do this.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-08-06, 11:39 AM #9
Happened to my last night, but its playing them fine today.
Nothing to see here, move along.

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