They could be made cheaper, but I don't know enough to know how much of a difference could be made or where those costs are incurred. No offense, but I doubt you do either. If you do, sources.
Wait, who shoulders all the cost? The patient? That... isn't correct currently. I mean, that's what insurance is for. That's why you pay for it, to not have to deal with that sort of expense. I must be misunderstanding you here.
You may be speaking from common sense, but I don't see it happening in that way. Again, I don't know where all the costs come from, only some of them. What I do know still makes healthcare not cheap. In serious situations you have expensive equipment being operated by highly skilled individuals, among other things. I can't ever see it being that cheap. Maybe it can be, but I don't know.
I shoulda figured that's what you meant, heh. Can't disagree at all there.
On a tangent, I hate that they are in charge of naming the drugs. You know what they do? They make the generic's name chul'wa'sholgath'3-benzotrieneketoaldehyde, and their trade name "Scub". I know why they do that (so that years down the line, we're still ordering "scub" in shorthand), but I'm tested on those infernal generic names.