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ForumsDiscussion Forum → lazy eye.
lazy eye.
2007-08-15, 8:54 PM #1
So for the past two weeks I've been waking up with some ache around my left eye. It usually takes an hour for it to adjust fully to what my right eye is doing. And even then when I look upward just with my eyes the left eye falls short or looses focus.

Any suggestions/ experiences with this would be nice. I've tried the eye patch thing, but it's not working like it normally would with lazy eye.
My blawgh.
2007-08-15, 9:19 PM #2
I'm going to make the obvious suggestion and say go to an optometrist. I've got lazy eyes myself, even had a couple of corrective surgeries when I was small. I haven't found a way to keep my eyes from turning without some kind of corrective measure. Glasses work the best, however my contact makes it easy enough for my eyes to work well. Vision isn't my problem, but my glasses and contacts do take a load off my eyes and keep them straight. You might need a pair.

If you do find something that works fairly well and doesn't involve glasses or contacts, let me know. I'm used to them, but they are both still rather aggravating to keep up with at times.
2007-08-15, 9:35 PM #3
That sounds pretty serious. I would definitely spend the 100$ on seeing a good optometrist. It's never good to skimp on your eyes.
2007-08-15, 9:52 PM #4
Optometrist.......... PRIME
If my smoking bothers you, don't breathe.
2007-08-15, 10:28 PM #5
Have you tried doing any eye exercises? Like focusing on your finger at the tip of your nose, then move it slowly towards and away from you while still focusing on it, that kind of thing? It's not really a fix, but if you can do it, it tends to help get your eyes used to working together again. Like people already said, this is really something that you should talk about with your optometrist.

I didn't get corrective surgery until I was about 15, and then had it done twice. I'm one of the few bad cases, though. They were aligned for a few weeks and then my eyes slipped back to the pre-op state, plus my vision weakened a bit after the surgeries. They apparently work wonders for other people, though. I'm lucky because I can force my eyes into alignment really easily. You can get special lenses to help force them into alignment, but I've never tried them. Regular glasses still make it more like second nature, though.
2007-08-15, 11:45 PM #6
It was never a problem until I got a new prescription on my glasses. So I'm guessing one of the lenses is off or something. Though, my eyes have been fine with these glasses for about four months now. I was hoping it was just fatigue or something that was causing this, but if none of you have been experiencing this because of a lack of sleep than I suppose I'll set up an appointment first thing in the morning.
My blawgh.
2007-08-16, 9:55 AM #7
I've never experienced anything like that. I'd definitely make an appointment if I were you.
2007-08-16, 10:11 AM #8
And for our next episode of "Doctor Massassi..." :eng101:
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2007-08-24, 11:48 AM #9
I got an appointment with an Optometrist on Tuesday. He doesn't know what's wrong. He guessed that it might be something called Brown Syndrome, where the tendon which rotates your eye upward stops working for no apparent reason. But he wasn't sure. He says it will either get better on it's own, or they'll have to stick a syringe full of steroids above my eyeball to stimulate the faulty muscles. :gonk:
My blawgh.
2007-08-24, 11:49 AM #10
Wow. That.. sucks.
2007-08-24, 1:05 PM #11
i've got something that'll stimulate your faulty muscle. giggity.
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2007-08-24, 1:09 PM #12

Only somewhat notable eye-related thing I've had was in 2004 when I suddenly got subconjunctival hemorrhage that made my right eye look like it was 50% covered in blood. It actually looked cool in the beginning when it just covered the corner but after that it went bozoinks.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-08-24, 1:41 PM #13
Originally posted by FastGamerr:

Only somewhat notable eye-related thing I've had was in 2004 when I suddenly got subconjunctival hemorrhage that made my right eye look like it was 50% covered in blood. It actually looked cool in the beginning when it just covered the corner but after that it went bozoinks.

That happened to a friend of mine in highschool. Had way too much to drink, was puking hardcore. The whites of both of his eyes were completely filled with blood.
2007-08-24, 3:31 PM #14
My eye did that from puking too. Not nearly that severe though.
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2007-08-25, 12:20 PM #15
Originally posted by Vegiemaster:
My eye did that from puking too. Not nearly that severe though.

Apparently it can also be caused by the raised blood pressure from drinking, so the combination of blood pressure and puking probably significantly raises your chances.
2007-08-25, 12:37 PM #16
I would rather have that happen to my eye than some rare inexplainable muscle problem .(

(this one eyed frown seems more fitting than ever before :P )
My blawgh.
2007-08-25, 1:14 PM #17
Originally posted by 82nd_Fister:
Optometrist.......... PRIME

hahahaha :D
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."

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