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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Its friday.
Its friday.
2007-08-17, 10:12 AM #1
And tonight, we dine in pants!

Discuss. :rant:

(In other news, I've not seen a post from Gebhoq in far too long.)
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2007-08-17, 10:17 AM #2
On a Swedish chainsaw: "Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals."
2007-08-17, 10:19 AM #3
I've yet to dine with Jep in pants, so I am obviously very excited.
Think while it's still legal.
2007-08-17, 10:22 AM #4
Lets do the VanDamnDance!

Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2007-08-17, 10:23 AM #5
Yay! Weekend! I'm gonna smoke my pipe and have some wine. (maybe :o)

I need sleep.
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2007-08-17, 10:30 AM #6
I'm going out tonight, so likely I shall be dining in a fast food restaurant somewhere along the lines. Although alcohol will have been involved, I should hope pants will play a role in the proceedings.
2007-08-17, 10:48 AM #7
Actually, I didn't dine in pants. Perhaps I should put some on...
Sorry for the lousy German
2007-08-17, 11:11 AM #8
Weekends are highly overrated.
2007-08-17, 11:14 AM #9
My weekend plans are :gonk:. Here's to getting back to University.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2007-08-17, 11:34 AM #10
I'm going to get wasted and play Wii... it's amazing how much fun that actually is.
Quote Originally Posted by FastGamerr
"hurr hairy guy said my backhair looks dumb hurr hairy guy smash"
2007-08-17, 11:36 AM #11
Work, Work and possibly drunk.
2007-08-17, 11:43 AM #12
Probably not doing too much tonight. Going out tomorrow though.
2007-08-17, 1:55 PM #13
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2007-08-17, 1:58 PM #14

However, Superman disagrees with the President!


Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-08-17, 2:00 PM #15
Weekends make me wish I was back at school. One more month to the day.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2007-08-17, 2:19 PM #16
Tonight, going to go sit on a pontoon and watch my dad get drunk off his ***. That's usually fun.

Tomorrow, hopefully I'll spend it with my girlfriend.

Sunday I sleep in or go to church, depending on how my mom's feeling.

Monday I play Guitar Hero all day and go to schoo orientation.

Tuesday I start highschool.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2007-08-17, 2:36 PM #17
Going on a ghost walk in York - one of "Rough Guide"'s top 5 things to do in Britain! Wahoo!
2007-08-17, 2:39 PM #18
Oh, come to think of it I'm actually going to a waterpark tomorrow. Not a big waterpark, mind you, but slides are slides. :awesome:
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2007-08-17, 2:49 PM #19
Originally posted by Jep:
(In other news, I've not seen a post from Gebhoq in far too long.)

That tricksy Gebhoq, always with his ad hoq ways...:ninja:

Nothing major for me this weekend -- gonna go to a party on Saturday. However, next week...Washington state! :D Well, okay, technically Idaho, since that's where Sarn lives... I'm visiting him, and hopefully Janitor Bob too!
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2007-08-17, 3:47 PM #20
Tonight I play my last D&D game with the group I don't like but have played with for about 4 years. (I think the reason I've played with them for close to 4 years is I like my character...who is somehow still only level 7. Stupid DM.)

Saturday I have a friend's BBQ/house warming party thing, and then on Sunday....I play D&D with my awesome group. :awesome:

All in all, I think it's an okay weekend before school starts. Psh...who needs alcohol when I have dice.
"Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it."
2007-08-17, 4:49 PM #21
Hot D&D girlz on Massassi?! My head a'splode! :psyduck:
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2007-08-17, 6:02 PM #22
going to bethany beach tomorrow
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2007-08-17, 6:13 PM #23
Yay for my first day of college.

On a Friday.
2007-08-17, 6:14 PM #24
Originally posted by FastGamerr:

I had a Boca burger today.
2007-08-17, 9:09 PM #25
Well looks like my Saturday's ****ed. Long story short, even though I told my girlfriend I'd like to do something tomorrow since it's my last free day before school starts, she's not called me back in the last hour and probably spending the night with a friend who lives an hour away. And since teendom without a job = sleeping in, and then the hour drive, her parents being *******s, and me not getting to even ASK her to come over tomorrow because she still hasn't called me back more or less bodes "Yeah, she's not coming over tomorrow."

Girls suck.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2007-08-17, 9:18 PM #26
Friday we spent 8 hours at the pub playing poker after work - no surprises there. Today is go-karting for a friends birthday followed by dinner somewhere. Sunday will be a sleep-in followed by the weekly $100 NL Hold'em tourney down at the casino.

Should be a good weekend.
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2007-08-17, 9:20 PM #27
Originally posted by Zloc_Vergo:
Girls suck.

Amen to that!
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2007-08-17, 9:22 PM #28
my girlfriend broke up with me. yesterday my truck got broken into and my radio/speakers got stolen. life sucks.

2007-08-17, 9:23 PM #29
Originally posted by Greenboy:
my girlfriend broke up with me. yesterday my truck got broken into and my radio/speakers got stolen. life sucks.

hey! no plagurising from country songs!

my life is pretty good today, i even defeated the evils of Windows Live Mail with the click of a mouse and the reversion to hotmail
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2007-08-17, 9:38 PM #30
Originally posted by Zloc_Vergo:
Tonight, going to go sit on a pontoon and watch my dad get drunk off his ***. That's usually fun.

Tomorrow, hopefully I'll spend it with my girlfriend.

Sunday I sleep in or go to church, depending on how my mom's feeling.

Monday I play Guitar Hero all day and go to schoo orientation.

Tuesday I start highschool.

You hoe. I start on Monday, and had to wake up at like 630 today to get ready for orientation which was at 8 and went until 11.

Afterwards, we went to the creek and found a ropeswing that i promptly swung on and then proceeded to fall into the water.

I did that repeatedly like 5 times. It was great fun, except I had to walk around town with my friends Laura and Alex with my pants sagging extremely bad, and i couldn't pull them up because lawl water.

Also girls are overrated. :colbert:
2007-08-17, 10:07 PM #31
I would totally wake up at 6:30 if it meant I got to go walk around town hanging with my friends afterwards. But **** private Christian schools with 14 kids to a class who live all over the freaking county and me not living in town. This is why I'm psyched for highschool: more people = more friends and more excitement. I never get to do simple things like wander around randomly with my friends because we're so spread out.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2007-08-17, 10:47 PM #32
Originally posted by Zloc_Vergo:
I would totally wake up at 6:30 if it meant I got to go walk around town hanging with my friends afterwards. But **** private Christian schools with 14 kids to a class who live all over the freaking county and me not living in town. This is why I'm psyched for highschool: more people = more friends and more excitement. I never get to do simple things like wander around randomly with my friends because we're so spread out.

That sucks. All my friends live really close to me, or I can at least take the bus to the area they live in. And Golden is a really great place to just walk around with friends in since it's really pedestrian friendly, has nice sights, the creek, etc.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do with highschool. I've been told everything from it's really hard to it's really easy. I'm not really worried about school work and such, because i'm going to have a crapload of time to do it. Seriously, I have 3rd period off, and on tuesdays and thursdays I can leave school at like 11:30, since 3rd is right after lunch, and then it's access period (Sorta like study hall except you don't have to be there.) I have no idea what i'm going to do with that amount of time :psyduck:

edit: we do block scheduling. On mondays we go to all our classes for 50 minutes or so, tuesdays and thursdays we go to blocks 1, study hall, 2, lunch, 3rd, access. wednesdays and fridays we go to blocks 4, 5, 6, lunch, and then 7th.
2007-08-17, 10:50 PM #33
...I feel old.
2007-08-17, 10:57 PM #34
Originally posted by JLee:
...I feel old.

Gramps, it's time for you to go back to the home.
2007-08-18, 7:13 AM #35
:hist101: :hist101: IT'S SATURDAY! IT'S SATURDAY!
:hist101: :hist101:
2007-08-18, 7:18 AM #36
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2007-08-18, 9:14 AM #37
Originally posted by Stinkywrix:
That sucks. All my friends live really close to me, or I can at least take the bus to the area they live in. And Golden is a really great place to just walk around with friends in since it's really pedestrian friendly, has nice sights, the creek, etc.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do with highschool. I've been told everything from it's really hard to it's really easy. I'm not really worried about school work and such, because i'm going to have a crapload of time to do it. Seriously, I have 3rd period off, and on tuesdays and thursdays I can leave school at like 11:30, since 3rd is right after lunch, and then it's access period (Sorta like study hall except you don't have to be there.) I have no idea what i'm going to do with that amount of time :psyduck:

edit: we do block scheduling. On mondays we go to all our classes for 50 minutes or so, tuesdays and thursdays we go to blocks 1, study hall, 2, lunch, 3rd, access. wednesdays and fridays we go to blocks 4, 5, 6, lunch, and then 7th.

I've been told by someone who is basically about as smart as me that highschool is a breeze compared to my old school. He also said it's the most fun he's ever had in his entire life, ever. You honestly have no idea how horrible our old school was and is still. It's getting worse.

My school does the 4-block scheduling. 89 minute classes, 4 classes a semester. I don't have a schedule on timing, but basically you get 2 classes in the morning, and the third class is different depending on your lunch, and one class in the afternoon. You get either:
  • 3 classes in the morning then lunch and one in the afternoon
  • 2 classes in the morning and then 2 classes in the afternoon or
  • 2 classes, then half of one class, then lunch, then the other half of the class, and one class in the afternooon.

I don't know which lunch period I get yet, but I think it's the third one. Mmmm, lunch right after PE. Oh, and the purpose of the 4-block system? This way our teachers teach for 45-50 minutes, and then we get half the class to finish our homework. From what my friend told me, if the class plays their cards right, you can actually get the teacher to do it for you. Hardly any homework ftw!

Finals ftl :gbk:
I had a blog. It sucked.
2007-08-18, 10:00 AM #38
Originally posted by Spork:
Friday we spent 8 hours at the pub playing poker after work - no surprises there. Today is go-karting for a friends birthday followed by dinner somewhere. Sunday will be a sleep-in followed by the weekly $100 NL Hold'em tourney down at the casino.

Should be a good weekend.

And let me guess, you mysteriously win and you know nothing of card tricks at all. :ninja:

2007-08-18, 10:04 AM #39
Originally posted by Greenboy:
my girlfriend broke up with me. yesterday my truck got broken into and my radio/speakers got stolen. life sucks.

****, I'm four months out and it still sucks. Wanna drink with me over mIRC tonight?
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2007-08-18, 11:13 AM #40
tofu sucks

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