That sucks. All my friends live really close to me, or I can at least take the bus to the area they live in. And Golden is a really great place to just walk around with friends in since it's really pedestrian friendly, has nice sights, the creek, etc.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do with highschool. I've been told everything from it's really hard to it's really easy. I'm not really worried about school work and such, because i'm going to have a crapload of time to do it. Seriously, I have 3rd period off, and on tuesdays and thursdays I can leave school at like 11:30, since 3rd is right after lunch, and then it's access period (Sorta like study hall except you don't have to be there.) I have no idea what i'm going to do with that amount of time
edit: we do block scheduling. On mondays we go to all our classes for 50 minutes or so, tuesdays and thursdays we go to blocks 1, study hall, 2, lunch, 3rd, access. wednesdays and fridays we go to blocks 4, 5, 6, lunch, and then 7th.