Mostly because I just went and got a new pair of shoes for the new school year, and there hasn't been a post in 45 minutes (at the time I started writing this thread). To skip past the story and get on to the shes, skip this next block of text.
I looked through running shoes and couldn't find a shoe with "enough to it" for me to actually find it comfortable. I looked in K-Swiss and found something that looked like a basketball shoe with a flat sole, which seemed like the perfect shoe for me. Except it was built for something with feet that just weren't mine. So after 15 minutes of searching, I succumbed to basketball shoes again. My God, there's nothing I've ever worn as comfortable as basketball shoes. My last pair of shoes were some Nike Airs that I've worn to DEATH, and before that another Nike I forgot the name of. I have a pair of K-Swiss skater-style shoes, but those just never got worn much because I can't run in them. And I need to be able to run, I don't have 5 pairs of shoes for every occasion, I have 3. Mud shoes, nice shoes, and everyday shoes. Basketball shoes are just the most versatile, comfortable shoes I've ever warn.
I settled on a pair of black Adidas Floaters (How horrible of a name is that? :gonk:) and they're already amazing after just 3 days of wearing them. My Nike Airs can rest in piece.
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tl;dr/ooo, pictures!, post your shoes.
Edit^4: Fixed for ****ing good.
I looked through running shoes and couldn't find a shoe with "enough to it" for me to actually find it comfortable. I looked in K-Swiss and found something that looked like a basketball shoe with a flat sole, which seemed like the perfect shoe for me. Except it was built for something with feet that just weren't mine. So after 15 minutes of searching, I succumbed to basketball shoes again. My God, there's nothing I've ever worn as comfortable as basketball shoes. My last pair of shoes were some Nike Airs that I've worn to DEATH, and before that another Nike I forgot the name of. I have a pair of K-Swiss skater-style shoes, but those just never got worn much because I can't run in them. And I need to be able to run, I don't have 5 pairs of shoes for every occasion, I have 3. Mud shoes, nice shoes, and everyday shoes. Basketball shoes are just the most versatile, comfortable shoes I've ever warn.
I settled on a pair of black Adidas Floaters (How horrible of a name is that? :gonk:) and they're already amazing after just 3 days of wearing them. My Nike Airs can rest in piece.
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tl;dr/ooo, pictures!, post your shoes.
Edit^4: Fixed for ****ing good.
I had a blog. It sucked.