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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Scrubs
2007-08-20, 2:36 PM #1
Is the best show since M.A.S.H.
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2007-08-20, 2:40 PM #2
I never really got into it.
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2007-08-20, 2:43 PM #3
That's a serious shame.
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2007-08-20, 2:45 PM #4
I usually only have time enough for one or two TV series. Those voids are either filled by a combination of two in this set: House, 24, Heroes, or The Sopranos.
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2007-08-20, 2:45 PM #5
it's really very good
gbk is 50 probably

2007-08-20, 2:48 PM #6
The new seasons are nowhere near as good as the first few, yet their still better than most things on TV these days.
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2007-08-20, 2:54 PM #7
I'm probably biased, but I grew up in a hospital. I knew medical interns who are now head of entire floors. I had all of these archetypes around me and I knew their humor and their sadness. On top of all that, it's just a well crafted show. Strong characters, powerful imagery, proficient but not-excessive use of voice over, perfect timing, and great pacing. It's far more realistic than you would believe.

And yeah, even some of the worst episodes are leagues above anything else on TV.
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2007-08-20, 2:56 PM #8
MASH was the greatest sitcom ever.
2007-08-20, 2:59 PM #9
Agreed. No other show has made social remarks as bold and powerful as mash while simultaneously applying a thick coat of wit and humor that has yet to be matched.
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2007-08-20, 3:00 PM #10
My freshmen year at highschool (many moons ago) was composed of teachers talking about the newest episode of Scrubs. I do watch Scrubs time to time when I'm bored (on Comedy Central), it's a good thing that it's not Friends in a hospital.
2007-08-20, 3:00 PM #11
It's quite good, but i find it painfully slow at times. With lots of shows I can watch like 6 episodes back to back, but sometimes I can barely make it through one episode of scrubs.
2007-08-20, 3:08 PM #12
I really liked it at first. I'd love to start watching it again but every time Dr. Cox comes on and does his same old tired **** I have to turn it off. So many classic moments with Turk and JD though, definitely two of the most hilarious characters on TV
2007-08-20, 3:14 PM #13
I know what you mean about Cox doing the same thing over and over, but I just imagine Jon`C telling me something, and it makes it funny again.
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2007-08-20, 3:49 PM #14
scrubs is funny for about 2 or 3 episodes then all the jokes kinda blend into one huge lump of "i've heard this all before"
2007-08-20, 4:07 PM #15
Originally posted by Echoman:
My freshmen year at highschool (many moons ago) was composed of teachers talking about the newest episode of Scrubs. I do watch Scrubs time to time when I'm bored (on Comedy Central), it's a good thing that it's not Friends in a hospital.

Same here. Not the high school bit, the watching when I'm bored bit. It's a fairly decent boredom killer, and I love Dr. Cox, but I can't watch it for more than 2, or maybe sometimes 3 episodes before it too becomes boring.
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2007-08-20, 4:13 PM #16
Scrubs is indeed a good show, but I'm a bit tired of it. I loved Dr. Cox until I discovered Dr. House. Scrubs is still a lot of fun. Let's say it's the best sitcom since MASH. I'd say there are better shows in general (Arrested Development)
Ban Jin!
Nobody really needs work when you have awesome. - xhuxus
2007-08-20, 4:26 PM #17
I can't stand arrested development.
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2007-08-20, 5:13 PM #18
Originally posted by JediKirby:
I can't stand, arrested development.


Scrubs IS good! Me like.
2007-08-20, 5:19 PM #19
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2007-08-20, 5:21 PM #20
There are a lot of shows I like, but I just went through them all in my mind and tried to think of one that's better than Scrubs. I couldn't think of one. Heroes, House, 24, The Office... none of those are as good.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2007-08-20, 5:27 PM #21
If we're just talking about the straight up best show on TV, that's The Wire, no question. For comedy/less serious shows, I'd take Entourage over Scrubs for sure. It may not have the depth or laughs-per-minute of Scrubs but it's just more fun to watch.
2007-08-20, 5:41 PM #22
Entourage is yet another play-the-strings (or as I call them, "Harpers") show from paid cable. Same with Weeds, Sopranos, and every other "give em what they want" programming. It's by no means a bad show, it just doesn't surprise me when they do exactly what you expect every. single. time. And you love it.
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2007-08-20, 5:50 PM #23

coming of age lesson
rant from dr cox
ditzy blonde
empowered latina lady
black man acting black
main dude telling his friend that he is black
top guy being nasty and vindictive
janitor playing a prank or doing something INSANO
relationship observation
random jokes throughout that are usually pretty incidental or based around a common theme at the start of the episode

hey i like the show except for one thing that makes me want to eat my own eyeballs because it pisses me off so much


i swear to god everytime i hear him give his moral speech at the end of each episode i want to **** him in the eyeball until my cock is covered in his brain matter.

(Peep Show is a funnier comedy by the way).
2007-08-20, 5:55 PM #24
Spe's so cute.
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2007-08-20, 6:02 PM #25
after spending a few hours sat outside a school staring at all the girls in uniform i can tell you that i am not cute, not by a long way.
2007-08-20, 6:39 PM #26
paging landfsh to Thread #48137
Code to the left of him, code to the right of him, code in front of him compil'd and thundered. Programm'd at with shot and $SHELL. Boldly he typed and well. Into the jaws of C. Into the mouth of PERL. Debug'd the 0x258.
2007-08-20, 8:45 PM #27
Scrubs is hands down my favorite comedy on the major networks; I have probably watched each season at least ten times. Brilliant brilliant show, although I am glad this is the last season. The inevitable downslide of quality has hit, so ending things now isn't a bad idea at all. - As Featured in Guitar Hero II!
2007-08-20, 11:46 PM #28
I love Scrubs, Dr. Cox is probably one of the best characters in anything ever, even though J.D is a whiny hypocritical jackass but I guess he's not an entirely bad main character. Especially since his chin just got fatter as the series went on...

Yet I have to agree the last season wasn't that fun anymore, especially the finale. I hope they're not gonna go with the "OMG LOL TRUE COUPLE FOREVA" thing but they probably will! Meh.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-08-21, 8:24 AM #29
I never really got into it. I seem to have a dislike for sitcoms in general. Sure they sometimes make me chuckle, but I feel like I could be spending my time doing something much more fun or worthwhile. I would sometimes watch it with my ex, but it never really had me wanting more. :ninja:
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2007-08-21, 8:36 AM #30
MASH was great, but I prefer the earlier episodes to the later, preachy ones.
2007-08-21, 8:45 AM #31
Pffft, Fresh Prince of Belair was the best.

*Jep has vacated the building.*
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2007-08-21, 9:02 AM #32
Originally posted by JediGandalf:
paging landfsh to Thread #48137

good day to you sir

and yes, SCRUBS

it rocks. srsly. anyone that doesn't like scrubs is automatically a communist. :colbert:
tofu sucks
2007-08-21, 9:05 AM #33
gbk is 50 probably

2007-08-21, 10:15 AM #34
yeah... scrubs is awesome...
but house is better! WOOT!
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2007-08-21, 10:42 AM #35
Since everyone else is listing their favourite sitcoms I will too:

Father Ted
Peep Show
The Mighty Boosh
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Red Dwarf
Black Books
Fawlty Towers
The Young Ones

All of which are far better than scrubs will ever hope to be.
2007-08-21, 11:05 AM #36
Originally posted by TheJkWhoSaysNi:
Curb Your Enthusiasm

also awesome
gbk is 50 probably

2007-08-21, 11:10 AM #37
I probably watch the show just for Dr. Cox. He gets the best dialog in every episode and is probably the most interesting character. As for the show being boring... you guys must have ADD or something.
2007-08-21, 1:39 PM #38
Originally posted by TheJkWhoSaysNi:
Since everyone else is listing their favourite sitcoms I will too:

Father Ted
Peep Show
The Mighty Boosh
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Red Dwarf
Black Books
Fawlty Towers
The Young Ones

All of which are far better than scrubs will ever hope to be.

2007-08-21, 1:41 PM #39
Originally posted by Jin:
I probably watch the show just for Dr. Cox. He gets the best dialog in every episode and is probably the most interesting character. As for the show being boring... you guys must have ADD or something.

El agreed.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-08-21, 1:47 PM #40
Scrubs is pretty good, but like MASH, over-rated =p
You can't judge a book by it's file size

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