I was thinking about something the led to something else that reminded me an old thread here. Somebody was complaining that his mom claimed educational expenses that were his and she never paid herself so he couldn't claim them on his taxes. I didn't know then but know now that he never could have claimed them himself since his mother claimed his as a dependent. All that belly aching over a moot point.
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What got me thinking about it was when my daughter was frantically emailing me while I was in Iraq about how I needed to file an ammended return so I could claim some additional amount when she found out she couldn't claim it. It was a small amount so I never did.
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What got me thinking about it was when my daughter was frantically emailing me while I was in Iraq about how I needed to file an ammended return so I could claim some additional amount when she found out she couldn't claim it. It was a small amount so I never did.
"I would rather claim to be an uneducated man than be mal-educated and claim to be otherwise." - Wookie 03:16