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ForumsDiscussion Forum → [Linux] Adding to PATH? plus TwinView individual monitor gamma?
[Linux] Adding to PATH? plus TwinView individual monitor gamma?
2007-08-25, 12:27 PM #1
So I've been trying to add a path onto the PATH env variable, with not much success. I've gotten it to work in CTRL+ALT+F# bash shells, but not inside of bash shells I run from within gnome-terminal inside X. Those don't have my path on PATH.

I tried the "Single Users" and "All Users" solutions listed here. Each time I tried one I restarted gnome-terminal but the path was not added. I also tried just using the export command on the shell and restarting gnome-terminal. It wasn't persistent.

After I did the "Single User" solution (~/.bash_profile) I finally noticed it was working in CTRL+ALT+F# shells, so I decided I just might need to restart X. That didn't work. I rebooted the computer. That didn't work. The path was still working in CTRL+ALT+F# shells but still not in gnome-terminal bash shells.

Any ideas? Actually I just got one... maybe adding an export to .xinitrc might help? [Edit: Didn't work]

Anyone know how to adjust individual gamma levels on TwinView? xgamma and the Gamma attribute in xorg.conf won't work because they can only be applied per-Screen, and TwinView works by presenting two monitors as one Monitor and Screen to X. I was able to use the solution there to get them to show up as two separate monitors and screens in X, but they were separate X sessions, meaning I couldn't share windows across them, which is what I wanted so I reverted to TwinView. If I can have two separate screen items in X without having to have two X sessions this would be a preferred solution, actually.

NVidia has a settings control panel for generating xorg.confs with multimonitor settings (a bit buggy, it created an invalid xorg.conf once with three quotes on one line and x wouldn't start) and from exploring it it looks like what I want isn't possible. :( Help?

[Edit BONUS BONUS: How do I keep Nautilus from putting icons of USB drives on the desktop?]

2007-08-25, 8:51 PM #2
i dont understand a word you just said.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2007-08-25, 9:50 PM #3
In your home directory, edit a file called .bash_profile (note the . in the beginning). Just add it like this:

export PATH

Works great for me. In that case, I added /home/brian/Komodo to the PATH and then reexported it. .bash_profile is read each time a terminal is started, I believe. Perhaps gnome is stupid and doesn't re-read the file each time the terminal is started? Perhaps it's moronic and needs a reboot? Not sure, I use aterm, much simpler.

You can also do it in one line:

export PATH=$PATH:~/.bin

That's adding ".bin" to my current path. I have one in .bashrc and one in .bash_profile - I believe the .bashrc one is read only on LOGIN shells, and .bash_profile is on any shells. A lot of people just put all their edits in .bashrc and then have .bash_profile run .bashrc, keeps things simpler.
2007-08-26, 8:58 PM #4
Argh... I did make a .bash_profile :psyduck: It works for terminals only outside my X session. Reboot didn't fix it.

I actually did compress the two lines into one line. Doesn't appear to make a difference (I'd be surprised if it did).

I'll try .bashrc next time I reboot into Ubuntu.

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