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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Was "gleaking" ever a big thing at your school?
Was "gleaking" ever a big thing at your school?
2007-08-28, 2:17 PM #1
I just kind of randomly remember. "Gleaking" is when you kind of raise your tongue and press it to the front of your mouth, making some sort of spit gland squeez out a small amount of saliva in a tiny, jet stream type spray. You would do this on someone, essentially spitting on the, but in such a small amount that they aren't supposed to get mad about it, but it was still kinda gross. Soda seems to enhance the effects of gleaking, which caused it to be particularly popular around lunch time in my school in 6th or 7th grade. Anyone know of what I speak?
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2007-08-28, 2:19 PM #2
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2007-08-28, 2:19 PM #3
Lot of the baseball players at my school do it. Seems like a habit though.
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2007-08-28, 2:21 PM #4
i remember one of my friends in 8th grade did that all the time. i never quite got the hang of it though.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2007-08-28, 2:21 PM #5
Yeah, a lot of kids at my school did that.
omnia mea mecum porto
2007-08-28, 2:26 PM #6
Yeah, that happened a bit, i honestly can't recal if it was highschool or junior high. but I haven't seen anyone purposefully do that since atleast my seinor year of highschool.
On a Swedish chainsaw: "Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals."
2007-08-28, 2:28 PM #7
we spent more time throwing compasses at each other or chewing up lumps of paper and launching them through the end of biro tubes.
2007-08-28, 2:28 PM #8
Nope. You're all weird.
2007-08-28, 2:35 PM #9
When I was in middle school 12 years ago, sure.
Pissed Off?
2007-08-28, 2:39 PM #10
not even once, thats pretty ****ing filthy
2007-08-28, 2:46 PM #11
In Junior high, yes. It kind of died out in high school though. Unless you were part of the honky clique.
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2007-08-28, 2:52 PM #12
Originally posted by Roach:
Yeah, a lot of kids at my school did that.

Yep. It was pretty big in our middle school. I could never do it consistently though.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2007-08-28, 3:12 PM #13
Originally posted by Freelancer:
I could never do it consistently

i feel your pain dude sometimes i do it completely by accident.
2007-08-28, 3:38 PM #14
I can't do it on demand. Some people in middle school did it occasionally.
Naked Feet are Happy Feet
2007-08-28, 3:40 PM #15
Yeah it was big in middle school, and some were quite adept at it. There were distance matches, heh.
2007-08-28, 3:47 PM #16
what the hell are you all on about?
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2007-08-28, 4:11 PM #17
It's easy, Detty, just get the most sour thing you can think of (maybe a super-sour hard candy or something), open your mouth, raise your tongue, and your body will do the rest.
omnia mea mecum porto
2007-08-28, 4:17 PM #18
Yes, they did it when I was kid (and that was a LONG time ago).
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2007-08-28, 4:20 PM #19
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2007-08-28, 4:23 PM #20
Wikipedia has this awesome photo of it:
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-08-28, 4:38 PM #21
I'm one of those who has the pleasure of being able to control it. While I haven't used the "talent" in years, this thread reminded me of my now latent ability and I'm pleased to announce that I can still launch spit from my sublingual salivary glands around 10 feet, and pretty accurately.

It was a big popular thing way back when I was in Jr. High or so as well. Oh what a wonderful prank... you walk up and spit straight in somebody's face and they rarely get as mad as if you did it the other way. Brilliant! :downswords:
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2007-08-28, 5:23 PM #22

we prefered doing things that could result in bodily injury... in elementary school it was who could get the most distance by launching themselves from the swings... in middle school there was still playground equipment... swings and such but we tackled this tall jungle gym thing and threw each other off of it.. in high school... there was alot of bypassing the stairs to get from the stands to the gym floor... over the railing and down to the floor... and then us nuts in the JROTC racing each other down the side of the building

but we never spit on each other
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2007-08-28, 11:06 PM #23
something about the word "gleaking" makes me ****ing cringe
gbk is 50 probably

2007-08-29, 12:12 AM #24
You're probably imagining meth heads gleaking.
Pissed Off?
2007-08-29, 12:13 AM #25
I can't do it on command (not that I want to), but it usually happens while I talk and I hate it.

Back in middle school one of my friends did it all the time, it got annoying.... especially when he do it right onto your face.... gross.
2007-08-29, 12:25 AM #26
Actually, since the saliva comes straight from the gland, it's nowhere near as contaminated as the saliva of the mouth. Someone else's would be virtually the same as your own (saliva is already that way, but still).
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2007-08-29, 12:33 AM #27
That sounds like something we had in pre-school.
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2007-08-29, 1:01 AM #28
Damn. A few of the worst brutes were doing that back when I was in school. Fortunately it never got popular and I certainly didn't socialize with that ilk if I could help it. I had all but forgotten the whole thing.
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2007-08-29, 1:23 AM #29
No, but eating mace was.
2007-08-29, 1:38 AM #30
You can't judge a book by it's file size
2007-08-29, 1:40 AM #31
Don't you have some twitching to do somewhere, Deadman?
2007-08-29, 2:44 AM #32
Originally posted by Vincent Valentine:
No, but eating mace was.

Spicy .
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2007-08-29, 5:47 AM #33
I never could do that, I still have friends that do it. It's very annoying.
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"hurr hairy guy said my backhair looks dumb hurr hairy guy smash"
2007-08-29, 12:05 PM #34
I only do it on accident. 99% of the time it happens when I'm writing a paper in class, and then I get spittle all over the looseleaf :(
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