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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Looking for ideas for a small project
Looking for ideas for a small project
2007-08-30, 3:06 AM #1
I recently acquired a USB fan (cheap birthday gag gift) and the motor and housing fell off the end of it after about 20 minutes of use, so Instead of throwing it away I thought I might make a project out of it. :D

What I want to do it wire it to a small female end plug and then make a few attachments for it. I'm going to make the fan attachable again and I figured I'd make an LED desk light attachment as well, but I'm looking for a few more ideas.

It only has the 5v and ground wire, so they need to be rather simple attachments, and the whole thing doesn't have much support, so they have to be small and lightweight.

Anyone have some ideas?
2007-08-30, 8:31 AM #2
2007-08-30, 9:06 AM #3
ag kinda beat me i was gonna say Sybian.
2007-08-31, 9:15 AM #4
What else could you need attached to your computer?

Maybe a mouse cord holder or something?
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Come again some other day
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I'll never hear a word you say

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