Umm... no.
The matrix reloaded had AWESOME fight scenes, that I still enjoy even to today:
The French Man's house
and the freeway car chase are AWESOME
The matrix Revolutions:
Battle for Zion in the Docks
Neo v.s. Smith
Matrix I
had good fights too:
Morpheus v.s. Neo
The whole gun fight scene in the building
Neo v.s. Smith
Now lets look at some other movies:
Rambo 1-3:
I like these movies, but, I only enjoy certain moments, the rest are just meh. Why? Because they are just pointless silly action with no real plot or story. A fight becomes A Lot more interesting with a story, even its a weak story. For example: Blade I and parts of Blade II (Blade III was cool but it wasn't that good).
Adding a story to a fight, makes a WHOLE lot of difference.
Another example of story based fights/battles:
The Last Samurai:
I love EVERY fight in this movie, why, because you feel emotion, the need for them, the idealism, etc, they involve you a lot more than people fighting just to fight.
Nothing to see here, move along.