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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Belgium to prosecute Church of Scientology as a criminal organization
Belgium to prosecute Church of Scientology as a criminal organization
2007-09-04, 8:32 AM #1
For you non-GBS goons and non-goons:

the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2007-09-04, 8:37 AM #2

Now Telex can perform Moscow Discow without having to withstand some guy in the audience eating placenta sandwiches!
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-09-04, 9:08 AM #3
I like how the Church's response is not to try and refute the claims of blackmail, deception, unfair trading, and practising medicine illegally - but rather to justify them as being a 'religious movement'.

How long are we going to accept absurd and downright dangerous beliefs purely through respect for 'religious faith'? Belgium is awesome for persuing rule of law above all.

That said, you could probably consider the Catholic Church a criminal organisation as well for its view on birth control and the damage caused by it.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2007-09-04, 9:39 AM #4
This reminds me of the (several) times Germany banned Tom Cruise from filming.
2007-09-04, 9:39 AM #5
The organisation counters criticism by pointing to its high profile followers like Tom Cruise and John Travolta.

While hilarious, I can't help but feel that this is kind of a stawman.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2007-09-04, 9:49 AM #6
Tom Cruise and John Travolta don't seem like a good counter at all, especially if people already consider them a bit looney.
2007-09-04, 10:05 AM #7
This is plain old religious intolerance. I would have thought Europe would have learned its lesson hundreds of years ago, but obviously not.
2007-09-04, 10:40 AM #8
It is indeed intolerance, and it's about time.

Just because you dress something up as 'religion' or 'faith' that doesn't mean it should be automatically tolerated. For far too long have stupid, dangerous and unjust things been tolerated purely because they've been dressed up as 'faith'.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2007-09-04, 10:42 AM #9
they should ban all the different sky wizards :colbert:
2007-09-04, 10:59 AM #10
I want to move to Belgium for a reason other than waffles now.
2007-09-04, 11:19 AM #11
yeah. saying that birth control should not be used in far from criminal. however molesting children IS a criminal offense. one that seems to have found a home with some of the clergy in the catholic church. the churches response to all this i find almost as disgusting, the local cardinals refuse to condemn the actions taken by the offending priests, they refuse to turn over documents needed for the prosecution of thsee terrible men. even the Vatican has remained disturbingly silent about all of this.

...but their views on birth control... meh.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2007-09-04, 11:23 AM #12
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-09-04, 11:32 AM #13
Originally posted by Mort-Hog:
It is indeed intolerance, and it's about time.

Just because you dress something up as 'religion' or 'faith' that doesn't mean it should be automatically tolerated. For far too long have stupid, dangerous and unjust things been tolerated purely because they've been dressed up as 'faith'.

if something illegal is actually going on then by all mean a church SHOULD be held accountable. however there is a difference between truly being exploited and just being to much of an idiot to know when you've been had.

protecting people from their own idiocy by lowering everything to their level is never the best choice. education is always preferable.

...but then i really wouldn't mind if Scientology was banned altogether. hypocritical as that may be.
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2007-09-04, 11:42 AM #14
Originally posted by Darth_Alran:
yeah. saying that birth control should not be used in far from criminal.

That the Catholic church is in a position of trust for many people and for them to go on to brazenly lie about the effectiveness of condoms even in AIDS-ridden areas like sub-Saharan Africa verges on criminality if you ask me.
2007-09-04, 12:32 PM #15
Originally posted by Darth_Alran:
if something illegal is actually going on then by all mean a church SHOULD be held accountable. however there is a difference between truly being exploited and just being to much of an idiot to know when you've been had.

protecting people from their own idiocy by lowering everything to their level is never the best choice. education is always preferable.

...but then i really wouldn't mind if Scientology was banned altogether. hypocritical as that may be.

Spreading lies and disinformation about psychiatry so that they can steal money from people that most probably genuinely need therapy certainly sounds criminal to me.

A business or a school or any other sort of organisation would never get away with this sort of absurdity - it only under the thin veil of 'faith' that it is maintained and only by the unquestionable respect we're supposed to have for anything 'faith-based' that it is tolerated.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt. " - Bertrand Russell
The Triumph of Stupidity in Mortals and Others 1931-1935
2007-09-04, 2:00 PM #16
If you think that a government should ignore illegal actions taken by a "faith" because it prescribes to people's weaknesses, and that it is ok because those people are dumb, then you grossly misunderstand the responsibilities and duties of a society-serving government.
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