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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Call of Duty 4
Call of Duty 4
2007-09-05, 6:57 AM #1
So, I was one of the lucky few who got into the Call of Duty 4 mutliplayer beta on the first round of beta invites.

I can conclusively say that this is by far the best Call of Duty game so far, in terms of multiplayer. They added in some RPG elements to the game, making mutliplayer into more of an attempt to achieve more weapons, perks and upgrades, as opposed to just mindless killing.

This game really blew me out of the water, it's more of an evolution of multiplayer gameplay, as opposed to the same old stuff we're gonna see from Halo 3 later this year.

Anyone else in the beta? Thoughts? Questions?
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2007-09-05, 10:21 AM #2
United Offensive seemed to fail when they tried to make it more than mindless killing, and CoD2 seemed to revert back to traditions. I hope CoD4 is as good as you say.
2007-09-05, 10:22 AM #3
This is a 360 thing, isn't it? :(
2007-09-05, 10:34 AM #4
Are you allowed more than 2 weapons? One of my biggest gripes I've had with a lot of MP games is that you can have countless weapons... it destroys the flow and removes alot of realism.
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2007-09-05, 10:39 AM #5
I hate people like you.

The drive for realism was boring in the late 90s and it's boring now.

Most people play games to escape reality. Otherwise we'd be on "Wow My Life Sucks Make It Stop 10th edition"
2007-09-05, 11:04 AM #6
Apparently more and more people want to escape reality by bringing reality to games.

A recent example: STALKER and Bioshock. Both FPS games with random RPGish features. STALKER seems very annoying to play at times for many reasons like the Post-HL2 Modern Game Tediousness Syndrome and its attempt to be so ultrarealistic. Bioshock is practically void of ultrarealism and it's awesomely fun. Hmm.

Oh well, if someone wants to have fun playing Mario and bet if that short fat Italian is gonna get a broken femur or end up dribbling like Terri Schiavo after all that jumping... well, have fun.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-09-05, 11:18 AM #7
Originally posted by Rob:
This is a 360 thing, isn't it? :(

The beta, is, yes. The full game is cross platform.

And you can only have two weapons. You spawn with the weapon of your choice (Shotgun, assault rifle, sniper rifle) with whatever upgrades / camouflage / perks you want, and a pistol of your choice. You can then swap the pistol for any weapon you find laying around, and that weapon retains the upgrades that the user gave it.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2007-09-05, 11:23 AM #8
Originally posted by RingMaster481:
United Offensive seemed to fail when they tried to make it more than mindless killing, and CoD2 seemed to revert back to traditions. I hope CoD4 is as good as you say.

It seems to be a mix of the two, there's mindless killing (At least in deathmatch, the other modes aren't in yet), but there's also some tactical things. For instance, when you get 3 kills in a row, you get a UAV that reveals enemy players to your whole team on the radar. At 5 kills you get to call in an air strike, and at 7 kills you get to call in a helicopter (Which the enemy can shoot down).
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2007-09-05, 11:26 AM #9
CoD2 is a pretty amazing game.

It's good to hear that CoD4 isn't bad, but claims that it is better will have to be tested extensively.

CoD2 is great because it's fast paced, unrealistic, and doesn't given me a chance to nod off. No matter how sleepy I am, I can always play CoD2 with complete focus.
2007-09-05, 11:33 AM #10
Wow, I'm behind. I have CoD and CoD: United Offensive, and CoD2. No ver3 yet. Definitely not 4.

And I didn't do MP on any of them, however I loved the SP on the first CoD games. CoD2 not so much.
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2007-09-05, 11:55 AM #11
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
Apparently more and more people want to escape reality by bringing reality to games.

A recent example: STALKER and Bioshock. Both FPS games with random RPGish features. STALKER seems very annoying to play at times for many reasons like the Post-HL2 Modern Game Tediousness Syndrome and its attempt to be so ultrarealistic. Bioshock is practically void of ultrarealism and it's awesomely fun. Hmm.

Oh well, if someone wants to have fun playing Mario and bet if that short fat Italian is gonna get a broken femur or end up dribbling like Terri Schiavo after all that jumping... well, have fun.

Stalker wasn't a fun game.

It was a poorly running sort of time waster.
2007-09-05, 11:56 AM #12
I didn't exactly call STALKER fun but I guess there's some sucky wording there as usual.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-09-05, 2:31 PM #13
Originally posted by Chewbubba:
Wow, I'm behind. I have CoD and CoD: United Offensive, and CoD2. No ver3 yet. Definitely not 4.

And I didn't do MP on any of them, however I loved the SP on the first CoD games. CoD2 not so much.

i dont think there's a ver3 for the pc.
2007-09-05, 4:16 PM #14
Originally posted by Rob:
I hate people like you.

The drive for realism was boring in the late 90s and it's boring now.

Most people play games to escape reality. Otherwise we'd be on "Wow My Life Sucks Make It Stop 10th edition"

I wonder what you'd say if CoD4 had dragons and pink fatigues, planet destroying weapons and the ability to walk through walls...

Realism isn't a bad thing. Heaven forbid people actually like limitations in a game so it requires more skill than just running up to someone and shooting them with more ammo of a bigger gun first.

I'm going to wait until a friend gets this game and maybe try it at their house, I wasn't much of a fan of the CoD series, but this one looks like it could be fun.
omnia mea mecum porto
2007-09-05, 5:33 PM #15
Originally posted by Rob:
I hate people like you.

The drive for realism was boring in the late 90s and it's boring now.

Most people play games to escape reality. Otherwise we'd be on "Wow My Life Sucks Make It Stop 10th edition"

I agree.
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2007-09-05, 8:42 PM #16
Originally posted by Roach:
I wonder what you'd say if CoD4 had dragons and pink fatigues, planet destroying weapons and the ability to walk through walls...

Realism isn't a bad thing. Heaven forbid people actually like limitations in a game so it requires more skill than just running up to someone and shooting them with more ammo of a bigger gun first.

I'm going to wait until a friend gets this game and maybe try it at their house, I wasn't much of a fan of the CoD series, but this one looks like it could be fun.

If It had dragons I wouldn't play it.

Fantasy is boring.
2007-09-05, 8:47 PM #17
But if it's fantasy, it can be anything you want! Anything! Is that boring? :P
2007-09-05, 11:34 PM #18
Originally posted by Roach:
I wonder what you'd say if CoD4 had dragons and pink fatigues, planet destroying weapons and the ability to walk through walls...

I'd say "Now someone doesn't seem to get the difference between realism and ultrarealism".
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-09-06, 12:58 AM #19
...that was my point Niku?
omnia mea mecum porto
2007-09-06, 10:09 AM #20
Originally posted by Zell:
But if it's fantasy, it can be anything you want! Anything! Is that boring? :P

Not if everyone's idea of fantasy is the same boring high elf and dragons evil lord CRAP I'm ****ing tired of.
2007-09-06, 10:21 AM #21
Meh, just throw some lesbians into that fantasy and its not boring anymore.
2007-09-06, 11:22 AM #22
I don't know about you.

But I don't masturbate to video games, so their porn quality isn't very high.

Maybe you need to go play some more DOA extreme. Perv.
2007-09-06, 6:04 PM #23
All I said was it'd be less boring, not erotic. :P

I shouldn't have to point this out, but I've never played any of the DOA games. Chill. :colbert:
2007-09-06, 8:54 PM #24
You're the one talking about lesbians in video games.
2007-09-07, 3:22 PM #25
And you're the one complaining about it. :hist101:
2007-09-07, 8:27 PM #26
I'm not complaining about it.

I was pointing out that getting off on polygonal lesbians is about as weird as someone who shlubs it to hot coffee mod or The Sims.
2007-09-07, 10:10 PM #27
If they want to go for realism, They need to factor in how drastically the heat reduces your motivation in 120 degree weather wearing armor that is basically 4 ceramic plates. You get cooked ;)

Plus: Weapons Jams, Equipment failures in general, Vehicle malfunctions, lazy Soldiers, ****bag Soldiers.... ;)

Just Sayin'
If my smoking bothers you, don't breathe.
2007-09-07, 10:39 PM #28
Originally posted by Roach:
Realism isn't a bad thing. Heaven forbid people actually like limitations in a game so it requires more skill than just running up to someone and shooting them with more ammo of a bigger gun first.

He's right. I like the idea that I can spawn in a game and have a fighting chance at taking some douchebag out because he won't have a proverbial arsenal at his disposal.

I think realism is something that needs to be prominent in a game depicting real-life combat situations using realistic weapons and locations. You didn't see some grunt carrying 10 weapons on a Nazi-slaying rampage in WW2.

However, there are tons of games that aren't realistic at all, except for graphics, where I think it's perfectly legitimate to do whatever the **** you want.
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2007-09-07, 11:52 PM #29
Tired of WW2 as well.
2007-09-07, 11:56 PM #30
I'm not tired of WW2, oddly enough. If there's an FPS that can usually hold me til the end, it has a good chance of being a WW2 game. I play others too (FEAR was fantastic) but WW2 FPS's can usually hold me because it's something that happened, and I'm interested in it. And I only play the good WW2 games, so I've seen maybe 3 or 4 Omaha Beach missions.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2007-09-08, 12:00 AM #31
While WW2 games show that game developers are constantly losing all their past creativity, they're still automatically 10000x times better than any "Sand In My Vagina: The Iraq Campaign" game there could ever be.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2007-09-08, 1:08 AM #32
Yeah, that game would be fun. -_-

"Oh No, wait! Don't shoot him! We have to call up to higher and make sure it's ok first, hold on!"


Or like when Battalion took our frag grenades away because they said Frag Grenades cause too many casualties... *facepalm*
If my smoking bothers you, don't breathe.
2007-09-08, 4:31 AM #33
Originally posted by Blood Asp:
I think realism is something that needs to be prominent in a game depicting real-life combat situations using realistic weapons and locations. You didn't see some grunt carrying 10 weapons on a Nazi-slaying rampage in WW2.

However, there are tons of games that aren't realistic at all, except for graphics, where I think it's perfectly legitimate to do whatever the **** you want.

omnia mea mecum porto

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