so tell me, is this weird? I go to dinner with these two female friends of mine, and as I'm leaving, one says she's going to go study at this cafe and invites me along. I say sure, and we go straight there, but she ducks into a store to get some sandals and says she'll meet me there. I get a table and order some tea, but when she later arrives, she sits at a different table a little ways away and says, "oh, I'm going to be spreading out and making flashcards"
I mean, it's like going to a movie theater with somebody and saying, you go get a seat, I'm going to that bathroom, and then sitting on the other side of the theater saying "oh, I like sitting on the aisle, I'll see you after it's over"
or like going to study in the library and sitting on the opposite end
I mean, yeah, we're both still studying, but the idea of going with someone else to study, at least for me, involves sitting in proximity so you can commiserate about study woes or whatever
if she had wanted to "spread out" and sit by herself, she shouldn't have invited someone else along to begin with.
In short, I think it was all either very socially dysfunctional or rude. I just paid for my tea and left. I mean, how should I react to that?