I've been in a mega Thunderbirds mood for over the past two weeks. I have found many things that I am not pleased with about the movie, but I have also found that about everyone who saw the movie (Including Sylvia Anderson) liked it. Of all the stuff I'm pissed about in the new movie, I pobubly am most pissed about learning the Virgil doesn't pilot Thunderbird 2 (Gordon does). Virgil only co-pilots Thunderbird 3. Thunderbird 4 looks nothing like it did in the origenal series. But overall I'm going to wait till I accually see it before I make my final judgement.
I first saw the Thunderbirds show back when if first came out on Tech TV (Now G4Tech TV. I don't like the change). The first episode I saw was "City of Fire" (Episode 3), and from there I was hooked. I've seen all 32 episodes, but so far none of the movies ("Thunderbirds are Go!", "Thunderbird 6", and the new Thunderbirds live action movie).
I have gotten so much into Thunderbirds lately that I've been listening to my Thunderbirds CD every time I get on the computer, made all five Thunderbirds out of Legos, made a Virgil Tracy skin for Jedi Outcast/Jedi Academy (Still waiting to see it here on massassi.net), watched my two sets of Thunderbirds DVDs two to three times, drew Thunderbird 2 a few times, drew a nice picture of Virgil, and started calling my Green-cheeked Conure "Thunderbird 2" (His real name is Pippin. I'm sure theres more stuff that I did that I just forgot about. If you want you can look at the the picture I drew of
Pippin and Thunderbird 2. Its not my best work of course.
Favorite episode: "The Man from MI5".
Favorite Thunderbird: Thunderbird 2.
Favorite caractor: Virgil Tracy.
Favorite voice actor: Shane Rimmer.
Favorite crew member: Derek Meddings.
Bellorna-sa ecto mandaba-fa?