Make sure youve got version 4 upwards for a start.
Then, download the themes you want - I recommend Ice, vector cell, opulence, mini-OS and origin.
Open windowblinds theme manager by clicking on the icon in your taskbar. You shouild see something looking like this:
Click 'Install from disk'
Select the themes you want, one at a time.
This puts them in your list at the bottom, so click on one you want to try, then click 'Apply this skin'
Bob is certainly your mother's male sibling.
Oh, and for the record, Windowblinds uses your graphics card to render the themes, taking load off your processor
(Ok so some themes, for instance Antares, take up loads of RAM, but the ones I've recommended are slick)
If at first you don't succeed, lower your standards.
[This message has been edited by Martyn (edited July 28, 2004).]