Is a Bad A**. I mean how much cooler could he get? On a scale from cool to awsome he is Uberific-Awsomley-Cool...I can't stop listening to The Steward of Gondor on the RotK soundtrack....Pippin..what a Bad A**. Merry is just whoreing him for his voice.. I know it!
So...who is your favorite? and Whats in Your wallet?!
a.) Pippin. What a bad a**
b.) If I had a wallet, it would have 300 dollars a best buy card, a hot topic card, a library card, a gamestop card, and a borders card.
[Edit: Yes, by card I mean GIFT CARD]
Et E'llo Endorenna ut / Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn' / Ambar-metta!
(This IS[/b] SAJN_Master)
[This message has been edited by Rod-Nog (edited December 26, 2003).]
So...who is your favorite? and Whats in Your wallet?!
a.) Pippin. What a bad a**
b.) If I had a wallet, it would have 300 dollars a best buy card, a hot topic card, a library card, a gamestop card, and a borders card.
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[Edit: Yes, by card I mean GIFT CARD]
Et E'llo Endorenna ut / Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn' / Ambar-metta!
(This IS[/b] SAJN_Master)
[This message has been edited by Rod-Nog (edited December 26, 2003).]
Someone wrote this over one of the urinals: "The joke isn't on the wall; it's in your hand." - BV