I drank Egg Nog once and all I can remember is some minty taste. (Nutmeg?)
Well as far as gifts, I shopped on Black Friday last year expecting a nice fun shop with lots of great deals but I ended up not getting all the stuff I needed. I still had a wad of cash left over, but I was sort of disappointed.
So this year I'll shop the day before Thanksgiving or perhaps on the Sunday before Columbus Day and hopefully it won't be as crazy as Black Friday.
By the way guys, if you like shopping for clothes or want to buy clothes for somebody as gifts, I can recommend
the Chelsea Premium Outlets.
Sales are incredible there, especially during holidays. Columbus Day is coming up and I am assuming that they will be having lots of sale that day too.
Pretty much the clothes there is name brand stuff, but you can get it for cheaper.
Well I am looking forward to those holiday banners again on the forum (if we do them again). They were fun to look at.